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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    Bullwinkle I am as far into non invasive political thinking as it comes. What I do is none of everyone else's damn business. BUT I do choose not to smoke (as you do) and I choose to breathe free air. I think telling someone they can not smoke in a business where others are is fair. Now telling them that they could not smoke in their own home is another matter. Which wasn't what the law is about. If people choose to quit smoking because of the policy and cold (I am in Michigan so I know cold) I think that is their choice. But it will help them be healthier so BONUS for public health!
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    Women's sizes - am I crazy?

    I really think the problem is consistency. There is NONE. The do whatever they want...and we suffer!
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Drinking alcohol

    I whooped it up this weekend for my birthday, and I didn't drink more than I normally do, but I got wasted I mean fall to the ground wasted very quickly! It is much cheaper now to drink! lol...but I only do it once or twice a year.
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    This has been done in California and it is working quite well. There is something to be said as a non smoker to be able to enjoy your dinner without the smell from the smoking section waffling over. Smoking is a choice, and I choose not to do so. I don't think my health needs to be impacted because smokers are not concious enough to step outside. It is one thing to preach about smoking, but it is another thing to think about WHO ELSE is impacted from second hand smoke. I find it absolutely disgusting to smell smoke on children, their parents need to use their heads a bit. My MIL smoked around her children and now is not allowed to see her grandchildren unless she is at my home, where she is not allowed to smoke. She doesn't give a damn that she had 2 children die very young as she puffed away in front of them and 2 who now have severe health problems. And even with a lung cancer scare and the Dr telling her she has the lungs of an 85 year old woman at 45 she still lights up 2 packs a day. It is your choice to smoke, and for the rest of us we choose our health, so stepping outside while it may inconvience you, protects the rest of us!
  5. AMEN! And what about all the damn penises that make the baby and walk away before the child ever sees them? Gay and lesbian couples raise children that are more tolerant, and open minded. There is no chance that they will be gay anymore than if they were raised by a straight couple or mother alone. I have a very close friend that is raising a beautiful baby with his partner, and she is loved beyond belief. Just think if it was legal how many children that sit in foster homes all their life would have a chance to have a REAL life!
  6. Don't think for one second you are dumb nor your family! Ignorance does NOT come from lack of education, nor obviosuly education itself. Ignorance is just a lack of common sense I believe!
  7. Diane I 100% agree with you! It is easy to just assume the way things are because you see them from the outside, like many are looking. 10 children takes an incredible amount of love and paitence. I think they are overlooking that, and trying to control someone else's choices.
  8. ok, I would like to know if is having the FLIP side of this! When I was bigger I tolerated my DH bigger, but now I feel like I have become to him what he was to me, a nag. I don't want to be, but I feel like I am doing the work, and I can not stand that he is not. I have found myself disgusted by the way he eats and the things he put in his mouth. Am I the only one? Please be honest!
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    question :D

    WOW! I think you should be thel poster child for the rest of us!! Congratulations truly, and if you should ever have a class or lessons please sign me up!
  10. It is nice to judge something you really have no idea about. Fact of the matter is there was more LOVE and support in that house than 10 houses down their street put together. Her father was an administrator of a hospital and had PLENTY of money to take care of them. They also had other family members outside of the family that help when they it, such as parents need a night out ect. I spent a good part of my life in Sarah's house becaluse I had just one sibling and my parents couldn't even to take care of us. If I was home there was a good chance I was going to be sexually abused by a family member. If I HAD 16 siblings that were looking out for me what are the chances that would have never happened to me? There are some parents who have 1 child and can't pay attention to them. It is so nice to be able to look in and to judge without knowing the real truth. I feel that everyone should be able to choose how many kids they do or DO NOT have, but ultimately they should only have as many as they have love for, for some people that number is ZERO. And I know for a fact that Sarah was still her own person, she spent just as much time outside her family life being a kid. And there are worse ways to be forced to grow up, believe me, I know.
  11. Ok I have alot of opinions on this, my first one being does anyone REALLYi want the goverment being able to tell us when we can have children or not? If so, move to China or something where your choices to have children are limited. Secondly, one of my very good friends in school is the oldest of 17 children. There is something you are missing if you have never had the great opportunity to be in one of those households. There is more love than you can imagine. The children are all very independent, but ALL help out and do their fair share of work. The children are more responsible than most adults I know. They know how to save resources. They aren't using up more electricity than a family of 4 living in a house they can't afford. They learn how to use coupons, save money, allocate resources ect. They are better than a family that we think to be normal I honestly believe. They aren't nuts. They ARE HONEST CARING PEOPLE that have made a personal decision for their life. Nuts are people that run airplanes into buildings in the name of god. And Sarah, the oldest for the record is now a Pediatric Dr at the U of M who has saved many many lives. All of those children have the potential to change the world, and as far as I am concerned sometimes have more drive to do so because of the way they were brought up with a different view of the world. One that is unselfish unlike most American brats. (my kids included.)
  12. Ok, I am an amature writer, so I am going to share this poem I wrote this morning! Hope you all like it! Disrobed... A fool's security blanket, once draped across my body. Unhealthy, unhappy, and feeling unbeautiful. A mask of my own making, of my own destruction. Each pound weighing the body and the soul. Freeing as it falls away. A new choice, a new life. Beginning a new journey. My body no longer my enemy, this is a war I will win. And here I stand, emotions raw--- disrobed and no longer ashamed.
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    12-6-06 the big day!

    Welcome Suzy! And congrats on the big day! You will be very happy you did it trust me!
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    question :D

    You are still looking for it??? You have lost so much and doing fantastic, I am amazed!
  15. Boo Boo Kitty


    Toss the Dr, and then report and then PASS on the needle in the report! In that order!
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    question :D

    Sounds like it is right where it should be! If you have problems with the golf ball feeling or pbing then you might be too tight. But to me it sounds great! And rice, yes is now a no no....
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    Redness After Fill

    I have it everytime. I was told by the it is normal, just like when you get a shot you may have a small red spot. The soreness bothers me more than the redness.
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Good lord it says alot when even your mama doesn't believe in you! ROTFL... but I guess the real joke was on us, eh?
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    My poem about weight loss..wanted to share!

    Thank you Kat. I have more, but I am afraid they will get legs. And most of my writing is down to my core so very emotional, and can be actually hard to read for some people. If you want I can pm some more if you need a good cry!
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hello, newbie here

    Well my tip is take NOTHING at face value. I read alot on her when I first got here that scared the bejesus out of me. But just remember that there is a lot of negative sometimes, but A LOT of positive!
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    My poem about weight loss..wanted to share!

    Sunshine I think you wrote a great poem. I am a closet bander too, only a few know. Only mom & dad in my family so I understand.
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    DAMN glutony filled holiday! grr....

    Ok, I hate this holiday now officially. What is so damn good about stuffing yourself until you are SURE you are going to throw up??? It was very hard to enjoy the meal without feeling like everyone was watching me and praying I didn't pb... My family doesn't know I have the band, they would be rude and unsupportive. If one more person tells me "Quit dieting for today" I am going to kill them with a turkey drumstick......grrrrr.....
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    DAMN glutony filled holiday! grr....

    I think so! Drinking it is NOT an option for me..no way! With the carbonated drinks you will love the good belch, sorry to put it that way, it really helps me.
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC ~ November Chat

    I felt the same way, be careful what you ask for trust me! Restriction will come, I am happy now but it took a good time to find.
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Congratulations! I can not wait to be added to this list!

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