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Posts posted by smallerj

  1. NIcole, I'm sure if it's meant to be Mike will get it. I know it's hard not to stress about it. We still have our fingers crossed.

    I've had a long week, can't believe how tired I am. I'm going on my walk in the morning, run a couple errands and come back home. Riley have fun shopping...I know I would if I were shopping for a 12.

    Oh Tina, I forgot to mention that I ordered the fit flops from VS I got the black ones. I don't have them yet since i refused to pay for extra shipping. What a rip off.

    OK I think I better go to bed.....all of a sudden I have a sweet tooth that I'm trying to suffer through.

  2. Hey there, how's everyone?

    So today is likethe 1st day I feel like I can breath, work has been crazy. Sould be smooth for the next month or so.

    Reggie, girl thanks for the invite i can get to meet you. I don't mind bringing something or even chipping in so let me know.

    Candra, congrats congrats you are on your way. What are your dates again? i'm gonna try ans schedule aroud the times you are going (work permitting) I go on Monday.I don't feel so bad. I weighed myself last night after eating with clothes and I'm still down so that's good. So what did you wear? sundress?

    Tamra, I saw your question about coffee and I just decide give it up.....it was hard though I mean I went through withdrawals. My kitchen counter looked like starbucks. If it has to do with coffee I have it. I enjoy making it every morning plus I have a long cummute and need it. I've finally found a decafe that I think is tolorable (Peet's Major D's decafe) and I use sugar free cream. I find that I don't drink as much and it doesn't give me that quick high but that's ok. The main thing is that I do think the caffene produces hunger pangs so it had to go.

    So it's almost Friday, does everyone have plans for the weekend? I've got a 3 day-er since I go see Liz on Monday.

  3. skinny vanilla latte sounds yummy!! thanks. I'll try the americano next time.

    I've been staying out of there since I had to give up caffine.

    Oh so did you hear the latest?? probably not. UC has a long list of people who are exempt from the furloughs and of course my dept is not on that list, so Dr's, patient care and faculty don't have to do furloughs now (all the people who already make a ton of money) I'm venting because they just sent an email out basiclly saying sorry we know it's not fair but tough luck. ok, I better get out of here to my meeting type to you all later.

  4. good evening ladies....wow 3 pages

    Tina are you with the county or state? You know what's a trip is that as soon as the public sees some crazy person harm a kid or even worse it's all over the news and people are in shock that those things happen. Everyone sits around scratching their heads wondering what happened instead of pointing to the system and all the cutbacks they do. I mean we just voted to make sure that chickens are taken care of but we can't keep our kids safe???? Such a F'ing joke. sorry about my rant.

    Hey Donna, thanks for thinking of me. I'm a little worried about all my eating mess up these last few days. Plus Aunt Mary is visiting, my son is going away to college on Thursday so I'm a little stressed and irritable.

    Candra how are you doing? Are you all ready for you appt? Wednesday right? I thought about texting you today I walked the bridge. As it turned out my son came with me so we went for a farewell appetizer at Dead Fish... more bad food. ugh!:smile2:

  5. I went ahead and took the sketchers back, yea Nicole I'm glad I did. They had some cute new Mary Janes but I refrained. I went to Macys and tried on the fit flops I think I'd like those better.

    Honestly Tamra I did my own thing, I was having slow results with the binder and felt like I needed a kick start. (no Carbs) I'm doing the book some now that I got to goal, but really I get greedy as soon as I have carbs.

  6. Hey there ladies.... finally friday! What a week.

    oh, when I talked to Sara she asked me when I wanted to have surgery and because of work I said early Sept. So she said have your labs next week meaning this week. Anyway, a EKG is only a 5 second test so I'm sure I can do it again whenever.

    Wow Maria we are on a roll....3 people on deck

  7. Morning all,

    Im trying to scan through the posts...Last night we had a big family gatering for my cousin who is going to Iraq. I did pretty good very small protions of the food, a sliver of cake and only 1 mojito!! it was good though. :crying:

    Tina I'm glad you are getting a handle on keeping food down. Be sure to focus on the postitive and try not to stress.. I know easier said than done.

    Candra, within a month? hmm I have to wait til Sept. Make sure you take good notes so I can know what to expect at my appt on Monday.

    Niclole what kind of work does Mike do? Take a look at our website UCSF Careers

    We have a campus in Sac though the majority is in SF. But anything listed they are hiring for. Exceptional benefits and decent pay. If you need any inside scoop on a department let me know.

    ok, better get back to work.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  8. Congrats Tamra, I'm glad you liked Fisher. I have another friend that has him for her RNY and she like him just fine too. Take everyone advice and cut back on the carbs to give you the jumpstart you need. I know it helped me. I had started following the binder diet but I found myself cheating more. Once I cut the carbs & sugar I didn't have the strong cravings.

    Good luck, you'll be fine.

  9. hey there everyone, just checking in, late lunch.< /p>

    Candra did you get an appt w/ Liz yet? I had to quickly scan through the emails. I know you didi your labs.

    Tamra you are on your way, yea! oh it's about 2pm so litterally :biggrin: and yes I followed Candra's no carb thing and my last few pounds just came off.

    ok I may have missed it but what is sliming? sounds like something I may not want to experience.

    Tina, how you doing? I'm thinking alot of this has got to be stress related. You've got a lot on your plate right now. Try listening to your relaxation tapes while you go for a walk or something. At least take some time for yourself.

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