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Everything posted by smallerj

  1. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Donna, so glad to hear from you. I know you've been busy but I'm sure your mom and family appreciates you being there for them. I'm not going to make the walk, it's such a good cause. You all have fun for me, I'll be there in spirit. Heather, don't stress. things will fall back into place sometime we need little breaks here and there. Just take it one day at a time and you will be out of the funk before you know it. Candra I would tell the dressmaker that you want to come in for another fitting in a couple months since you will be down a dress size or so. Also, maybe she can work on your dress last that way if there are major changes she won't have much to do :thumbup: Good to hear from you Tamra...stay online it helps to get you on track Isn't the bariatrics lifestyle class the one we did right before surgery? the 2 part one? Listen everybody get out of the funk...we need each other.
  2. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi everyone, wow I have soooo much to say. ok here goes. I went to my PCP appt today it was really good. I really like her. Don't know if you all remember but she is the reason I even have the band. Last time I saw her she begged me to go to the orientation and "check it out" blah blah blah. When she walked in she was so excited that I did it she had me stand up turn around and she was giving me all kinds of compliments. I really felt good. We had a good conversation (long by Kaiser standards). Oh, she told me not to pick at my glue :thumbup: but she did tell me to put vaseline on them and my aloe vera if I want. ok now for my confession...listen up Robin ... I am completely off of the program. I ate mushies for one day and have been eating regular ever since. Besides my yogurt I have been on straight protein. Still only having about a 1/4-1/2 cup each meal and I'm getting full so I'm working it. I've been really chewing, tonight I had crab and a side of mayo. Hubby came home with 2 live crabs so I cooked and cleaned them, ate about 3 legs and was full. I'm not having any problems with stuff getting stuck so I guess I'm ok. Best part I'm down almost 2 lbs. I'm not sure if I feel my band but I do know when I'm full and the only thing I know is I have never been able to eat a 1/2 cup of food and be done.
  3. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    we've got 5 guest...how YOU doin?
  4. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey there everyone, just getting in, had a full day. Bridge walk this morning and then a late lunch and hanging out with my girlfriends. We had a nice time. I did pretty good going out and all. We went to a fancy italian restaurant. I had some kind of bean and cheese Soup, and then for my entree I had the appetizer seared ahi. Yummy! I was very happy with my self until I stuck my fork in the terrimisu(sp) (twice) now that was good!!! I think I'm starting to tell that have the band too. after a few spoons of soup I stopped since I had the ahi coming. BUt I definitely knew when I was full. I was good Riley, didn't even taste the wine, not that it wasn't calling my name loud and clear. LOL Maria, I think the lifestyle class is offered every month so maybe you can catch the Nov one since your date is late Nov. Oh I have my PCP appt tomorrow, I started picking at my glue yesterday and I think I scratched myself, stupid me. My scale finally moved today down 1 lb we'll see what i am tomorrow before I go changing my ticker.
  5. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey everyone, wow it's afternoon already! Just getting back from my walk on the bridge. It was a little nippy out...the girls were standing at attention. LOL Candra don't worry about the popcorn, we had beer battered fish for dinner and I had a piece but tried not to eat the batter. So I'm sure those few kernels did no harm. I'm a little worried that everything seems to be going down just fine. We really do need to plan to meet in Vacaville...I've got 2 more fridays before I go back to work, is anyone else game? Yes, Pat I'm gonna try and make the Richmond support group this week. Ok Let me check on my eggs, it's egg salad for lunch.
  6. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Nobody has the right to abuse someone else. I've learned that you treat others as you would want to be treated. It's not a matter of who's fault is who's but how 2 people grow from it. You can be together or not, just be respectful. OR... Shit or get off the toilet. I had a good day, nice walk this morning, lunch & dinner was within regulation. I'm eyeing one of those sf fudge pops tho. So does anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend? I guess I'm going to find somewhere to go walk in the morning and maybe a little gardening. that's experiencing some serious neglect.
  7. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    so what's with this being able to guzzle water? I've drank 3 bottles in the last 2 hours no problem. Is it going to hurt the band? Oh Robin told me I had "some" in my band she couldn't tell me how much tho. I think it's empty. Candra tomorrow is a new day, we are going to do better!
  8. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Candra I know the blah feeling. I think I'm feeling it because of my TOM. Could be why my weight is staying the same too. So I know exactly how you feel Maria. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with water lately. Hopefully I do better tomorrow. I think I've got the food down pretty good and I'm not really hungry...all protein. Pam work it girl, make him come to you. Nothing wrong with a little flirting, let him make the move, you just tease LOL. Glad we got a chance to walk Heather. I always enjoy the bridge walk. Actually It was a lot warmer than I thought since it's been chilly the last few days. Relax Analynn, the weight will come off, don't stress over it. I know easier said than done. Hope everyone else is doing ok, Pat, John, April, Riley. Tina hows the job? Kim didn't hear from you today :smile: Canoli, when's the orientation again? I'd be interested in knowing if they take your past weight since they are so strict with the orientation weight. Nicole I'm sending em up for you so stay strong.
  9. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Robin called and moved me to purees today. I'm like you Candra she's a one size fits all person. Whatever, I had a small pc of tilapia smashed up, perfect. She also said that my appt with Dr P needed to be rescheduled, what's up with that? i'm going to call in the morning and try for the 21st Heather are you coming down here tomorrow? It's bridge walk day for me. Let me know. I think I'm missing 2 things water and walking, ugh. I've been the same weight for 4 days now. So tomorrow I'm stepping up my water and try to walk 2 times a day at least. This is tough.
  10. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    hey everybody, hope everyones having a good day. I'm having lazy day. I went and got my car serviced this morning and that about it. No exercising or anything. I'm kinda pissed the scale is not moving, im still 4 lbs away from my initial 15 down. I had a 1/2 c of chicken salad for brunch. This might be what I do while I'm off work, brunch, late lunch and dinner. We'll see how that goes.
  11. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I made a chicken salad and had like a 1/4 cup and was so full! yea. I also ate the skin off the chicken breast it was yummo. I'm glad I finally felt satisfied. NIcole, you may still need to have a day or so alone to think, because in the end it has to be what you want. Take care, we'll listen when you need us.
  12. Well all righty then...you know I'm there next year
  13. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Yea Maria!!!!!! Happy Turkey day! it's overrated anyway (wink wink). Keep trying to loose, let me tell you I had a month before surgery and at every step of the way you have to be weighed and be below goal so don't let yourself splurge too much LOL Congratulations!
  14. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I actually used the baby spoons mostly the over the last 2 weeks. It helped me to eat slow since not so much will fit on those spoons. Even had a kids sippy cup so I wouldn't gulp my water. I was trying to be careful. But now it's a whole nother party, regular spoons and all.
  15. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Sugar free fudgecicles.. satisfies my chocolate craving. I had the chili and I'm good for a while. I can drink water no problem too, straight out the glass. I am still holding steady at 177.4 (well up .2) This is going to be tough trying to loose with no restriction. I guess I need to walk everyday...My goal is 175 by the time I go back to work.
  16. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Nicole, as much as I don't want you to make any drastic moves I do think you need a break...few days, week whatever it takes. Give the both of you some time to think. Welcome home Riley :tongue2: I'm sure it was beautiful. Sign me up for the the next one. Ok I have no restriction. I bought a tall skinny latte at 10:30ish and it's gone, every last drop! Not to mention the 8oz of water I drank in the parking lot after my walk. I've got another cup of that chili so I gonna have that next. Candra what's going on? Let me know how it goes with Robin and the PCP.
  17. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Pat, Dr Park tends to give goals less than 10%, I know mine was. Plus you have already lost 10 she may just give you a couple more and then you will be set. I'm going to try and make it to the 10/7 group in Richmond. We talked about doing a get together in Vacaville....let's do it. Reggie you are like the phantom in and out. Tell us what's going on so I can know what to expect. I can't remember why Dr P didn't give you a fill the 1st time....? I don't know what I'm gonna do if this last past 8 weeks. I'm trying to be good but tomorrow I think I'm having some chicken salad. Robin will be calling me Wed.
  18. Im interested in this too...I was thinking of getting one of those compression garments, like what people get after having a baby. I already have a small apron that I don't want to hang any more. I'm only 2 weeks out so I think it's to soon.
  19. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I thought this bandster hell didn't kick in until the 3rd or 4th week...I have a whole month to go. I'm actually wondering if I have a port but no band. where's everybody? I miss the lively conversations.
  20. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    did I mention that water goes right through? argh!!
  21. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I had the egg salad this morning and it lasted for 5 hrs. Then I had leftover tomato soup, lasted 30 min, then SF fudge pop. Now I can't stop thinking of meat. I feel like getting up going to buy a chicken breast. The split pea will be done soon but I'm sure that will go right through me too. Candra now you are going to see Doc Fish a whole week before my appt.
  22. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Question??? Why do I feel like I can eat a steak dinner?
  23. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey everybody, good morning. Wow it's nice to see all the new people, welcome! Monique, Canolie glad you got the pictures up. good luck tomorrow Maria, I hope you feel better. Have you weighed in at home. I'd always give myself a 3 lbs buffer between my scale and the one at Kaiser. So add 3 lbs to your weight at home and see where you are just to be sure. I got a auto response from the lab saying negative so maybe I don't have an infection. What's weird is as soon as I got home Sat things were pretty close to normal and so on. Hopefully Dr P will send me a note to confirm... Pam try to de-stress a bit and get some rest. I've had those smart ones but you are right there are way too many carbs so it's not a good fit for me. Tina, hope your day is going ok, I know it will take some time to adjust but try and look at only the positives and leave that negative energy at the last job you'll feel a lot better. Riley, you still rubbing your feet LOL Candra how are you? what's on the menu for today. Is Robin calling today or tomorrow? I had leftover egg salad earlier and I'm still making the split pea. So I still weigh the same thing I weighed for the last 2 days. My TOM is coming this week so we'll see how that goes. That explains the mindless eating last night. I'm ready to chuck these carbs, they are no good for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
