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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Video link to watch lap-band procedure

    I watched this video before I was banded. It helped me to understand what the liquid diet was for. I was surprised at the lack of bleeding!
  2. Damn it, Wheetsin! I'm just a few days post-op, and it hurts like hell to laugh. The Sean Connery comment.... I couldn't agree more!!!
  3. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Susannah, How are you doing today? You haven't posted in a while, and I'm starting to worry about you. Your last post said that you were having an emotional meltdown. Are you past that yet? Let us know how you're doing, girl!! We're all in this together!
  4. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Lizrbit, The month will go way faster than you expect! My band date came so fast that it made my head spin, and I found out my surgery date the day after Christmas! Hang in there, follow your doctor's instructions, and keep us posted!!! You'll do great!
  5. Hi, Tina! Welcome! Make sure you go to the February 2007 bandsters thread and have your name added there! I was just banded on Monday, and I'm feeling better and better all the time! I graduated to full liquids today!!!!!!!!:hungry::clap2:
  6. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Not getting enough liquids in yet, it still hurts a bit when I swallow. I don't know if it's because my sips are too big, or if the water is too cold, or what. Two sips or so and I feel very full, so I have to wait until that feeling goes away... Walking helps with the gas pain, but makes the incision sites hurt. Double edged sword, there.
  7. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Well, today is another new day! I slept a little better last night, although I was a prisoner in the recliner I was sleeping in. I couldn't make it sit up and I couldn't reach the handle to put the footrest down! Had to wait for DH to come help me. That's the worst part of this whole thing. It's kind of humiliating to have to depend on someone for stupid stuff like that. I think he's starting to get frustrated with me, not because I'm so needy, but because he just doesn't know what else to do for me. It's hard to convey that I don't really need him to do anything for me, if I do need something I'll ask. I'm quite nauseated this morning, I can feel the gas moving around in there. I took some anti-nausea meds, and am still waiting for it to kick in.:speechles
  8. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Yep, that was me! As soon as I feel better, I'll let you know all about the experience I had with Tallgrass... If I remember correctly, you were considering them for your surgery. I'll keep you posted!!
  9. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Silry, if it helps, even with the pain and discomfort I'm experiencing, I would still have gone through with it, knowing that it will all be worth it. I'm even thinking that maybe since I didn't have it so easy, like some do, that I'll remember that when I'm struggling to make a better food choice later on. Instead of having ice cream, maybe I'll go for the yogurt, you know?:decision:
  10. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hey, everybody! I'm home today after being banded yesterday. All I can say is OUCH! I'm in quite a bit of pain today. It wasn't so bad yesterday, and I was able to control it with the adult strength liquid Tylenol. Today, however, I've switched to the liquid Lortab that they prescribed for me. I also have some anti-nausea suppositories (OMG!) in case it makes me sick. The surgical center put me up in a hotel next door so I'd be close in case I had any trouble, and I got very little sleep. The bed was too hard, and I just couldn't get comfortable. I'm hoping tonight I'll get better rest. I'm going to try sleeping in my recliner. I know I'm not the only one in the world who had the same experience I'm having, but it sure does feel lonely at the moment. DH is being very supportive, though, he is a Godsend.
  11. travelgirl

    SuperDaddy: Back to the Starting Line(?)

    In your signature, you quote Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. That is my "life verse". It gets me through some really rough stuff. You can do this with His help! Reading your story really touched me, and I felt compelled to let you know that you are in my prayers. Kim
  12. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hey, everybody! Sorry I'm so late getting on here, but I had to search for this thread!! I'm being banded MONDAY!!!! (Feb. 5) WOO-HOO!!!!
  13. travelgirl


    I am being banded at Tallgrass on Monday, Feb. 5! My insurance is covering it, so I can't help with the cost question, but I do have to tell you that EVERYONE on their staff there is more than helpful, and they have taken the time to answer any question I've had very thoroughly. If you haven't been to one of their informational seminars, get to one as soon as possible. When you go, you'll get an information packet to take home, and when you make the decision to act on the information you've been given, you'll have a form to fill out and a pre-addressed envelope to mail it in. That gets the ball rolling!
  14. travelgirl

    BC Pill?

    I am scheduled for banding on Feb 5!!! Yay, ME! I am on NuvaRing, (if you aren't familiar, you'll have to check out their website) which is the same as birth control pills, but it's a different delivery method. Anyway, I asked if I would have to discontinue that 30 days prior to surgery, and I was told that the hormones in it (which are the same as the pill) can cause bleeding problems during surgery, and blood clots after, so I won't be able to begin using it again until March. Hope this helps!
  15. travelgirl

    Help! What is going on?

    Johni, I saw your post in the SMMC Chicas forum, and saw that you're from Salina, KS. I'm from Abilene, work in Salina, and am going to be banded soon. I am just waiting on my insurance to approve. I'm being banded by Dr. Brent Steward in Topeka at the Tallgrass surgical center. It's nice to know I won't be by myself way out here!
  16. travelgirl

    Need Cruise Advice!

    When you go, absolutely try to get the best bargain you can for goods while in port. These people EXPECT you to, so absolutely do it! One of our tour guides told us once to find out how much they want for an item, and offer HALF of that, and go from there. Different cruise lines handle tipping differently, go to your cruise line's website and read up on what they recommend doing. I do agree, though, tip your room steward on the first day, and you'll feel like absolute royalty the rest of the cruise! (not that you wouldn't otherwise, but it does make a difference) Oh, while you're in port, it's customary to tip anyone who does anything for you. Take plenty of singles with you, many times they won't offer change. This is a lesson learned the hard way by lots of people. If your cruise isn't all-inclusive, you'll need to be aware that your soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are not included in the price of your cruise, in most cases. Your meals will be included, regardless. You'll sign for any beverages as you cruise with a "sail and sign" card (or equivalent) and pay your bill at the end of the cruise. You can pay however you'd like to for that. Take Bonine or Dramamine Non-Drowsy with you just in case. You don't want to be surprised by a bout of motion sickness. Bonine comes in chewable raspberry, which I think is preferable to Dramamine, and it's also non-drowsy. I'm a Referral Travel Agent, if you haven't guessed that, and if you have any other questions, I'd be glad to try to answer them for you! Above all, though HAVE A GREAT TIME!
  17. travelgirl

    Any Heel Spur Problems?

    My podiatrist suggested that I keep a can of vegetables or something (I find that the skinner cans work better, like deodorant or hair spray) and roll your foot on it in the morning before you get out of bed for a few minutes, and a few times in the evening while you're relaxing. That stretches the tendon that is causing you the pain, so when you do get up and walk on it, it's not as painful...plus the coolness of the can helps shrink any inflammation. Hope this helps!
  18. travelgirl

    Mexican fill patients & Dr. Malley

    Hi, all! I'm a newbie, not banded yet, but I've started the wheels turning. Still not 100% sure if this is really for me, or not, I still have to work that out for myself, BUT... If I do this, it will be at the Tallgrass Center in Topeka, KS. That's the closest place to me that has surgeons that do the lap band that my insurance covers. It's a network thing. :tired Anyway, I have a friend who really would like to consider it, but it is totally out of the question for her, because of the cost, and her insurance doesn't cover it. I was wondering how much of a savings can be expected by traveling to Mexico for the surgery? This might be an alternative that she might want to look into. Any info you can give me would be great! :eek: Excellence is achievable. Perfection is God's business.:confused:
  19. travelgirl

    Wannabe LAP Bander---HELP!

    If you're serious about going to work out, that you want to, there are gyms for women only. The one I go to is a CURVES, and they've never made me feel like I shouldn't be there, or that they're staring at me, because that's just where I SHOULD be, and they're real women, just LIKE me. Women of all shapes, sizes, fitness level, and age go there. I could go on, but I won't, here's a link to their website: www.curves.com By the way...I'm waiting for my consultation appointment, after contemplating this for over a year. Now that the wheels are in motion, I wish they'd turn faster!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
