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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    One month at goal anniversary

    :clap2: :dance: :hail: :rockon: :wow2: :cheer2: :bounce: What a wonderful NSV!!!! You are truly an inspiration. It's good to see that people CAN hit their goals!! WAY TO GO!!!
  2. travelgirl

    Hiccup/Burp - 5 days post op - help?

    The only time I burp anymore is when it's triggered by a hiccup. I think it's from the added pressure on the diaphram. They rarely hurt, though, so I never worry about it.
  3. I told everybody who would hold still long enough to listen....And mostly, everyone is supportive. However, I do have ONE person that I work with that has decided to take it upon herself to be my "food police". She asks me every day about whether I'm getting proper nutrition, and am I getting in enough calories, so that my body doesn't go into starvation mode, printing out her meal plan (she's also overweight, and trying to lose weight on a slim-fast type plan) and showing it to me every day.... It's getting pretty hard to hold my tongue, and not tell her off. I'm not even sure that she means well by what she's doing, because she sells vitamin and herbal supplements, and she's always wanting me to try this product or that protein powder.... I'm sick to death of it. I wish I'd never told HER. Everyone else is really supportive, though, so maybe I'll just tell her to bugger off....I'm tired of hearing about HER failed efforts, and having her try to push it off on me, too...BEEN THERE, DONE THAT...GOT THE T-SHIRT AND BURNED IT!
  4. travelgirl

    I need honest feedback please but be nice..

    Wow. Just Wow. You really captured what we all go through. Thanks for sharing it with us!
  5. travelgirl

    Reporting Inappropriate Posts

    Yeah, there aren't THAT many that pop up on here to justify that, I don't think. Just report it when you see it, post an "already reported" message, and let it go. If they were filling up the board with it, then I could see putting a restriction on it, but I didn't see it as that big a problem. At least not yet, anyway.
  6. travelgirl

    Feb 2007 Bandsters: April Challenge

    I haven't been doing a "traditional" workout, but I've been really working my butt off getting rid of 14 years worth of JUNK from an upstairs room, boxing it up and carrying it downstairs and out to the curb. Work up a good sweat for at least an hour every evening this week, and I've been doing good getting in my water, too!
  7. travelgirl

    just banded and regretful

    Well, good for you!!! I never really went through the "what the hell have I done to myself" phase after surgery, but I sure wondered if I was making the right decision beforehand. Keep on walking, and keep checking in with us, we're here for you! :clap2:
  8. travelgirl

    Birth Control/Hormone Questions!

    They're small enough, and they dissolve quickly, so I had NO problems with them right after surgery. Also, they told me, as far as pills go, if it's smaller than a PLAIN M&M, (and it's not an nsaid, stay away from them...) that it should pass through ok. My BCP's are MUCH smaller than that...
  9. travelgirl

    Birth Control/Hormone Questions!

    I had to stop my birth control 30 days prior to surgery. They said it's because it could possibly cause bleeding problems. The day of surgery when they sent me home, they said it's fine to start taking it again. I was also told that I should stay away from nsaids from now on, because they can cause ulcers, and that can really complicate things with a lap-band. If Aunt Flo will be visiting the day of surgery, talk to the surgeon (or someone on his staff if you're not comfortable talking with him directly) about whether they want you to wear a pad or tampon. I've learned through reading the posts on here about this issue that every surgeon has a different preference about this. Good luck! You'll do fine, and keep us updated on your progress! Welcome to LBT!
  10. travelgirl

    Reporting Inappropriate Posts

    The posts being discussed here are the ones that are similar to the spam e-mails that you get, with links to porn sites, or websites trying to sell cheap drugs...that sort of thing. It's usually a user's very first post, or sometimes they'll post two right together....sometimes the subject line looks legit.
  11. travelgirl

    New Today--Band Tomorrow

    Welcome, Melissa! Being nervous is very normal. The day before my surgery, I was a train wreck. Everything will be fine, and you'll be home walking, walking, walking to get rid of the gas pains before you know it! :paranoid Check back with us and let us know how your surgery went!
  12. travelgirl

    1st fill vs vacation??

    I'm with Jack! My band is FOR LIFE, and I am determined to NOT let it RULE my life, just guide it. I think I'd get the fill and go, but that's just me. I figure that if I'm on vacation and am really tight, I can find some soup to drink...
  13. travelgirl

    Tornado Shelters ~ Underground or Saferoom

    I prefer a basement, but mostly because a finished, furnished basement can be a nice place to go "ride out the storm" if it's nasty outside. Especially if you have small children. Lots of times the storm hits in the late evening, or even in the middle of the night, and the kiddies can crash in the basement, and you don't have to worry about them. Personally, though, I LOVE to watch storms. No basement for me!!!
  14. travelgirl

    Post Op Hunger

    I got really sick of the sweet Protein Shakes as well, so I started blending 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with 1 cup of tomato juice. Not a gourmet meal, or anything to write home about, but I got in some protein, and it wasn't bad. Blend it REALLY well...
  15. travelgirl

    Is this OK?

    I let my steri-strips come off on their own, and they stayed on between 9 and 13 days. At least don't try to remove them until day 7, though, that is what my post-op instructions said.
  16. travelgirl

    Feb 2007 Bandsters: April Challenge

    Our city is having their annual "city wide cleanup week" where you can put out all your old junk and they pick it up free of charge, so I cleaned out a bunch of stuff from an upstairs room yesterday. Worked at it for about an hour, worked up a GOOD sweat doing it, even though it was cool... I guess that counts...
  17. travelgirl

    Cookie Coma

    When was the last time you were checked for diabetes??
  18. travelgirl

    Feb 2007 Bandsters: April Challenge

    Yep, that's reasonable for everyone, I think. :clap2:
  19. travelgirl

    Sticky residue?

    Rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or pad, and rub, rub, rub. Don't rub too hard, though, I had some very tender skin around my incisions after surgery.... Or you can be patient, and it will wear off on it's own...
  20. travelgirl

    Feb 2007 Bandsters: April Challenge

    Ok, I'm in for the exercise and water challenge.... I'll be going for 30 minutes EVERY day, even if it's just walking for 15 minutes on the treadmill twice a day... I just got my first fill today, and I'm SO ready to get back to losing....
  21. travelgirl

    2 Post-Op Q's Need Some Help?!?!

    Rocko... I had the ear thing happen to me a couple of years ago, it was just an excess of wax buildup, and what finally cleared it up was a few drops of warmed, but not hot sweet oil put in there, and it helped to soften the earwax, so my body could get rid of it easier. Even at that, it still took a couple of days to clear up. As for the Water, I was told to sip, sip, sip, sip, sip, and then sip some more, aiming for 64 ozs every day. It was almost a week before I could get more than 32 ozs in, but I kept sipping away.... You don't want to try to drink too fast, or it will come back up. Now I find it very easy to get my 64 ozs PLUS in every day, and that's ONLY water. I don't even count anything else I drink. I do try to get an extra 24 ozs in when I work out, too. Sometimes that's difficult.
  22. travelgirl

    Mild meltdown

    And by the way....just because your surgery is done, don't expect not to be anywhere from mildly emotional to almost frantic about what you've done to yourself AFTER the fact. This happens very commonly to people, mostly as the result of the anesthesia. Seems to me like almost everyone goes through a period of....What the he** have I done? This will also pass. Let us know how you're doing!
  23. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! I'm glad your doc was so supportive. I think a lot of times, we get a pre-conceived notion in our minds, and then blow it way out of proportion, and end up expecting the worst case scenario, and really, it was all for nothing....
  24. travelgirl

    Post-op bruising ... oh my!

    If you go to the scar stages thread and look at some of the pictures, you'll see that some people bruise pretty badly. I'm personally glad that I didn't look at that thread until after my surgery, or I might have been scared away. I had NO bruising whatsoever. You'll be looking at your scars with wonder in no time, thinking "that's IT?"
  25. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Go start the thread, I'm in! I'm ready to motivate, as well. :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
