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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    I've fallen off the band wagon, I need some support...

    Thanks guys. I can not wait until Friday, I have never wanted a week to be over more.
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks. I am hoping that the first fill will work right away. I know here's to dreaming. I feel like such a failure though, it sucks. I feel like I have the whole world looking at me and do this. I am sure this is remnants of my f*ed up mother beating me up....ugh...
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You know what I wish that was the case, then I would feel better. I haven't been eating crap, at least then I would know why I gained. :teeth_smile: But thanks everyone. I will pull on my big girl pannies and get over it. I can not wait to get my fill. I swear to god I am gonna die before then....ugh...
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I hate me. Gained 11 pounds.... :teeth_smile:
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    LOL...YAY Mac is back! BUT don't push yourself Mac! :thumbup:
  6. Boo Boo Kitty


    She hasn't said, but I agree on the photo! lol...
  7. Boo Boo Kitty


    Hello all As alot of you know I am involved in a Myspace contest for a pin up of the month. Well some jerk cheated and now I can no longer receive votes on the vote caster. I WAS winning as well! SO I am begging, pleading doing whatever it takes to get help! PLEASE go to this myspace account, friend her and vote for me on the October blog, for me, GINGER RAYNE. I can not let someone who cheated win. It is total BS. If she goes by myspace blog votes I will loose. Please help me out! Also add me, Ginger as well and let me know you voted for me! I appreciate it soooo much! xoxoxoxo I thank​ you all in advan​ce!​ HUGS and LOVE!​ Ginge​r www.myspace.com/sickgirlcreations
  8. Boo Boo Kitty


    They hacked into the system which enabled them to vote continuously. That person is a loser! lol..:bolt:
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    SWEET! Thanks! I am going to get it! Thank you!
  10. Your favorite lady at the top staring down at you needs your help! I am in a pin up contest! Please help me win! :biggrin: GO here and vote every 24 hours! I will owe you all! GINGER RAYNE is my pin up name, but you know my smile! :cool2: www.bravenet.com - A Bravenet.com Vote xooxoxoxox
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    I need help from you all! :)

    You need to add Lilth as a friend here... MySpace.com - sickgirl Creations *SGC* - 30 - Female - San Diego, California - www.myspace.com/sickgirlcreations And then vote on the Miss October blog, you must say vote for Ginger Rayne or it will not count! :tt1: Thanks! :bolt:
  12. Boo Boo Kitty


    Yup, just once. And you have to say "Vote for Ginger" or it won't count. I feel so damn cheated now. You all worked so hard....:bolt:
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    I need help from you all! :)

    No she isn't going to count any of the votes, and as of now I am loosing on the blog.... SO SAD that everyone did all this hard work for nothing....wahhh... Pity party of 1 right here! :bolt:
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    Anyone can do it! Just follow the rules with hard work. You can do it too!
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    Mommy Dearest, thanks for making sure I never feel happy!

    Link is MySpace.com - sickgirl Creations *SGC* - 30 - Female - San Diego, California - www.myspace.com/sickgirlcreations You must friend her and then comment on the October blog. Under my pic post "vote for Ginger" Thanks guys! Friend me as well! :crying:
  16. Well as a lot of you know I have a lot of issues with my mom. Well she has made it known now what a whore I am. Here is the link in question. I am Ginger Rayne... www.bravenet.com - A Bravenet.com Vote And here are her words of wisdom...after you read please tell me do you see what she is talking about? Am I a bad girl? Dearest Daughter, Without a doubt you are the most beautiful lady on there! I have my feelings and reservations and I hope that you will respect them as I am trying to respect and understand you and where you are coming from! I am very proud of you; and all your accomplishments! Including your weight loss, and new sense of self image! Still I have some strong feelings and reservations on this subject of your my space; and this other web site! I am not happy with all the types of people that will be seeing our daughter in this matter! I am going to ask you to do something difficult; please put yourself in my MOTHER shoes for just a minute! My mother shoes are screaming walk the other way please! Maybe I just don't understand all the Internet attraction; or your need to have your fans. Maybe I am an old fashion lady? What would you think if your mother did this? What will you think when someday Brooke or Faith thinks this is great; and God forbid they take it even one or two steps farther? You are a mom; along with being a mom is an incredible responsibility!!! One that I have always taken very seriously; and passionately! I know I have not been perfect; and I admit I have made tons of mistakes. My thought is from a mom's outlook here! I believe that I have taught you well; and to respect yourself, to think things through, to see the repercussions of your actions and that of others. I don't want to see anything bad happen to anyone of our girls; no matter what their age! What if someone from your daughters school see's these and says something negative to them? We all know how people have their own judgements and opinions, and can even be very cruel at times! Will they hurt your daughter's in anyway with their comments or actions? You look stunning and beautiful as you always have to us; but you don't need others to tell you that really do you? I hope that this letter does not put a wedge between us in anyway? I am not angry; just very concerned ! What if this comes back to haunt you someday? For instance in the job market? You are looking for a great future with a great job, of great responsibility! What if someone were to have the opinion that you aren't qualified because they think your judgement isn't quite what they had hoped for?? We have seen many times on the news were things have came back to haunt people; epically those of power or influence? Let use a for instance: Say you are an executive director of a large hospital or nursing home; someone turn this web stuff up, and due to a moral clause in your contract you have signed you lose your job? I know you think I am way out there on this but it is just my opinion and something serious to think about!! I know you aren't nude; but there leaves a lot to the imagination here. Guys with there tongues hang out doing God knows what are looking my daughters picture! Guys like Ralph! I feel like a failure as your mom if I don't at least say my peace! I am not angry, trying not to judge; more asking WHY?? I am proud to call you my daughter! You are intelligent, breathtakingly beautiful, goal orientated, hard working; and more! I ask you to think about all the things that I have put out there in this heartfelt letter! Sometimes as mom's very often we have to just stand up for what we believe in; I am saying in my opinion you are not thinking this through well enough! You are excited, proud, and finding yourself in this world. Great! But please do be careful that the wrong people do not find you; or misjudge you! This world is full of opinions, judgements, dangers; and a lot more. All I am asking you is to be aware of it! Please don't be angry with me; I am just being your Mother! A mother who LOVES her daughter with all her heart and soul! A mother who only wants the best for children, grandchildren; and my family! At least tell me you can understand that part of my concern? Again you are a Stunning Beauty. Let your inside beauty shine as brightly or brighter than you outside beauty so that others may know the true Brandy we all know and love! With all my heart. Love your Mom P.S. You have a link open from this voting place to your my space page; please consider stopping that link; and keeping your my space private to only those you choose! Please call me, and let me know how Norman is doing. And please let me know what you think of my letter; I will except what you have to say; all I ask is you understand my deep concern for you and our granddaughters. Again, Love you tons. Your mom forever no matter what!!!!
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    I need help from you all! :)

    Hello​ frien​ds I need your help.​ Those​ of you who were votin​g for me on the votec​aster​ know that it is down.​ Some jerk cheat​ed,​ so now all those​ votes​ no longe​r count​.​ I first​ want to thank​ all of you for votin​g for me, thank​ you! If you have not vote on the blog,​ pleas​e do so here!​ You will have to add her as a frien​d,​ but her stuff​ is cool so it is worth​ it!​:​)​ It is the only way to get me back in the lead as all you know was winni​ng!​ Toget​her we can do this again​!​ I thank​ you all in advan​ce!​ HUGS and LOVE!​ Ginge​r http:​/​/​profi​le.​ myspa​ce.​ com/​index​.​ cfm?​fusea​ction​=​user.​ viewp​rofil​e&​frien​dID=​39252​9145
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    Mommy Dearest, thanks for making sure I never feel happy!

    I need your help.​ Those​ of you who were votin​g for me on the votec​aster​ know that it is down.​ Some jerk cheat​ed,​ so now all those​ votes​ no longe​r count​.​ I first​ want to thank​ all of you for votin​g for me, thank​ you! If you have not vote on the blog,​ pleas​e do so here!​ You will have to add her as a frien​d,​ but her stuff​ is cool so it is worth​ it!​:​)​ It is the only way to get me back in the lead as all you know was winni​ng!​ Toget​her we can do this again​!​ I thank​ you all in advan​ce!​ HUGS and LOVE!​ Ginge​r Rayne http:​/​/​profi​le.​ myspa​ce.​ com/​index​.​ cfm?​fusea​ction​=​user.​ viewp​rofil​e&​frien​dID=​39252​9145
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    It has been taken down. Someone hacked the site to increase votes. SO I am screwed now. I know it was no one I know and love! She is investing it...so if you have myspace please go to her blog and vote.... It is the ONLY way now I can win......... :girl_hug:
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    Beautiful photos! Love them! If I am ever close I will call! I am in Michigan so not too far! :girl_hug:
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think we are there and no one wants to admit it. Kinda like me when I was fat, but ignoring it doesn't make it go away..:thumbup:
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Manatee's turn for plastics

    Manatee YOU look GREAT! There really is minimal bruising (or looks to be) As for as nerve damage, it does start to come back and believe me you will know when it starts to happen. I hurt like hell somedays for no reason. Just my body putting itself back together again! :girl_hug: Keep on getting healthy!
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    VA--I am glad things are doing better for you! I agree with Doc, better to be safe than sorry. Sweet--that is so freaking cool! Let us know how your test goes! :thumbup: AND yes Paris marathon at any age is a great story! YAY Ginger--sorry to hear that you've got sickies. I am sick as well. Got it from my kids. Glad to hear your house is ok. I am getting refilled on the 3rd, really sucks to have to start over with restriction when I was SOOOO happy! :girl_hug: Oh well.
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sick--ride your soap box, how else are you gonna get anywhere??? :)lol...
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Mommy Dearest, thanks for making sure I never feel happy!

    Wow green, I think you hit the nail on the head. I appreciate your honesty and openess. Sad to think death is the answer...

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