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moon goddess

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by moon goddess

  1. moon goddess

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    Oh my goddess...this made me crack up! Too funny! BJean vbmenu_register("postmenu_292186", true); Registered User Join Date: Aug 2006 Posts: 96 I'm pretty sure when you're banned you stop being able to eat as much.
  2. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    I still haven't gotten mine yet...I feel like the redheaded step child...partly because I AM a redhead...*ha!* Maybe tomorrow.....:pout::pout:
  3. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    Well Miss Vickie, I am so glad that you like it!!! I hope that it brings you the wonderful relaxation that you deserve! I want to get that CD for myself too, they had one of those things where you can play a sample from it in the store and I kept pushing the button and thinking, "Aaaahhh"!!! I'm so glad that everything made it there all in tact! ~whew~!
  4. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    :drama: Okay...who is mine? The suspense is killing me!
  5. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    I sent mine out today, and I haven't received mine yet either, I am sure it's on it's way!
  6. moon goddess

    September Bandsters

    I thought I was going to be an August Bandster, but it took a while to get my doctor's statement and everything necessary to move forward. So...looks like I have moved over to the September club! I don't have my date yet, I am sure it will be toward the end of the month, but things are looking up now!
  7. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    <p>My pal is wayyy up on the East Coast so I need to get mine sent soon!</p>:omg:
  8. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    Hmmm....I'm a Texas gal....
  9. The seminar that I went to today was for http://www.southwestbariatric.com/ Does anyone have any info about them? I liked what I heard and am starting the process with them.
  10. I am about to start my own web page about my weight loss progress, but I have one little...no, not little actually...big problem...I haven't told anyone about my weight! It's hard to admit what it is, even to myself. I see the tickers that you all have, and everyone is so open about *that* number. And no offense to the men out there, but it's been my experience that most are oblivious to the actual number on the scale when it comes to women, so I just tell my boyfriend it's around 200...and then I watch my nose grow like Pinnochio as I lie...lie...lie!!! Was it hard for ya'll to just tell it like it is? To put it out there for all to see? To let your spouses and significant others know? It's like this deep dark secret....but the truth is....and I feel a little bit more free as I tell you all....it's 285. Shhhhh!!!! :phanvan :grouphug: :eek:
  11. moon goddess

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Wavy (Jill)~ Mmmmm!!!! I LOVE The Melting Pot!!! What a great Last Supper excursion! I have been there before and I felt like they had to roll me out the door after dinner! *ha!* Moon Goddess (Michelle) finally getting somewhere!
  12. moon goddess

    ~*~How about Austin, Texas?~*~

    Randi~ I know that waiting on the insurance is annoying! I have to get a statement from my doctor saying that they are aware of my attempts to lose weight and that it failed basically, and since I have only been to the doctor I have here for about 4 months, and this has to state that they have been aware of it for over 6 months, I probably have to go to my doctors that I had in Dallas before I moved here to get the whole thing done. Besides that, everything should be okay with the approval. I was assigned Dr. Marquez by my Patient Advocate. My impression is that this Doctor is trying to get more bands under her belt (is that a pun?), so they are assigning more to her so that she can get the experience. I really don't have a problem with that though. She looks very qualified! Have you met with her yet?
  13. moon goddess

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    I'm in! I am PM'ing you now! How fun!!!!
  14. moon goddess


    Hello Amy! Wow, we have a LOT in common! We are almost the exact same age, I turned 39 yesterday, and at the same stage in our lives. I just went through a divorce myself, after being married for 12 years, and together for 15. It's VERY hard, and it does hurt! I ended up moving from Dallas because everything around where we lived reminded me of him, and just started a new life here in Austin! I am so glad that I did. While moving probably isn't an option for everyone, I think that making positive changes can be a very good thing when going through this. For one, I decided that I was going to get rid of everything that I had been carting around because HE liked it in the house (like his beer can crap), and bought all kinds of girly things that reflected ME, I decorated my bedroom with soft colors, a romantic kind of theme with flowers and candles, and pretty pictures. It has been a transition that has been good because what this has forced me to do, is to finally look at my happiness for a change and to love myself! So...today is your birthday...start today by doing something for YOU. A pedicure, a bubble bath, or a new hair color. Love yourself, and don't let this ruin your self esteem! Surround yourself with supportive people who love you, and slowly, with time, I promise you that the hurt will get better! It will probably turn into anger...that is how I feel toward *him* right now...but time really does heal, and you will understand why this happened years from now, when you see that you are better off without him, and when someone wonderful loves you the way you deserve to be loved! *hugs hugs hugs* Michelle in Austin
  15. moon goddess

    ~*~How about Austin, Texas?~*~

    Randi~ I found out today that I am going to have Dr. Marquez too!! What is the date for your surgery?
  16. moon goddess

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    :update: Well, I talked to my Patient Advocate today and it looks like my insurance has approved everything! Yayyy! So, I had the appointment to have my consult with the surgeon next Wednesday (the 19th) and she said it will move very fast from that point, and that is VERY realistic to assume that my surgery will be in August! So...it looks like I am almost officially part of the August Crew! :banana
  17. moon goddess

    Just banded 7/5/06

    Congratulations ladies! I get more and more excited for you all everytime I see that someone has been banded! I am glad you are doing well! :clap2:
  18. moon goddess

    ~*~How about Austin, Texas?~*~

    July5forMe~ How did it go girl? Tell! Tell! Tell!!!!! Are you in pain? Were you scared? How are you feeling? I was thinking about you and I am glad to see you are doing well! Moon
  19. moon goddess

    Virtual Model

    I love this!!! #1 is me at 285 lbs. #2 is me at 200 lbs. #3 is me at my goal weight of 160 lbs.!
  20. moon goddess


    I am 38 as of today, but will be 39 in 4 more days...*ouch!* Not banded yet...waiting on insurance approval...but got a mysterious phone call tonight from the insurance company verifying if there was a secondary insurance company, so something tells me things are starting to happen. I have 2 children, one is 20, the other is 11, both my most precious loves in the whole world. I am a single mom, and since I am waiting for things to get going, I have noticed that I have wanted to eat everything in sight, it's just so wrong...*ugh!*
  21. moon goddess

    ~*~Have you ever lied about your weight?~*~

    Sleepy Jean~~~ You asked me~~~ Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if you're sensitive about it, why put it out there for the world to see? You could just as easily keep your thoughts and photos in a journal and no one else would ever have to know how much you weigh. Well, I have been very sensitive about it, but one of the great things about finding this website is that I have FINALLY found a place where I feel comfortable enough to tell the truth and talk about the actual weight. It's a positive step, because I have not been banded yet, and hope that by the time I am, that I can be okay with just coming out with it to my boyfriend, family and friends...not like I will rent a billboard, but hey, letting people besides those in here that can relate have the link to a journal that will reveal my weight to them is a big step in working on the reality of my weight issue and just how much will be accomplished when I reach my goal. So...that is why I asked the question, because when I saw the tickers in here, I wondered to myself, "Do they have some of the same issues I do and haven't even talked about?" And thank God I am reading here that I am not alone! ~whew!~ Moon Goddess Austin, Texas waiting on insurance approval
  22. moon goddess

    A Big Texas Introduction

    Hi Erica! I am pretty new here too, have not been banded yet, I am waiting on my insurance approval, and I am also a TEXAN! I am in Austin! You will find this board to be VERY helpful, the people here are very nice, and I am constantly coming in here lately for information, because I want to know as much as I can before I get banded. Welcome! Moon Goddess (Michelle)
  23. moon goddess

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Okay...this is a complex question for me, as I am sure it is for many of you. When I was little I wasn't a fat child, but growing up in Texas and the child of a perfectionist mother who was in the Miss Texas pageant, I was conscious of weight issues as far back as I can remember. I grew up in a neighborhood where it was looked at as one of the worst things someone could be if they were overweight. So, I starved myself in high school to be thin, and never felt like I was good enough. I would literally eat celery and carrots at lunch, and then go home after school and run around the neighborhood to burn every calorie that I put in my mouth. Looks back then were everything...very shallow, but this is truly how it was. I look back at those pictures and wonder how I ever could have thought I was fat, it's ridiculous! When I was 15, I was raped by my best friend's brother. I kept that inside because he was very popular, and I was afraid that exposing him would have hurt my reputaion...but I can trace this time as the time when I, like others who were sexually abused, started to medicate myself with food. I have a lot of family members who were addicted to drugs and alcohol, and so while I dabbled in that scene, I was always terrified of becoming like them...I didn't think that food was something I could use to hurt myself just as much as they did with substances. Fast forward to a brief summary of my life....married at 18 and had a baby with an abusive guy, ended up in a battered women's shelter...and the weight started to climb. Then I was a single mom, worked my way through college, graduated...self esteem was better...lost 65 pounds that I had gained, and was back to being an average size. Got re-married, had a baby, husband was in the Army, he had to go overseas many times for a year at a time, and I started to eat for comfort again. Gained about 80 pounds, then lost another 70 pounds. So, now to this part of my life...marriage was in trouble after so many seperations, so I started to eat again...and I ate, and ate, and ate! And let me tell you another thing...the bottom line is that I DO love food! I mean...enchiladas, Tex Mex, Chinese buffets....Bring it on! YUM! So...I have now gained over 100 pounds, and I realize...."Whoa! I am totally fat and I am killing myself!"....so, I made a promise to me that by the time I am 40, I would lose the weight...my 39th birthday is in a few days, and I am ready for my band...and it may sound cliche, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! So...the answer here....I am fat because~~~ I was sexually abused and felt worthless Food was my friend I LOVE to eat and LOVE yummy food! There is a history of self abuse in my family and I chose food to hurt myself with I have become lazy and don't exercise I have hypothyroid issues
  24. moon goddess


    I have it too, and also take synthroid. Mine was detected when I was being treated for depression and they did some blood tests, which determined that I have the hypothyroid condition. Your family doctor should be able to send you in the right direction as to where to get the blood work done, and what kind of meds to take, etc.
  25. I thought this would be a good topic considering that it is 4th of July today and there will be lots of barbeques, and TONS of food everywhere! For all of the bandsters, how do ya'll do it? Do you just get to a point where you don't feel tempted by all the yummy food around? And I was wondering also, when you go to someone's house for say Thanksgiving or something, and they have cooked so much food, and they don't know you have a lap band, do they look at you like you are rude if you don't pile it on your plate like everyone else? I know in our culture, people almost expect you to eat a lot, or they take it personally like you don't like their cooking. Discuss....:hungry:

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