I don't know if anyone here will even remember me, because it's been a LONG time since I posted anything. But I wanted to come here and share what I've learned recently.
I hadn't been to see my band doc in over a year. I got a fill in May of '08. It was just a small fill. I couldn't even tell you how much of a fill I had total in my band, but the last one was .25 cc.
Anyway, I started out having a few problems (ok a LOT of problems) getting stuck every time I ate. I chalked it up to either eating too fast, too much or not chewing properly. But I kept trying, thinking it was just me not paying attention, and then after some time, this became my new "normal".
Until recently, when I started talking on a daily basis to a friend of mine who was also banded. I would tell her every time I got stuck, and she finally said to me, You know, I think you might be too tight. Go see your surgeon. Well, of course I know best, and didn't really think I needed to, because I just needed to be more careful, right? RIGHT?
I finally started listening to myself and paying attention to how often I got stuck and how severe each time was, whether I would regurgitate or not, and how long the episode lasted.
In the past 13 months, I've GAINED 18 pounds, because I was eating easy foods, and making terrible choices. If I did happen to be eating "bandster" proper foods, they had to be swimming in gravy, butter or sauce in order for me to be able to choke them down.
I even started waking up with a little bit of a cough in the morning. It never occurred to me that this was probably band related, even though I'd seen it talked about here several times.
Anyway, I finally had enough. Decided that I was either going to have to have my band completely unfilled or at least have a partial unfill, to see if that helps.
When I sat down in the office to get the unfill, there...staring me in the face was this chart:
and I looked at it and knew immediately that this is exactly where I needed to be, doing exactly what I needed to do. Every single symptom listed in the red zone was happening to me.
So now, with a partial unfill, maybe I can resume my weight loss journey.
I just wish I hadn't been so hard-headed and waited so long, because I knew in my heart of hearts that every time I got stuck eating something, I was putting myself in danger of stretching my pouch, slipping the band, and other things too scary for me to even think about.
Please take a good long look at the chart and decide for yourself where you fit on there, and don't be afraid to go see your band doc. They're there to help you.
Love to all.