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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jdelaere

  1. For the past two weeks I;ve had really low energy,to the point even work is difficult. I've had an upset stomach, and when I do eat I feel worse. I am struggling with going to the gym. I am frustrated because I've gained a few pounds. How do I get back on track? I'm disappointed in my progress lately. Will someone tell what I can do?
  2. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Sorry, to hear you have been sick. I hope you are on the road to recovery now. Glad to see you back. Take care
  3. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    So how did everyone do this week. Personally I didn't loose any, but I think that's because I lost so much the week before. Also I wasn't able to get to the gym as much as I should have. Haven't felt good all week. It's so hot here in Florida and the humidity is so high, I get sick to my stomach. Hopefully next week will be better. Hope everyone has a good week. (total loos 42lbs)
  4. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Happy looser; I feel for you, that sliming is the most nerve racking cause you know it wont go back down so all you can do is cough it up. I hope you heal quickly and get a fill soon. Maybe this will get you back on track. Keep us informed and if you need any help let us know and we can give you suggestions. Just keep working at it, you'll get there.
  5. jdelaere

    March 16

    unfortunatly you do have to copy and past into where you can update your signture each time you update your weight loss:thumbup:
  6. jdelaere

    March 16

    Bernadette when you update your tracker you have to recopy and paste it into your signature again.
  7. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Wow, everyone is doing really well. I love reading how everyone is doing it reminds me that I am on track. I had my third fill yesterday he put in 1 cc which put me at 7.8cc in a 10cc band. Well today I had call the doctor this morning to go in and have some of it removed. I had three sips of water to take my morning pills and all I had was constint burping with lots of flem and foam I was afraid to even drink water. the part was the doctors office is 45 min from where I work. I had to burp up the foam twice while driving thank goodness I had a towel from my gym bag. I still had to go home and change my clothes. What a mess but I fill much better so now I have 7.0cc I am able to eat now. I am down 42lbs as of today, yeh!!!!!!!!!! I am amazed I have lost than much in 3 months. Everyone keep up the good work and keep posting.
  8. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Well as of Firday I am down 36lbs which I think is great. I am always worried about not loosing enough or to much in a month, but I can't let little things like that worry me, the weight is coming off. Congradulation to everyone and their sucess. I have a hard time preparing something to take to work. I only have 30 minutes for lunch, does anyone have any idea's? I go in Wednesday for fill number 3. Hope everyone has a good week.
  9. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    I am down 36 lbs I go in for my third fill on Tuesday. The weight loss feels great.
  10. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Today was a much better day, I was able to eat today without much trouble. Hopefully tomorrow will be another good day. Haven't weighed myself yet this week since we have been on vacation. back home now so I will weigh tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has a good weekend
  11. jdelaere

    March Hotties..check in

    Thanks for the encouragement, I feel so bad when it happens that once again I've done something wrong. I've been on vacations this week, so it's been extra hard. I am hoping once I am back on my regular schedule it wont be so bad. Still don't know if I should go ahead with my next fill. If it wasn't for this web site I think I would be completely a mess.
  12. jdelaere

    March Hotties..check in

    Bernadette; I feel your pain. I had my second fill on May 19th and I have had trouble eating ever since. Some days I am just fine and other I can keep anything more than a protein drink. It really worries me when food gets stuck I get panicy. I am scheduled for my third fill on June 17th, but I am not sure if I should get it if I am having so much trouble now.
  13. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Bernedette; Glad to hear things are going better. Isn't amazing how our bodies let us know what's going on and signals us when to stop. We just have to learn to listen to our bodies. I am on vacation this week, so eating has been a little difficult but I have found some really good tasting liquid protein. Isopure has 42g of protein per serving and it taste pretty good, Also the biggest looser makes a good tasting protein that you mix in water it has 6 grams of protein. Well time to get ready to go to the pool.
  14. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Bernedette; I had a similar problem with my second fill. It took about 4 days before I was able to eat a decent meal without it feeling like it was sitting on my chest. I still have to really take my time eating a meal. It sounds like you are far worse. Please keep us informed Jill
  15. jdelaere

    Can everyone PLEASE post

    Big mama is shrinking I don't understand why your doctor is making you wait so long between fills, I was banded on 3/24 and I had my second fill today. I would talk to your doctor and tell him your concerns.
  16. jdelaere

    Questions about getting Stuck....

    Karen, I too feel like food gets stuck in my throat, it's almost like a giant burp that is stuck. I had my 2nd fill today. When my doctors had me drink some water and asked if I felt restriction I wasn't sure where I was suppose to feel it. I just know after swolling a couple sips of water it felt like I had a burp stuck. I am just hoping this fill helps with the hunger, because I get hungery between meals. Just be careful when you are eating. I am always reminding myself to chew and take small bites.
  17. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Throughing up is not good you could cause it to slip, which will cause more problems. My doctor said if I through up that it. He probably ment tha he wont fill it anymore so I am trying to make sure I don't cause any major blackages which is really difficult if you don't pay attention to how you are eating. So it kind of sounds like there might be a problem.
  18. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    That's not good you are gagging, are you chewing your food really good? Don't forget to tell you doctor there maybe something he can do for you. Keep us updated after you have your fill. delaerej, FL
  19. Highest wight 300/ pre-surgery 283/current weight 261 (5/9/09)


    Struggling / frustrated / looking for others banded on 3/24/09


    Palm Bay, FL

  20. jdelaere

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Everyone seems to be doing so well, I feel like I am struggling. I had my first fill on 4/27 and I have only lost 2 lbs. I too am having trouble with food getting stuff I forget to chew my food extra fine. I go to the gym 3 times a week and work out for almost 90 minutes between weight lifting and cardio. How much food is everyone eating and how oftern do you eat? Is anyone on a low carb diet? Looking for some insight as to why i am loosing so slowly. It's great to have other bandsters to talk to about these things.
  21. jdelaere

    Low Carbers count calories???

    I was banded on 3/24/09 and my doctor wants to stay away from carbs,(pasta, bread, pasta, potatoes) which is really difficult. I am eating a slim fast drink and fruit for breakfast, for lunch I have 4 oz protein 4oz of vegetables. Dinner is the hardest. I love my carbs especially at dinner. I am not counting calories just making sure I don't eat more than 6 to 8 oz at each meal. How do you fight the cravings?
  22. jdelaere

    Time to Get Back On Track

    Glad to hear there is some one that feels the same way I do. I was banded on 3/24 I have had one fill 5cc's I am feeling the restriction when I eat my Protein, I still have to remind myself to chew my food more and to eat slowly. Yesterday was a week since my fill and today was the first day that I feel extra hungery. I try and work out 3 times a week for at least an hour 15 minutes. It sounds like you are going the right things, I started keeping a journal to keep track of my hunger, I also right down what I eat. How many oz of food do you eat at a meal? My doctor said 6 to 8 oz I have noticed the last couple of days I can't finish it, but I am hungery a few hours later. Just keep working at it. You are doing great I have only lost 20lbs since surgery. Jill:wub:
  23. jdelaere

    Scared....Am I eating to much?

    I don't see how you could be eating to much, You had your surgery a week after me, and you've lost lot of weight. I wouldn't worry so much. My doctor said to eat 6 to 8 oz I think I would be hungery all the time if I only ate 4 oz at each meal. I like the idea of the plate you found. Were did you find it? That would certainly help with making sure I don't over eat. Keep in touch Jill banded 3/24/2009
  24. jdelaere

    Anyone else March 24, 2009??

    I was banded on the 24th, Had my first fill on Monday lost 20lbs the first month
  25. jdelaere

    Scared....Am I eating to much?

    My lapband is a size regular

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