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Posts posted by smallerj

  1. Pat I remember Dr P came running in late...she had on her high heel sandals, dressed really cute she even still had her purse. She talked to me about the surgery and then said I'll meet you back there. about 15 min later when I went in the OR she came right in and I told her boy you sure are quick. Evidently she always starts right at 8am. I'll be thinking of you.:wink:

  2. Happy Sunday everyone, start of a new week.. So yesterday I went out and revamped my fridge & cabinets. I picked up all healthy choices for the week.

    Sounds like you all had fun yesterday. I would have loved to go bra shopping. None of mine fit. I took all the underwires out but still don't fit. Where is this store at? I don't think I need to wait till June to get a new bra LOL.

    Lee, wow how exciting! The good thing is the rain is supposed to stop by wednesday so if you have on your bike shorts and sports bras nobody will give it a second thought LMAO :cursing:

    I wish I was able to check out that CoCo group yesterday. Keep us informed maybe next time.

    Tamra how ya doing? are you off the lortab yet? That stuff made me crazy so I had Tylenol for back up. Any gas? oh don't forget your water... you should be back up to the regular amount of Water by now.

    ok I miss some people, Donna, oh Miss Donna where for art thou? Hope things are going ok.

    Riley? how's #1, 2, 3 4? I feel you on trying to not get too attached once they figure that out you are super vournable.

    John, are you still at the beach? I'm guessing you have quite the tan by now.

    Pat, sending positive thoughts your way for this week. Dr P is wonderful. Call if you need to talk or have questions. Don't worry about being stressed from work or any of that stuff, you will get plenty of rest over the next 4 weeks.

    ok, I'll check back a little later smooches

  3. Tamra sounds like you are doing great...just take it easy but be sure to do a lot of walking in small quantities. I saw Icy in the picture she's great too. One thing I did was journal after...I wrote how I was feeling, my weight and what i ate. It was amazing I was loosing like 1 pound a day and was oh so excited. Those were the days, how I wish I had them back. Try it....

  4. Wow Candra, I can't believe it Dr Who is rockin. Dr P evidently is not feeling the 5 cc bit. You should have good restriction now. How do you feel? how much weight did you loose? I'm hoping to get to -10 soon. BUt after talking to Liz it seems that I can call sooner so I'll see how i do in the next couple weeks.

    I totally grazed today...snacks were out at work and once I started I couldn't stop. I was telling Liz last night that I felt like I was the only one in the room that was struggling and she cracked me up...she said "oh those people are full of shit" they mess up. I thought is was funny. I think this is the only place where we are all honest and I really appreciate it. The support is wonderful.

    Tamra, feel better and get some rest. Tomorrow is Friday so it's probably time to get out and walk outside even the mall if somebody will drive you. I'm telling you the walking was the best thing for me.

    Reggie, I'm down for coming up. I won;t make it this weekend I've got a baby shower to attend. How long of a wait is it about now for Dr P? I need to know when to call in :biggrin:

  5. Candra let me know how much of a fill you get I know you'll get one.

    Liz told me they don't do group fills anymore. She also said if I loose a few pounds I can call and get another fill earlier since I don't have restriction. Oh she explained the difference between the sleeve, band & rny which I only knew part of. I liked it because she gave me some options when I told her I put mayo on everything. she explained why I was doing it and it's totally true. I'm creaming everything and thus able to get more down. Nothing like Robin she would have told me to do what the binder says. It may have to do with the fact that Liz is more our age then Robin and can relate....hmmm

    ok I'm getting sleepy. Busy at work tomorrow so probably won't be on until after work.

  6. Hey Everybody! congrats Tamra I'm so happy for you. 2nd day is the worst but after that it's all good.

    I went to the group meeting tonight Bev wasn't there for whatever reason so we had Liz. OMG she was wonderful!!! very warm she really does know her stuff. She talked about the why's & why nots; I even learned some stuff. Then after class I went up to her and asked how do you go about talking to someone if you are off the wagon and she said "let's talk now" She was really cool we talked for like 30 min and then walked each other to our cars. She gave me some good ideas on food choices and to just concentrate on 2 things. She told me to cut out the mayo and write down everything I put in my mouth for 2 weeks and if I don;t loose weight to call her. Sol I have a new mission.

    oh happy b-day Ash, we're just a couple days apart.

  7. Tamra don't buy a whole bunch of stuff I still have my whole top shelf of my cabinet full of Soup I never even took down. When they say 1/4 cup that's what they mean it was amazing I only needed that much so never even opened the other.

    I hear you Mo I just changed my ticker. I'm starting over, never hit my B-day goal but it was my own fault. So it's a whole new party for me.

  8. Hey everybody, ok the b-day weekend is officially over!!! Back on track, drinking my tea. I went to the store today to get my Soup for my 5 day pouch test. I start tomorrow. I already have the Protein Shakes and Jello :)

    Tamra you will be fine, we all felt what you are feeling. excitement, nervousness and fear. Like Monique said it will be over before you know it. I was 1st too, I was walking into the cold room at 8am sharp! Who is taking you? Will somebody be able to text us to give us a status check? Did you get all your supplies? mostly popsicles & jello. of course gas x just in case.

    Monique I will be going to the group meeting on Wed.

    How's everybody else? I didn't even have many pages to read through....

  9. Good morning everyone.....I just had to check in I am having a blast of a b-day weekend. :w00t: not band friendly. Yesterday I had mojitos. I think my problem is when there's too much food around I tend to nibble (or graze) I never made it to the spa the other day so I'm going this morning.

    Tamra, how's that tea working out for you. Safeway should have Smooth Move, the Yogi get regular is probably only at the health food store. I like that one the best since there no cramping. Make sure you drink plenty of Water. I know how you feel I was super stressed about my weight. I just knew they were going to send me home. I had the guy who told me to go behind the curtain and weigh myself and let him know what it said. I could of told him anything, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was 2 lbs under. You may get him since I had my surgery on a wednesday too. BUt don't count on it since I know they have sent people home. So just FYI, by friday I was feeling so much better, that was the day I started on Soup. Wed & Thursday forget it. So if you can get someone to keep the baby til Saturday you will be doing good.

    John have a nice trip....

    Lee post the link to the other group. I'm really interested in having some group sessions a little more often. I really want to succeed at this and I feel like I may need a little more hand holding. I'll have to catch you next time on that lake even though I'll be in your neighborhood. I'll be rushing to get back home.

    Pat how you doing? next week you are on. I had the same issues with work trying to get ready before. I even came back to a new boss, although I like him better. It will all work out.

    Ok I think I'm going to go make coffee and start my day... have a nice day everyone.

  10. Just checking in....Dee that's so cool that you have 6.7 I still only have 4 and I have no restriction. My doc is real conservative so I have to try and loose a little more before I can call her for another fill.

    Congrats on being in onederland Amanda! it's wonderful I know :w00t:

    sounds like everyone is doing pretty good. take care and I'll check back soon.

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