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Everything posted by smallerj

  1. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Riley!!!! you are 1 pound from goal WTF!!! wow I just saw that. RIGHT ON:thumbup: Oh well I'm a little off... but Right on anyway
  2. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I wish I could take the day off Wed but I have meetings that day, darn. Boy anyone would have freaked if they came to my fill the way she had to poke. The bruise is un-ba-f'n-livable. I was able to count 9 pin holes around my port scar. Riley go tend to that man LOL:tt2:
  3. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Heather you can get a weight check anywhere.... Have fun don't stress over the "diet" in fact don't even think about it. Sometimes when you put it on the back burner you do better than you think. Candra... oh poor kitty, those little independent rascals, I'm sure kitty knows somethings up. I'm sure you will get a fill.
  4. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    wow congrats Donna! That's so neat one year and a fill ta boot. Oh I got my card from the mercy ministries today, seems like a great organization. Riley you still home sick? What time is your fill? I think I'm going to the richmond group meeting on Wed eve. All you locals let's try to make that happen. It will be good that we get a reality check before xmas. I'm still having good food restriction, no issues though. Just kinda taking it slow with real small meals. b-coffee L-5 little shrimp D-pc of sole fish now that I wrote it down it's better than I thought. Oh and I'm drinking my part cran part Water.
  5. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi ya everyone, we had our xmas party today. They really scaled back. Not much food but plenty of booze...go figure. I had a sip of a champagne brandy punch and immediately put it down barley touched my lips. I've never done that. I went back to the bar and had the guy pour me some water in a wine goblet so I walked around with that. yea me! Congrats Rose on you're date you are gonna love Dr P, just be ready with your gas x. Tina, Riley bummer you are sick plenty of liquids though, good that you stay home so you can knock it out quicker.
  6. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hmm I don't know Monique. According to Dr P my 1st fill was supposed to be 3 months post op ...when I started stage 5. I got it changed to today because she's going on vacation. Oh and no I didn't feel a thing, the numbing stuff was just like going to the dentist. But, boy does it hurt now. While she was poking she kept having me hold my tummy in and then push it out. I was hoping she wouldn't tell me I couldn't get one for some reason.
  7. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    oh one other thing no worries Candra, I was less than 1 lb less than I was when I went to see her for my 6 weeks. I guess I'll change my ticker cuz I'm a long way away from 172 The crab dinner did me in I guess.
  8. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Don't know if I'm the news or not but here it is anyway :thumbup: I got my fill!!!!! yea yea yea. It was sort of an ordeal as she was not able to find my port. I'm scared to take the band aid off cuz I know she must have stuck me 15 times. No joke she was stabbing me for a good 10 min. She kept asking if I was ok even after she was done. I guess my port is under my rib cage... anyway I had 2cc already and she gave me another 2. I can tell I have restriction I got a starbucks after and it took me until right now to finish it, 7 hrs. I'm on liquids until tomorrow and then mushies. Robin was a whole nother story...I was selective with what I shared with her. she really didn't offer anything of value to me. I was asking her about head hunger and why I'm hungry and she just told me to move to stage 5, huh? I'm on stage 8 if there is one. I kept saying I can eat anything. Whatever... I think she does have a say on if you get a fill because when we were done she walked me over to Dr P's office and went inside. Once Dr P came in she said how you doing blah blah and then she said you better stay away from strbucks. I told Robin that I had been going and she gave me a lecture. any who that's my story...who else has news? Maria try the split pea with tiny ham bits soup and those personal hormel chili's are wonderful I'd give it a zap withmy hand blender and then put cheese on top and microwave it.
  9. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    ok, so I got the cranberry light and I've been drinking it all day mixed with half to 3/4 water. Went on my walk this morning I even wore one of those hot suits, you know the kind that makes you sweat. It was so freakin cold on that darn bridge I never broke a sweat. Don't know what the hell else to do to get a fill....pray I guess.
  10. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Good morning everyone, hope everyone is warm and cozy. Had a really good date night with the hubby last night. It was a crab dinner and of course I couldn't resist the garlic bread. I ate some and it didn't effect me at all. So much for me thinking I have restriction. no dessert though. Pam it sounds like you have good restriction I can wait to get there. How was Dis kingdom? Yesterday Candra and I walked the pier, so nice to get outside it makes a world of difference. I want to do the bridge this morning supposed to storm all week. Tamra, no quitting. You've gone through a lot lately, the way I see it you are doing pretty good. We can all meet at the Richmond meeting on the 16th. Just concentrate on maintaing the holidays is tough. If you beat yourself up it only makes it worse. Heather, count down to laying on the beach holding a glass with a little umbrella hanging on the side :w00t:
  11. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    good morning all...ok as Monique would say today is a new day. I think I'm gonna get some cranberry sugar free I'm guessing and drink up. It's date night for us and were going to a crab dinner tonight. If I stick to the crab and maybe 1 glass of wine I might be ok...I hope. I'm really looking forward to it since he's been working so much lately we haven't hung out. Anyway, for what ever reason I'm tight in the chest and throat area, gotta be the band but why now? Could be like you said Tina, TOM. Well better go clean the kitchen and then off to do my walking. Hope you all have a nice saturday.
  12. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey there everyone I guess everyone is out and about. I'm so tired I can't wait until next tuesday last day of the exam I'm giving at work, but i wanted to check in. Riley's doing jello shots???? LMAO Congrats Tina, glad you got your fill I bet this is just what you need. Be strong Liz everything will work out just give it time. In the meantime keep your eye on the prize. It's a trip Iv'e been feeling tightness in my chest and throat. I'm glad but why all of a sudden just before I go for my fill I feel my band? weird. well whatever everyone is up to have fun and enjoy you're evening.
  13. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    you whoo anybody our there??? I see 8 people online but nobody's talking. I'll keep talking :0) I've been on my elliptical every morning this week... yea me and I was doing ok with the food but today I bought a chocolate cupcake must have been in celebration of Tamra's B-day
  14. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    oh and Candra I think you should keep your appt for now I bet Doc Fisher will give you some kind of fill just to give you a jump start. Well that's what Im hoping for with Dr P. Were gonna be ok, we just need a jump start to get us loosing again.
  15. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey hey Tamra happy happy birthday.....oh to be 27 again:tt2:, well maybe not :w00t: Candra every so often my port does the same thing, I think it is a combo of us being short too. There's just not much space between my breast and my waist. Are you wearing the body magic? I'm not wearing mine this week TOM and I'm already blotted and that thing hurts when it's so tight around my port and band area.
  16. smallerj

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hey there everyone....haven't been on in a while. Anyway I wanted to give you all a quick update. I'm doing fine but definitely in bandsters hell! I went for my 6 wk post op last month and the Doc didn't give me a fill so needless to say I can eat anything and am working off shear will power. The Doc said she never gives fill at 6 wks since people always come back to get an unfill blah blah blah. So I have an appointment for Monday and I can't wait to get some restriction. Anyway hope you all are well and keep up the good work. I'll be sure to let you all know how my fill goes.
  17. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey everyone, welcome back John, glad you had a nice trip. Tina what is the story about the cranberry juice? Is it some secret cleanse? do tell. I'm not sure about the 12th weekend, I'll have to let you know. I am planning on walking both this sat & sun if anyone is interested in joining me. Especially you local people. No biggie cuz I'll go by myself too since I need the outdoor exercise. Probably the bridge one day and the pier the other, can even travel to someone else's hood :sad: Anyway let me know. Ok, I'll be back I have to server up dinner.
  18. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    ok, I have to admit that darn garlic bread is doing me in. It was a small pc toasted but my chest is so tight I can hardly swallow. So much for me thinking I can eat anything. Plus I had some salad with a few shrimp on top way more than I was supposed to have but I normally can eat anything.
  19. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Have nice trip and Happy early B-Day Tamra.:tongue2:
  20. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina have your heard of anyone from Kaiser getting converted to the sleeve? I heard of people who couldn't get the band get it but not converting because the band didn't work. speaking of... where's John?? you who John where are you :tongue2:
  21. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Even if she gives me a small fill I'll be happy. I just think I need something. I'm telling you I can eat anything. Tonight I had a pc of garlic toast. I've done pretty good for the last 2 days so who knows. Exercising and much smaller portions.
  22. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Don't beat yourself up Tina for getting that unfill I remember how miserable your were. You couldn't keep anything down. You as well as us were all worried about you. I don't know what to tell you to do differently so hopefully Dr Baggs will be able to see your point about Robin.
  23. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    wow all this talk about earning your fill has got me worried. I have lost maybe 2 lbs since I was there last...when she didn't give me a fill. It doesn't help that it's my TOM I mean I can't escape this always right before my appt w/ Dr P so I'm nice and blotted. I'll really be happy if I can knock off these 2-3 lbs by sunday. What's the story w/ the cranberry juice? did I miss something? I'm glad we're having this discussion...it will help me Monday in steering the conversation.
  24. smallerj

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I'm not sure Heather but I want to say it's the 1st Wed.....I'm going, I think. I understand about you going in Jan that will give you plenty of time to do the journal. Try to stay on program during your vacation maybe carbs every other day

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