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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by mishade79

  1. hey jess, i had surgery wed the 2 and it went pretty well. still pretty sore but doing much better with every day. exited about the future and i cant wait to weigh in lol for a change .

  2. hey just checking in to see how your doing had surgery wed really sore but hoping for the best ill keep you in my prayers

  3. hi selenrose i will definetly keep you in my prayers and since we have almost the same surgery date i hope you will be online so we can chat. good luck and God bless

  4. hi im glad someone is just as scared as i am. i am kind of new to this and learning how to use the site. i would like to add you to my friends list so we could quickly pass messages to one another. as far as the wait for surgery it varis from insurance to insurance. mine requires 6 months pre surgery physicalls, psychatric evaluations and a bunch of ohter stuff. i would be glad to help andy way i can rigt now i am scheduled for july1 and very nervous. send me a message anytime

  5. hi, my name is missy and i am a little behind you i am set for surgery july1. i am read your first entry and am looking for people to talk to . i am very nervous. are you? as far as gas pains go when i had my gallbladder out which is also done lapriscopically im not gonna lie yes there was a lot of gas pains. what helped me was taking dulcolax a stool softener because the pain medication makes your bowels not work very quickly but it wont help all of it the trapped air should work it way out in a day or two. i am also looking for pre surgery advice if you have any i would be glad to hear it. hope to hear from you soon and good luck.

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