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Everything posted by smallerj

  1. smallerj

    September 2009 Band Date

    Just checking in....Dee that's so cool that you have 6.7 I still only have 4 and I have no restriction. My doc is real conservative so I have to try and loose a little more before I can call her for another fill. Congrats on being in onederland Amanda! it's wonderful I know :w00t: sounds like everyone is doing pretty good. take care and I'll check back soon.
  2. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I know what you mean Tamra. I post ever so often on the Sept band page and some of them have like 7 cc's already, lost hella weight and here I am down 15, at a standstill with 4cc's....WTF?
  3. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    anything medical is good...
  4. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    ok there are 8 of us on here but no body talkin...what's up with that?
  5. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Everyone, just checking in. I took today off to do some mee stuff hair, nails feet LOL. I brought my laptop to do a little work but for the most part it's all about me this weekend. I'm hanging on the wagon by a fingernail but I'm on. Just had boiled eggs for brunch. I know I may not be all good this weekend but Im trying. Whoever is interested I'm doing the 5 day pouch test beginning on tuesday. Gonna go buy my broth and everything else for it so I can be successful. So come on join me. Tamra I was going to PM you but what the heck....go buy yourself some of that dieters tea, smooth move or Yogi's get regular and drink it every night before Tuesday to keep everything flowing. Trust me it works :thumbup: and you have a better chance at being where you need to be on surgery day. Ash, if I had to pay $700 for my surgery I'd probably still be waiting so I understand your reasons. Just try and stay on track the best you can and see where you are in a few months. ok, type at cha later and have fun tomorrow!
  6. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    what the heck! I lost my whole post. well what you all said about Liz, I agree. I think she's jealous of what we have. Plus I don;t need you all to influence me to bend the rules. I've been bending them for years, hence I was a fat chick.
  7. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    ok on to me and my issues. I can not get back on the wagon. It's not so much what I'm eating but the quantity. B=2 boiled eggs L=1/2 of a cornish hen & 3/4 cup sautéed spinach D=hamburger patty pretty big I probably should have only had 1/4 of all that. argh!!! I've decided I'm am doing the 5 day pouch test starting on Tuesday. I know I'm giving myself too many days to screw off but I'll try to take it easy. I'm already cutting out the carbs.
  8. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Wow Tamra that's so great! Well I have to remind you of how bummed you were when things weren't going so well and I think we all said everything happens for a reason and everything would work out :thumbup: Take note everybody Tamara is doing the happy dance....
  9. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Good Tuesday evening everybody..... Yay John Feb 17th sounds like a a great day to be sleeved :0) Enjoy your trip but I'm sure you will watch your intake so everything is all good shortly after you get back. Ash, I agree with Candra double check. You can also look online they have all the co-pays listed. Log into kp.org Either way sometime you just have to do things for yourself so that you are able to do for the family....I just saying. Candra that picture is cute where were you two going all spiffy. Stay away from that Aili I took those things all they do is tear up your stomach and send you to the bathroom at the drop of the hat. Plus I've heard some things about it lately so go online and check into it because they are expensive. I decided I didn't need the possible side effects.
  10. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Woo Hoo !!! Tamra and Nicolie I'm so happy for you this is great! I bet both of you will be banded next month. Pat you have Dr P so the gas x is a must, you may as well get a couple packs. I think I ate about 4 packs of that stuff before the gas was finally out LOL. Skied squaw....I was mostly there for the social activities. The best part was I was never short of breath that was always my problem. No breathing problems at all. I told you all there is something to this :smile2: Candra good luck with unemployment. Tina good you are going anyway. I wouldn't give up on getting a little fill. Perhaps Baggs will understand that you need a little one just to give you a jump start. I'm really mad at my self I'm still not back on the wagon. I just can't get it together the holidays and then the trip, now my b-day ugh. BTW: I'm 5 lbs away from my b-day goal so that won't happen. I think I'm gonna look at the 5 day pouch test. Don't know who posted the link but thanks.
  11. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi everyone, hows it going? I'm just getting back from a ski trip in Tahoe. I think my band swelled up while I was there from the elevation. Ash, I have that same waist thing from wally's. I also have the pants made by the same company. I like those too. Candra glad you are on deck for your fill. I'm sure you will have more restriction. Donna glad to hear from you, try not to stress though I know it's hard. You are working your band though. Tamra, Nicolie, Lee, yippie just keep at it. Pat 2 weeks right? I know you are excited. Start your shopping. Hmm...we are missing a few, Tina, Reggie, Riley what's going on? I'll miss you all this weekend I'm sure it will be a blast.
  12. smallerj

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi Everyone, just checking in. I'm still at my plateau. Hopefully I can get something going this week. I really want another fill but the doc wants to wait until next month. Once I make it to 170 I'm gonna call to see if she will take me in earlier. The spreadsheet is a great idea I'm gonna try and duplicate it for another thread I'm on. Hope you don't mind Take care and keep up the good work.
  13. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    hey there everyone....just getting home from happy hour with my boys. They turned 21 today, I'm officially old! Alright Tamra and Nicolie, just around the corner, you will be sipping on clear liquids in no time LOL Nicole glad you're back what have you been up to? Where do you work. ok, just wanted to say hi and good night...so hi & good night :thumbup:
  14. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    good morning....just a quick check in. I've got back to back meetings all day. I got back on my elliptical this morning after a few days off. I brought luchmeat & cheese for lunch not sure about breakfast I may go get a skinny latte. :thumbup: So I'll be at Kaiser this evening about 5:45 depending on traffic. I've got this body magic on so I may not get on the scale tonight. Plus I'll just get pissed off. See some of you later....I'm trying to convince Babysista to come for a jumpstart. Have a groovey day!
  15. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    what happened? I log on and I'm the only one here. Where is everybody.
  16. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Mo girl you can easily cut the sugar....use splenda. You could have easily lost 3 lbs in a day. esp since you did the walk and are on liquids. Oh tomorrow is the last day you can weigh in at group. Bev doesn't want to haul the scale around. I had a croissant at our meeting at work today argh....but then I had Chinese soup for lunch which was broth. I'm going to have a taco for dinner. So all in all it was a ok day. I'm so happy for you nicolie, you're going to be banded soon. I won't be able to come on the 16th. It's my b-day weekend and I want to go to the spa.
  17. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    off topic.....these girls on the bachelor are just plain ditzy! I don't know if I'm gonna be able to handle it.
  18. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    alright everyone is on the right track. I had a small bowl of the gumbo tonight. I don't know what it is but I'm feeling full in my throat. I wonder if I was just not listening to my body the last couple weeks and eating everything in site. Yea john on getting the go ahead for your sleeve. We're pulling for ya. I'm sure you will drop those 12 lbs in no time. Thats one of the good things about being a guy the weight comes off quick. I wonder if Doc Fish is the only one who who will let you bypass Robin. Heather did you give a report on your SF trip? how was it? ugh I don't want to go to work tomorrow....if only I played lotto!
  19. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I don't think you are supposed to bring kids to the support group. Bev always says "any pets or kids" but I've seen someone with her son a few times he's a bigger boy like 12 and they always sit in the back. I'm going to try and make it on Wed. You can do it MO just take it slow I was real concerned about getting stuck and all the other horror stories I've heard. well I ended up having a taco for lunch homemade so maybe not as bad as TBell :rolleyes2:
  20. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    oh and Dr P had me start over...clear, than cream, mushie etc even though I didn't do it exactly I did somewhat because I had dental work 2 days later. well it's lunchtime, let me go get my salad.
  21. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    you go Monique...looks like Dr Who is the fill King. 5cc wow, I might email Dr P in a couple weeks to tell her I can eat the whole fridge and see if she can get me in sooner.
  22. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    ok Dr Oz is on with the ultimate "diet" let's see what this is all about.....
  23. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I'm behaving today too. I just had egg salad for my breakfast. lunch will be more crab salad and dinner gumbo, no carbs and no snacks (I hope) Even though I'm off today I'm working on some stuff I need to wrap up for work. Hopefully the sun comes out or warms up a bit later. I want to take the dogs out for a walk. Hope you all have a nice day of good choices. :blushing:
  24. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Yea Tamra you can do it. It would be so cool if you had a buddy like me and Candra. Don;t worry about your meal, reporting it here is a step in the right direction. I fixed a small pot of gumbo tonight I didn't have rice in my bowl so it was all protein. Sure was good. Pam we rented Julie Julia for our slumber party, I think we turned it on in the middle of the night and I fell a sleep on it but I still want to see it. I'm glad I'm taking tomorrow off I can get myself organized for the week and plan my meals...like I couldn't have done it in the last 2 weeks. Oh, my boys will be 21 on Thursday, they want to go to happy hour. Wonder where they get that from? I'm officially old.
  25. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    hmmm my port is hurting today out of nowhere. Almost like your cinabon thing. I think its my underwire. Last night I had a craving and yes i gave in...I baked 3 sugar cookies. I'm almost out of all the christmas sweets, I can't wait.

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