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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SunshineGirl2

  1. SunshineGirl2

    SummerTime but still no Bikini

    Not that this body would ever be in one anyhow. There is nothing like buying new clothes to make you feel great. I've reach a point where I've cleaned out the closets and got rid of clothes that were OH so BIG on ME!!!:clap2: And going to the store and buying smaller sizes. I started out a 24-26. I just never really looked at myself as being as BIG as I was--talk about a eye opener. I'm down to a 18 now and the weight loss is also coming off, still slow but I've come to live with it. Started going more to the gym more and really fill great about myself when I get everything done that I want to do and still the inches if not so much the pounds melting away. There is nothing like that feeling (much better than eathing that is for sure). My husbands family haven't seen me since the end of the year and we have a big family get together coming up at the end of July. What a surprise I was to them all. We had such a great time. Until the Fri night before the NY family was leaving I came down with some upper gastric pain. I had been eating still sm amts but of food that I don't normaly eat so I thought that was the problem. It lasted for 2 days and by Sun I was back to my old self. (note to myself stay away from those kind of foods) We were leaving on Mon to make the 5 hour drive back home when BAM it came back again. I didn't tell anyone because it would just make the ride home harder for me to be asked all the time "How do you fee" etc. So after driving for 5 hours we got home then I told David what was up. Went on the lap band web site to see if it could happen to be slipped band. Then put a call into Dr. Bass. He felt it was due to being too full and wanted me in his office in the morning. Well by 1a I was climbing the wall is hurt so much so off the to ER and 14 hours later with many test's done I was going to have Gall Bladder surg. It was HUGE so I couldn't have it done lapie so 16 staples later I'm home for the next 6 weeks recovery. Dr. Bass had to do another unfill for me. Thanks to not having much of apetitie. I've lost another 9.5lbs witch bring my total to 66.5 lbs gone since I started this journey back in Sept. I only have another 5.5 lbs to go to be under 200 lbs. Which is something I havent been in over 21 years.
  2. SunshineGirl2

    Bariactirc Store in S. Fl

    For anyone living in S. Fl there is a store in Pompano called Bariactric Eats.:hungry: They also have a website that you can order from. They have alot of whey protein powder and other foods that you can buy depending on where you are at in your weight loss. They will even let you try some of there products to see if you like them before buying them. I tried a peanut butter protein powder made with water and ice cubes and OMG it was to DIE FOR. It was one of the BEST I've ever tasted.:whoo: Just wanted to pass this on.
  3. SunshineGirl2

    Not losing weight... lab workup

    The same thing happen to me after I got my gallbladder out last Aug. Lost 10 lbs in Sept then nothing since. Had a thyroid test done and and it was out of wack so I'm now on a synthroid daily. Will be doing a retest in a few weeks to see if I need to take a bigger dose. I hope this will kick start me into losing again. Good luck on your road to losing also
  4. SunshineGirl2


    I can't have shrimp either. And it use to be one of my most fav's...:eek:
  5. SunshineGirl2

    Jewlery making

    What a nice job you've done. I'm been making them since the summer. sold alot to co-workers. Putting the $$ toward my Alaskan Cruise that I want to take next Sept.
  6. SunshineGirl2

    Holiday Mood

    How cute. Thanks for sharing.
  7. SunshineGirl2

    My Biggest NSV To-Date

    Great NSV. I have the same problem and I'm short to boot. I found a pair of jeans that fit really well for me at JCPenney's.
  8. SunshineGirl2

    chicken or beef???

    I can only do ground beef also: Taco's, meatloaf, chili. Not chicken, steak or pork chops for me........ We also have a rescue Shih Tzu named Max and he is a real sweetheart. Got him during my chemo for breast cancer 3.5 yrs ago to keep me company when I was stuck in bed. He was alot of help to me.
  9. SunshineGirl2

    Anyone have gallbladder surgery AFTER the band

    6 wks ago I had mine out and I wasn't able to have it don't Lap because the stone was 4 cm big....16 staples and a lovely scare across my stomach later.
  10. SunshineGirl2

    Dr. Perez or other S. Florida docs

    I really like him and his office staff alot. It helps that I also work in one of the hospitals that he does surg. in. A few years ago he was the Trama Surg. also.
  11. SunshineGirl2

    Dr. Perez or other S. Florida docs

    I had mine done by Dr. Thomas Bass out of Hollywood. Good Luck!
  12. SunshineGirl2

    Vote now......

    6 wks ago I had mine removed. The stone was 4cm in size so I wasn't able to have it done lapy. It was 11 months after my band.
  13. SunshineGirl2

    One Year With The Band!

    Kathy we were banded a few days apart and also have been having problems (My Fault Also) I've been out of work for 6 wks due to gallbladder problems. Need to get my backside back to the gym and stop putting more food than I should in my mouth due to boredom. May we both get over this hump and onwards to losing again...........
  14. SunshineGirl2

    What constitutes '3 days'?

    Same for me.
  15. SunshineGirl2

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Today is my 1 year and I'm down 66.5 lbs. Really wanted to be under 200 by this day but it wasn't to be.... I have 10 more to go so I'm hoping by the end of the month I will loose it.
  16. SunshineGirl2

    Surgery WITH the Band

    I had gall bladder surg. 4+ wks ago and had to have a unfill. I had to have an NG which is why I had to have a unfill. I would check with your lap band dr. and see what he wants to do. Good Luck
  17. SunshineGirl2

    SummerTime but still no Bikini

    Not that this body would ever be in one anyhow. There is nothing like buying new clothes to make you feel great. I've reach a point where I've cleaned out the closets and got rid of clothes that were OH so BIG on ME!!!:clap2: And going to the store and buying smaller sizes. I started out a 24-26. I just never really looked at myself as being as BIG as I was--talk about a eye opener. I'm down to a 18 now and the weight loss is also coming off, still slow but I've come to live with it. Started going more to the gym more and really fill great about myself when I get everything done that I want to do and still the inches if not so much the pounds melting away. There is nothing like that feeling (much better than eathing that is for sure). My husbands family haven't seen me since the end of the year and we have a big family get together coming up at the end of July. What a surprise I was to them all. We had such a great time. Until the Fri night before the NY family was leaving I came down with some upper gastric pain. I had been eating still sm amts but of food that I don't normaly eat so I thought that was the problem. It lasted for 2 days and by Sun I was back to my old self. (note to myself stay away from those kind of foods) We were leaving on Mon to make the 5 hour drive back home when BAM it came back again. I didn't tell anyone because it would just make the ride home harder for me to be asked all the time "How do you fee" etc. So after driving for 5 hours we got home then I told David what was up. Went on the lap band web site to see if it could happen to be slipped band. Then put a call into Dr. Bass. He felt it was due to being too full and wanted me in his office in the morning. Well by 1a I was climbing the wall is hurt so much so off the to ER and 14 hours later with many test's done I was going to have Gall Bladder surg. It was HUGE so I couldn't have it done lapie so 16 staples later I'm home for the next 6 weeks recovery. Dr. Bass had to do another unfill for me. Thanks to not having much of apetitie. I've lost another 9.5lbs witch bring my total to 66.5 lbs gone since I started this journey back in Sept. I only have another 5.5 lbs to go to be under 200 lbs. Which is something I havent been in over 21 years.
  18. SunshineGirl2

    It's a New Year-2006

    Even with the slow weight loss I never had felt better. One of the best decission I ever made was having this band and have NO REGRETS!!! It just hitting those plato's that make it hard for me. So after our 25th Anniversary trip to St. Aug. and WDW, David and I decided to join WW. Now WW doesn't taken to kindly to Gastric pt. So I decided to keep my mouth shut on that little secret. I have to say it has helped alot. We both really like going to the meeting. We have the best speaker ever which I think really can make or break a meeting. It still hard at times when we go out to eat and I see all this really great food going by me. But over time I haven't let it bother me as much anymore. David and I have a weekly date when we go to WW then out to Sweet Tomato's for dinner after. I 've done really well on WW and starting to get alot of WOW your'e looking Good comments:D
  19. SunshineGirl2

    It's a New Year-2006

    Even with the slow weight loss I never had felt better. One of the best decission I ever made was having this band and have NO REGRETS!!! It just hitting those plato's that make it hard for me. So after our 25th Anniversary trip to St. Aug. and WDW, David and I decided to join WW. Now WW doesn't taken to kindly to Gastric pt. So I decided to keep my mouth shut on that little secret. I have to say it has helped alot. We both really like going to the meeting. We have the best speaker ever which I think really can make or break a meeting. It still hard at times when we go out to eat and I see all this really great food going by me. But over time I haven't let it bother me as much anymore. David and I have a weekly date when we go to WW then out to Sweet Tomato's for dinner after. I 've done really well on WW and starting to get alot of WOW your'e looking Good comments:D
  20. SunshineGirl2

    Home and Recovering Time

    I had alot of discomfort around my port. All I did was go from the bed, bathroom, computer for the first few days. But each day was easier and easier. I took 3 weeks off from work. I'm a sec. in the Labor Room, so they felt I didn't need anymore time than that. Well, let me tell you I work 4 12 shifts with alot of up and down during those 12 hours. I was in so much discomfort that first week. But by the 4th week I was back to the normal and on the road to lossing. I didn't get my first fill until something in Oct. didn't feel much of a difference and weight loss was slow. Got a 2nd fill 4 weeks latter and a 3rd fill in Dec. Still a low weight loss. Thought I would have lost alot more by the time Dec. had rolled around but hey 20lbs gone is better than gain. Well I must have gotten a piece of steak stuck so off to Dr. Bass's to have a unfill. Not too HAPPY about it at all.:angry And of course what did I do but gain 2lbs when I went back for another fill.
  21. SunshineGirl2

    Home and Recovering Time

    I had alot of discomfort around my port. All I did was go from the bed, bathroom, computer for the first few days. But each day was easier and easier. I took 3 weeks off from work. I'm a sec. in the Labor Room, so they felt I didn't need anymore time than that. Well, let me tell you I work 4 12 shifts with alot of up and down during those 12 hours. I was in so much discomfort that first week. But by the 4th week I was back to the normal and on the road to lossing. I didn't get my first fill until something in Oct. didn't feel much of a difference and weight loss was slow. Got a 2nd fill 4 weeks latter and a 3rd fill in Dec. Still a low weight loss. Thought I would have lost alot more by the time Dec. had rolled around but hey 20lbs gone is better than gain. Well I must have gotten a piece of steak stuck so off to Dr. Bass's to have a unfill. Not too HAPPY about it at all.:angry And of course what did I do but gain 2lbs when I went back for another fill.
  22. SunshineGirl2

    After Surg.

    After staying afew hours in rec. rm I was trans to a pvt suite (Dr. Bass and his partner has them for there Gastric Pt.) around 7:30p that night. It was very nice being by myself. Didn't feel all that great from the anesth. that is for sure. They got me out of bed so I could use the rest room (talk about rubber knee's). I was told that I would be getting a clear liquid diet (hear we go again LIQUIDS) But what did they bring me but a Reg. Gastric diet (chicken, veg, coffee and dessert) UGH!!!:eek: David tried to tell them that I was only to have liquids and the Nurse repiled this is what your Dr. ordered. David said you call Dr. Bass and get the right order. So by Mn. I was up in a chair sipping on soup, jello and Ice tea. It felt like a 4**** food at that point. After all of this David didn't feel it was safe to leave me alone so he spent the night with me. We told Dr. Bass what happen and he was not a very HAPPY CAMPER with the staff. Went home that after noon and started my road to recovery. I something couldn't believe that I was now a LAP BANDER!!!:clap2:
  23. SunshineGirl2

    After Surg.

    After staying afew hours in rec. rm I was trans to a pvt suite (Dr. Bass and his partner has them for there Gastric Pt.) around 7:30p that night. It was very nice being by myself. Didn't feel all that great from the anesth. that is for sure. They got me out of bed so I could use the rest room (talk about rubber knee's). I was told that I would be getting a clear liquid diet (hear we go again LIQUIDS) But what did they bring me but a Reg. Gastric diet (chicken, veg, coffee and dessert) UGH!!!:mad: David tried to tell them that I was only to have liquids and the Nurse repiled this is what your Dr. ordered. David said you call Dr. Bass and get the right order. So by Mn. I was up in a chair sipping on soup, jello and Ice tea. It felt like a 4**** food at that point. After all of this David didn't feel it was safe to leave me alone so he spent the night with me. We told Dr. Bass what happen and he was not a very HAPPY CAMPER with the staff. Went home that after noon and started my road to recovery. I something couldn't believe that I was now a LAP BANDER!!!:clap2:
  24. SunshineGirl2

    Liquid Phase before Surg.

    Well this wasn't the easiest but it was a job that I had to get through. But get through I did:clap2: . It now surg. day Sept 9th, 2005. My case was sch. for 2pm so I got to the hospital around 11am to get the Iv and the rest of the paper work taken care of. Then I get told that Dr. Bass had not been aware of a case sch. before me:mad: which means that I've been pushed back another hour. Do they happen to know how uncomfortable those stretchers happen to be for my butt. Soon enough I'm off to night-night land and rolling into the OR. Now my husband David happen to work in the OR so it was nice to have him help me on the table and hold my hand (even if I didn't know he was there) until it was time for him to leave. Woke up in the Rec. Rm. sore but very HAPPY that it was all over. Dr. Bass said all went well.
  25. SunshineGirl2

    Liquid Phase before Surg.

    Well this wasn't the easiest but it was a job that I had to get through. But get through I did:clap2: . It now surg. day Sept 9th, 2005. My case was sch. for 2pm so I got to the hospital around 11am to get the Iv and the rest of the paper work taken care of. Then I get told that Dr. Bass had not been aware of a case sch. before me:mad: which means that I've been pushed back another hour. Do they happen to know how uncomfortable those stretchers happen to be for my butt. Soon enough I'm off to night-night land and rolling into the OR. Now my husband David happen to work in the OR so it was nice to have him help me on the table and hold my hand (even if I didn't know he was there) until it was time for him to leave. Woke up in the Rec. Rm. sore but very HAPPY that it was all over. Dr. Bass said all went well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
