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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by freshchecker

  1. freshchecker

    Good Grief!!

    im glad you have a new cheer leader i have a preop meeting tonight in portland me.im going to see doctor on june 29 it all seems to take a long time its very discouraging i can see why alot of people give up
  2. freshchecker

    pre surgery advice?

    today i go to another meeting then an appt. with surgeon june 29 it seems like a long time im in portland maine
  3. freshchecker

    pre surgery advice?

    ive taken 5 yrs. to have the band it was a long desicion my sis had gastric bypass and has been sick ever since she didnt listen to anything they told her to do i dont know why she bothered
  4. im in central maine aand im wondering how long everyone has been waiting its very discouraging
  5. freshchecker

    Good Grief!!

    im also an emotional eater i try and find other things to do
  6. freshchecker

    pre surgery advice?

    im looking to talk too people that are in the same boat would also like to know how long you,ve been waiting i feel like im getting run around
  7. freshchecker

    pre surgery advice?

    im also waiting for lap band surgery and ive been overweight too since i was younger im scared too

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