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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty


    I am so sorry but that is the WORSTE excuse on the face of the earth. I spent almost all of my childhood being raped, molested and left alone by my parents because they didn't believe me. NOT once has the urge to hurt someone else ever come over me. Not even for the most split second. Saying "I rape because I was raped" is a a disgusting horrible excuse. When it comes down to it there is NO excuse. We all make choices everyday that affect not only us but others. If you choose to hurt someone that is the choice you make, no one hold a gun to your head and makes you do it. It is a sick twisted person that rapes and molests. Man or woman it is horrible. The aftershock is something that no one will understand unless you have the unfortunate experience. Being a victim is NO REASON to turn someone else into one. If I had my way every last one of them would be castrated.
  2. Boo Boo Kitty


    I haven't been banded all that long, but I have seen a little spike in my shopping. I was addicted before surgery, but now it seems dropping sizes makes it a better excuse. I agree that we should deal with the real reason before surgery, but REALLY how many of us know the real reason? I spent years in counceling for rape and abuse. I could say that is the reason I over ate, but that is something you can never really get over, no matter how much you talk about it. I hate though that Oprah put such a bad spin on it. It is just another reason for us to be hated or seem lazy because we opt for surgery.
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Women's stocking sizes are EVIL!

    Terri I would LOVE to in fashion and go without stockings but 2 things prevent that.... 1. I am in Michigan and it get damn cold here! lol..I need the warmth 2. I live in Michigan and a ghost has a better complexion that me, I am as white as white comes, downright SCARY!
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    Women's stocking sizes are EVIL!

    I am guessing stocking were made by MEN! I had this problem this morning as well. I hate how they hang down on my crotch and make it hard to walk.
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Surgeon Salesmen?

    I agree that it very much could be jelousy. I think you need to remember that you are doing this FOR YOU, not them. And I agree that as your family you want them to supportive of you, but you are the most important issue in this equation. Their feelings of rudeness or distain are their own NOT YOURS! I hope they come around, but if it is jelousy it will only get worse as you loose! SO ALWAYS remember this is about YOU!!! :clap2:
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    Diarrhea after fills???

    It may be something totally unrealted to the banding. Think about WHAT you are eating, rather than the band. You may find the culprit is something like being lactose intolerant or IBS. (Irritable Bowl Syndrome)
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Tickle Me - Tickle You

    :omg: lol....makes me look at Elmo differently!! ROTFL!!!
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    Weigh In Corner

    Thanks, I think the realization I did not want to be 30 and look at the photos of the "surprise" birthday party my mom is going to throw for me and want to kill myself. (sorry mom, you make it too obvious) And congrats to you mdlichick you ARE in twoterville! YEAH!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Recipes for Slow Cooker

    Since I totally believe that the devil made cooking to punish me, I am ALL ABOUT the crock pot!! lol....I am going to try one of these today! Thanks!:clap2:
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    What color/race do you see?

    I agree that every generation gets a little better, which is good. I try to teach my children that everyone is equal. I do not allow them to descibe others by color, I feel it is totally uneeded and sends the wrong message. All we can do is teach, and pray for a better future.
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Thank you!
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    Official Halloween Exchange Thank You Thread

    I am so glad you liked it! I had to buy the same stuff for myself! BTW, I learned even though the pillar candle FITS into the pumpkin it is not a good idea.....my pumkin had a blow up! lol.... Enjoy your gholish gifts!
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    Weigh In Corner

    I am doing happy dance, happy happy happy! 7 more pounds, I am just 3.5 pounds from my 30th bday goal from 50 pounds! I am going to readjust my goal!! Congrats to everyone else on their sucess as well!
  14. WOW! I am gone ONE day and this is what you all do???? ROTFL.... As for this thread, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with it until a point. We were all speaking our mind, and NOT attacking anyone. It is sad that we just can't speak our mind without anyone attacking them.... TOM, I love you, but that could be because I may be your mini me!! ROTFL.....now deep breaths everyone! C'mon....
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    OMG I am so Em BARASSED.... literally the last part...

    Thanks! That is definately something to shoot for! lol...
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Hello all I had my 2nd fill yesterday, I was VERY VERY surprised to hear that I had lost 7 pounds!! THAT puts me 3 pounds from my 30th bday goal in December!! Wooooo hoooooo! I got 1 cc this time. My mom really helped me with that! The PA was only going to give me .5 cc's. She would not budge, just when she was ready to fill it, the Dr walked in. He was talking and my mom told him that my first fill was only .5 cc's, and she remembered him telling me that my first fill would be 1 ccs before surgery. SO he checked and then gave me 1 cc. I am so happy and feel SOOOOO much better. The hunger is so good now, I eat small bit and I am full. I am no longer thinking constantly about food. I am SOOOO happy! I am going to change my 30th bday goal to 65 pounds now! :faint:
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Well all, I am going for my second fill tommorow out of town. I am going to push him for a GOOD fill since the .5ccs they gave me did not do anything. I had to work my a$$ off to keep from gaining weight. Wish me luck, this fill has to give me some restriction, even just a tiny bit! lol...I am going to reread the tips for a good fill and be off! Hugs to all :clap2:
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    New From Ohio

    Hi Buckeye Congratulations on your surgery! Welcome to the forum, I hope you get alot from the group! And btw, congrats on the win.....I am (hating it) a Spartan! lol....good game. :confused:
  19. I was told that I wouldn't need one, and I didn't wake up with one, so I guess that is a NO! :confused:
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Big Bruises

    Gummie mine were horrible and nasty. They took about a month to go away. It looked like my body went through war. Makes you wonder what they did while you were under, eh?? lol...
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    What color/race do you see?

    Thank you, I appreciate that! I am a student at MSU studying sociology, I hope to make a difference in the world. (Never too late even though I am old. LOL...) I have always never understood hatred and racism. I can't even say I hate a racist, I feel exceptionally sorry that they are so ignorant, most of my family is that way.
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Pills and Supplements

    Susan I had the SAME exact thing, she would not even listen to me about the band, and then stuck me on Merida. Boy, that stuff is awful...
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    I'm not asking for anything

    Josette sweetie, I am sorry you lost your mom. But, after hearing how close you were I have no doubt that she is there every minute of you. She is always with you, and will always be with you as long as you hold her in your heart! :kiss2: Hugs to you! p.s. I know she would be proud of you!
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    What color/race do you see?

    Absolutely, and that is why it may never change enough to get minorities or anyone different ahead. Many fear "The Browining of America" how sick and twisted is that to fear that whites will be a minority and not actually have enough power? Here in Michigan they are trying to pass the MCRI, Michigan Civil Right Intiative. That is scary. It wants to outlaw Affirmative Action, which is NOT about race quotas but equal rights. Anyone just needs to ask California how it worked for them. Whites (and a black man who forgot he was black) were able to convience the California public that race is no longer and issue there. They passed Prop 209 there and I know they are sorry now. But if things like the MCRI keep getting passed we won't have to worry about "The Browning of America". Public assitance such as health care for minorites will be gone, and without healthcare guess what will happen to infant mortality rates and the numbers of minorities??? Hmm...no healthcare=death. MCRI, Prop 209 are just a way that the WHITE elite can head off the "browning" early. How convient and so politcally correct if it is suppoted by voters right??? :confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
