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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    Ugh - binged - bad behavior came back

    I agree that we all fall off the wagon sometimes. If we didn't have addictive tendencies we wouldn't have the band. What you do afterwards will make or break your sucess. If you decide in your head "Oh man, that was stupid I am never doing that again" you're ok. But if you decided "That wasn't so bad, once in awhile won't hurt" you're headed for trouble. Once in awhile will turn into once a month, once a week, once a day and so on. I met a lady in the hospital when my mom had her Reny (Yes she regrets it now!) who told my mom there was no way to loose weight with the band, ect. All of those bad things that we hear. She had been banded longer than me and had gained weight. Well here I stroll in and had at that time lost 75 pounds in 7 months. She did not like me, but then started asking me what I was doing ect. If there is something you can do wrong with the band she was doing it. It was all out crazy. After talking to her VERY long (excrucuating) time she realized that she was doing well when she followed the rules, but she started the "it's ok it's just one day" routine and fell downhill from there. Her Dr was ready to give up on her and remove her band. Moral of the story...never let one day follow you into the next!
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    Tightness in AM only?

    I get up for work at 4 am, and am at work by 7 am. So not being able to eat is hard then. But I am thinking I really am just too tight. I have NO desire what so ever to eat, drink anything. I can't even finnish a bottle of water all day... not good! I am going in the morning!
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Bv--glad to hear it! I am sorry sometimes things get rough. I am so glad to have all of you! If you need us, you know we are all here! Nat--I am so happy for you! I am glad you live near me, so I can come raid your closet when I become a 14! lol...I am glad your trip ended better, and so glad things are well with the ex. And tell your man we all said "hi" wink wink! BK--I need to start selling on ebay. You really do good? Kay---hunk of metal? lol...we won't hold that transgression over your head!
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hello, Michigan!

    I totally agree, what is the freaking difference what kind of medical help you get?? Drugs with unknown long term side effects are better? Pleaseeeee... Ugh! Lol..she is in the same building as my new Dr and she saw me once and asked why she hasn't been seeing me. I told her it wa because she was rude, bull headed and refused to listen to her paitents. That felt so good!
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    Those of us without $$

    I agree, I think that the internet doesn't always help in laying things out the way you really mean! After all there is no tone, no voice just words, that are left out on their own open to interpretation!
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Help Please! Gaining Weight

    I agree Marrissa. Take things easy right now, and worry about getting your body back to being healed. The rest will follow! Get yourself into good habits now so that they just become a general lifestyle!
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    Free Lap-band Update Very Disappointed.

    I am glad you see the truth! Feel free to PM me, I want to talk! We don't have to share our ball with the bullies if we don't want to! MY BALL, MY BALL! lol...
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Have a date

    Good luck Keith! Keep us all posted on your great coming sucess!
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    Banded Bikers II

    Thank you for the welcome! I am so looking forward to Spring. I feel good enough about myself now to want to be seen on the bike! Maybe this year I will start riding by myself again!
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    Free Lap-band Update Very Disappointed.

    I am sorry Dahlia I strongly DISAREE with you on this point, a few people being jerks is not the entire board. I am again sorry that both of you have to put up with this, but if you leave you let them win. And I am sorry sweetie but that will do nothing for your self esteem. Find those who are here to support you and ignore the rest. Sometimes I feel like I am on a playground again here but I take it with a grain of salt. I FEEL SORRY FOR THE JERKS that they have nothing more important in life to do than to pick on others...
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Steph---the only way it will move during your time of the month is the WRONG way! Stay away from that scale until your visitor leaves! You are going to drive yourself nuts! I am wondering if I am too tight from the fill on Friday. I don't want to eat anything, nor even drink my Water. I jsut feel too full to do so. I have stopped PBing, I finally found a decongestant to work! YEAH! Where do you draw the line if you aren't PBing and aren't sure if you are too tight?
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    What is gal to do?

    Dahlia Because of your age can tell you it will be a b*tch for you to get SSI, I went through it with my husband! If you want some help with it please let me know. I went in front of the judge when we were told by EVERY lawyer we could find that there was no way a man of 28 was getting disability and I got it for him. The judge actually asked me when I was graduating from law school. (I am not in law school...lol...) PM your email, I would be more than happy to help you!
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    Think I am leaving this board

    I think they were having a bad day and they made you an easy target, I am sorry for that. When someone comes to us for support it is our job as human beings to do it, but for some empathy just does not come at all. I am truly sorry that them trying to make you feel bad makes them feel better about themselves!
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    Think I am leaving this board

    I am sorry about the way people have reacted to you Dahlia, but you have to remember when you post something that you want people to notice, everyone does the good, the bad and the ugly! I am sorry you have not found the support that you needed here, in my honest opinion it sounds like because you life feels so negative, it is the negative comments that stick with you and affect you the most. People can be downright rude, and it is even easier to do with the aninomity of a computer. I wish you the best of luck, and remember many, if not most of us will be here for you if you choose to come back! Good luck!
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    Body Image

    :kiss2: Puddin I think you are doing the right thing! It sounds like your heart knows that this is not a good relationship for either of you, that message just needs to make it up to your head. Have you told him that you just can't be his friend, and you don't work as boyfriend/girlfriend so it is time to stop? I wonder if that will help him move on, then after that do the no more text. He may need to know why first. But then again after what you said it may not help! Good luck and keep us updated!
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hello, Michigan!

    My PCP was totally against surgery. Yet, she was on me constantly about my weight. Had me try every drug in the book, little did she know she was actually helping me! lol... I switches Drs after the band, that witch can bite me now!
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    VAB--1200 calories you shouldn't be too upset! That is still in our guidelines so don't worry. We all fall off the wagon once and awhile! Sassy--Glad you had fun at the party girl! And yes I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean unfortunately for us! Steph--I agree with you. I just don't think he had a right to treat me so bad for making an honest mistake. The scale will move after Aunt Flo moves on! Nat--I hope things are going better for you now. Enjoy the sunshine! BK--You house sounds like the house we want..wanna trade for a tiny ranch in a good neighborhood? lol...
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    Should I get a fill or not?

    Connie I would never advocate pushing a fill, but I have learned very bitterly it is easier to get a small unfill if you are too tight rather than try to get them to give you more fill if you are still too loose. Tell them you just want to try to little more of a fill, not much. I have leared it is the small difference extra that can help. Let them know how much you are able to eat now so they can help you! I get my fills laying down on pillows. My port is now "sinking" into my body and it is making it harder to fill sitting up, so I lay down and drink as song as they are done. I am loosing all my body fat on the inside I guess...lol.. After thinking I think I am on my 4th fill, so I hope I am getting the hang of it.
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    HELP!! I need helping picking a roller derby name!!

    Dangerous Curves Dynamic Diva Da'Bomb Hell on Wheels Angel with Attitude
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    Should I get a fill or not?

    Connie If you cna eat a half of sandwhich or more it is time for a fill! First of all my clue I need a fill is that I can eat bread at all. I can barely eat less than 1/2 cup of food when I have good restriction. I think a can of Pringles, all be it Fat free signals you need a fill to me. I have a 4 cc band as well, my 3rd fill on Friday took me to 2.75 ccs. I am very touchy with fills, and know right away when I need a fill. You get to know your body. TO me it sounds like you need a fill! Good luck!
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Eating and drinking

    I was told you couldn't drink 1/2 hour before and 1/2 hour after for a few reasons: 1. Water will cause food to expand and make you feel fuller than you really are, and cause you to seek food sooner than you should. 2. Water after pushes the food through the pouch faster, again causing you to not feel as fuller as long. 3. It can also cause you to expand your pouch. I fought it for awhile and drank before, during and after. That did not last long!
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Thank you Babygotback! I see you are almost at goal, good for :kiss you!
  24. My Dr said "NO NO NO NO NO" to soda and actuallu told me before I was banded if I couldn't quit to tell him because he wasn't going to waste his time banding me. I have learned to live without it. It was hard. Some days I literally would drink a 12 pack of Coke! I did try it once and truly truly regretted it. If I am desperate, I do frozen coke but just a SMALL one!
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Husband problems

    Janiee:) Best of luck to you sweetie! I hope that you find all the happiness life has to offer you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
