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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jdelaere

  1. Things have been good and bad for me. I have suffered from acid reflux. When my band is to tight it is really bad. I had lost 135lbs, until I had my band let out to releive the reflux. and gained 20 lbs back in no time. I am tighter now but I can't seem to loose the 20lbs so it's gotten me a little down worried I am going to go back to the way I was. I don't regret doing this I am healthier and happier. I am working on becoming a support group leader, so that I can help others and my self.

    Kim Where did you get your body magic? I have ha a hard time with my waist line and upper stomach area. Glad to hear you ar doing so well. keep up the good work.


  2. Wow I am always amazed on how different every bandster is. I have an appointment monday and I know I have put on a few pounds from the holidays. Personally I am not worried just concerned the doctor will be disappointed. Since I had been having some issue with it being to tight over the last couple of months now it feels way to loose. I have little restriction and I am hungery all the time. So I am thinking I will get it tightened so I can get back on track and start loosing the rest to reach my goal. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to hearing from everyone.

  3. Can't believe it's been 8 months. I have lost 84lbs since surgery 101 over all. Recently have been having some medical problems. I have multiple gall stones, so I will have to have my gall bladdeer removed. Also have a kidney stone. But worst of all I am having trouble eating. Everything I eat creates flem in my throught so it feels like I am chocking on it and I have to throw it up. Also everythin I eat sits real heavy under my breast bone. It's very uncomfortable. I am worried my band has slipped. Have an appointment in a week for a follow up. On a good note I don't feel week or rundown I am still able to get to the gym a couple times a week. As long as I don't eat to much I feel fine just upset that I can eat and enjoy the food I am suppose to be eating. If anyone has had similar things happen please let me know, because right now I am not sure what to think.

  4. Hi everyone, sounds like everyone is doing really well. I am not sure how I am doing. Confused I guess. Last month when I had a fill then had part of it taken back out because it was to tight. I have maintained my weight for a month, just started again. Finially got back to the gym today after all the crazinest at work the past month. I still have good restriction but I get hungery between meals so I don't know what to do. Then there was a few days when everything I ate seemed to get stuck, and I thought maybe my band slipped. Im not sure If I would really know if my bland had slopped. The good news is I am 9lbs from loosing 100lbs that's an awesome feeling. Only 29 more to go to my doctors goal for me, and 59 to my ultimate goal. Now that I have made it this far life seems a little scary. I am a little worried I am going to fail somewhere down the road. I think I still have a lot of work to do with how I think about food and myself. But right now life is good.

  5. Well I had moment yesterday while changing my clothes I was able to pull my pants down without unbuttoning them. So the realization that I really don't have any pants to wear with out looking rediculous hit me last night. So today I stopped on my way home from work and bought a couple of pairs of pants. I have gone from a size 24 to a misses 16. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am down 65 lbs since surgery on 3/24 and 80lbs over all. Haven't been this low since 1995. Have an appointment on Sept 14 still don't think I will need a fill, I have good restriction especially when I eat meats. A little frustrating I love my meat. Hope everyone is doing well and keep up the good work.

  6. I had a simulary situation. Onmy third fill it was to tight so I had most of it taken out, since then it's been strange. I have good days and bad days with my eating, but I seem to be consistantly loosing. Once you have lost enough weight to make the band to loose you will be ready for a tightening, If you think you need a fill just get a small one. Even though I have lost 12lbs since my last appointment I still don't need a fill since I have restriction. I go to see my doctor in another month and I am still not sure I will need a fill then. Keep positive, and you will get there.

  7. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

    As of this morning I am down 62lbs since surgery 79lbs over all. I was banded on 3/24 and my band is 7cc out of 10cc full. This past month has been strange and I can't figure it out. I have been having a hard time eating. One day I will do really well and have no problems but then for the next week I can't take more than 3 or 4 bites and I have serious restriction. I've been feeling ok, and I am consistantly looseing even though I haven't been able to exercise in about 3 weeks, partly my own fault for not taking the time when I get home from work. I am just to tired. Normally I am able to leave work an hour early to go exercise but because we have this big inspection coming up they have stopped it and I am working overtime. So by the time I get home it's 6pm time to fix dinner take care of anything else needed and be in bed by 9 pm. I have an appointment Sept 14, at the rate I am going I wont need a fill but hope to be down another 10lbs.

  8. Went to see my sleep study doctor today. I haven't been able to use my C-pap machine for almost two months now. They are going to redo my sleep study and see if my sleep apnea is gone or severly reduced. I'm happy about that. My family say I don't snore anymore, which is a good sign.

    I still have a hard time eating slow especially when I am really hungery. But as soon as I feel restriction I stop eating until it passes. I am constantly reminding myself to eat slowly. Just keep reminding yourself to eat slowly while you are eating. You will make it through, don't ever give up, just keep reminding your self why you did this in the first place.

  9. Fab by 50; what size band do you have? I was wondering how you are already at capacity at 4cc's I have a 10cc band and Im at 7cc with really good restriction. Some days I can barely eat and other that's all I want to do, but only small portion. I haven't stepped on the scale in two weeks, kinds of affraid to see what it says. I just love pulling something out of my closet and it being way to big to even wear any more. I've got a large lawn garbage bag in the corner where I throw it all. Hope everyones week goes well.

  10. I've struggled too, but have managed to loose 50lbs since being banded March 24th. Is everyone making sure they are getting enough Protein everyday? I am a lot tighter in the morning so all I have is a Protein Drink, (slim fast high protein) I also use packets I can put in a bottle of Water which gives me about 6 grams of protein. There are two brands, 1. is made by the biggest looser 2. is called Protein to go. I have found both in my local grocery store or the Vitamin Shoppe. I have also purchased Unjury it's actually pretty good. I use the vanilla as a Creamer in my coffee just make sure it's not to hot or it curdles, I bought a sample of their sorbet and mixed a little crystal light with it. They also make a chicken Soup. It reminds me of Lipton instant soup, it's not bad. I also make sure I get 40 to 50 min of cardio in 2 to 3 days a week if not more depending on my schedule. I've managed to loose an average of 10lbs a month. But I worry every week that I haven't lost anything before I step on that scale. Oh yeh only weight yourself once a week at the same time of day. Don't get discouraged. We will all make are goals.

  11. I have cleaned out my closet twice, I have a lot of clothes. Before sugery I was a 24 and I am not fitting into a misses 18. I still have a lot of larger clothes that I am still wearing, but soon will have to go. Luckily I had several peices in my closet that were a lot smaller, so it has helped. I tooke a few of my favorite piece in to be altered, but it wasn't enought all she did was the waist, so I may have to pull out my sewing machine and adjust them a little more. But it feels great to be able to go look in the misses department.

  12. Hi everyone, spent the weekend in St Augustine for our 25th anniversary. Had a check up with the doc no fill I have a lot of restriction, sometime I think to much but he said that is what I need right now. Lost 10lbs for the month for a grand total of 50 lbs since surgery. What's awsome is that I can start shopping in the misses department. I haven't done that in a very long time. (14 years) since the last time I lost a lot of weight. Feeling good about my progress.

  13. Welcome to the Group Aug 09, I was banded on March 24th and have lost 42lbs since surgey. It's an exciting journey and sometime frustrating, because you sometimes wonder if you are doing the right thing, but when you see that scale go down it's all worth it. Good luck and keep in touch.

  14. Hi Jujvee; This march 24th banster is doing ok, though the last couple of weeks I haven't lost any and I am pretty sure it's something I am doing or not doing, so I am a little frustrated. Congradulation on loosing so much so far. I am down 42lbs since surgery, wish it was a little more, but I've got to be happy with my progress so far. Do you have any special receipes or things you do to keep on track? Keep in touch.

  15. For the past two weeks I;ve had really low energy,to the point even work is difficult. I've had an upset stomach, and when I do eat I feel worse. I am struggling with going to the gym. I am frustrated because I've gained a few pounds. How do I get back on track? I'm disappointed in my progress lately. Will someone tell what I can do?

  16. So how did everyone do this week. Personally I didn't loose any, but I think that's because I lost so much the week before. Also I wasn't able to get to the gym as much as I should have. Haven't felt good all week. It's so hot here in Florida and the humidity is so high, I get sick to my stomach. Hopefully next week will be better. Hope everyone has a good week. (total loos 42lbs)

  17. Happy looser; I feel for you, that sliming is the most nerve racking cause you know it wont go back down so all you can do is cough it up. I hope you heal quickly and get a fill soon. Maybe this will get you back on track. Keep us informed and if you need any help let us know and we can give you suggestions. Just keep working at it, you'll get there.

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