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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. You Can Do It!!!!:cheer2:
  2. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Glad to know that good restriction is possible at the second fill. My second fill is almost a month away.
  3. travelgirl


    Interesting.... You should do just fine, Just don't stress about losing weight during the healing phase. Once you're all healed up, let the weight loss BEGIN!!!
  4. travelgirl


    I'm still confused, how do you do a puree without ANY starch? My puree stage consisted of Campbell's Soup at Hand (blended), creamy soups, protein shakes and such. None of it was without starch, and I still lost weight while in this stage.
  5. travelgirl

    who leads the monthly bandsters groups?

    You could always go hop on the spring bootcamp thread!
  6. Julie, pb'ing every other day is too often! Please be so very careful, or you could have a slip. I'm sure you already know this, though, so I'm probably preaching to the choir. Sorry! Oh, and BTW, PB = Productive Burp
  7. Try not to stress too much over this. I continued to lose even after I moved through the different stages. I'm not sure what you mean by starting purees with no carbs.... can you clarify? What are your surgeon's instructions for the next stage of your diet?
  8. travelgirl

    How often do you PB?

    I have a super sensitive gag reflex, too, but I've only PB'd once, and that was totally my own stupid fault. I was eating too fast, and not chewing my food well enough. I felt some pressure in my chest, and up it came! It wasn't a horrible experience at all. You'll be fine! I have NO regrets.
  9. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Babygirl! You're on your FOURTH fill??? WOW!! I'm still on my first! I got 1cc on my first fill, and my second isn't until May 10. Which is really ok with me, because I've resumed losing after my first fill. I had stalled for a couple of weeks... The April challenge has helped, too, even though I haven't been very good about posting on that thread... :confused:
  10. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Well, you've taught yourself pretty well!!! Keep on reading, and you can ask us anything you wish, and we'll do our best to help!:confused:
  11. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hi, Diddi! I know this sounds strange, but you might try taking a big bite of something you REALLY REALLY want, chew it up, and then spit it out. This has helped some people get past the worst of their cravings. Maybe it can help you, too?
  12. travelgirl

    What's wrong with me???

    OMG! :faint: I wanted that same exact thing before my surgery, too. And I also didn't have one. Now that I'm banded, I realize that I CAN have this, but no longer really want to, because I don't want to have to put that in Fitday.com!!!!! Way too many calories for this banded girl!:bandit
  13. travelgirl

    please help me don't know what to do!!

    First, don't panic! You got your band 2 days after me! It sounds to me like the only thing you need to do is slow way down when you eat. You said the full feeling comes way too late, so if you s-l-o-w d-o-w-n, you should feel it. Also, I feel like we shouldn't be looking for a feeling of FULL, but a feeling of NO LONGER HUNGRY when we eat. And to learn that the feeling of hunger isn't a bad thing, it's NORMAL! And usually if I drink a big glass of Water and do something to occupy myself, it passes within a few minutes. Hang in there! You'll get the hang of this new life!
  14. travelgirl

    2 year bandiversary....

    I do believe that this may qualify as an NSV!
  15. I don't know if this will help, but I found myself needing to drink almost all day to get in all the liquids I was supposed to get in for the first couple of weeks. There weren't too many occasions when I didn't find myself looking at my broth, or juice or water, thinking....HOW am I ever going to get that all down??? LOL Then, once things loosened up, it was time to move on to full liquids/creamed soups, and then I just ate (drank) the soups or whatever 3 times a day, and made sure that I was drinking enough water in between times that I'd get in my 64 ozs.
  16. travelgirl

    what I wish I had known/done presurgery

    I researched this surgery for 2 YEARS before I did it. I was pretty well informed. BUT: I wish I had known that it wasn't going to be the end of eating foods that I like FOREVER! It is life changing, but not in a bad way at all! I think if I had known that, (even though I read it on here, I still didn't KNOW it for myself) I'd have had the surgery much sooner. And I would have avoided the co-morbidities that I've developed.
  17. travelgirl

    Hi there! *waves*

    Hi, Wendy! *waves back* Welcome to LBT. I hope you find the answers you're looking for here, ask away! As I read your story, I was reliving my own past. Not quite the same as yours, but pretty close. My motivation to get the band was my fear of the impending health problems that I KNEW were creeping up on me, some faster than others. I had my cholesterol checked a few months before surgery, and it was high for the first time. The week before my surgery, I had my pre-op testing done, and found out that I'm diabetic, and I also have high blood pressure. VERY high. Since banding, though, my blood sugar is still a LITTLE high, but not high enough for my doc to deem it necessary to put me on any meds yet, since I've modified my diet and am losing weight...My blood pressure is down to a reasonable level without medications, and I go in another month to have my cholesterol checked again. Things are certainly looking up, and I've only been banded for 2 months. Good luck and let us know what you decide.
  18. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I haven't been on this thread in a while, so I thought I'd drop in and see how everyone's doing.... I got my first fill on Friday, March 30. I got 1cc in my ?? band.... I just realized I have no idea which band I have! Anyhow, it hasn't made much of a difference. Maybe a little.... But sometimes if I'm not paying attention, I'll be eating, and before I know it, I've eaten way more than a cup of food....more like 2 to 2.5 cups. I don't know if this is normal, or what. I do start with my protein, and then go to my veggies, and then to the carbs... I don't think I've stretched my stoma, since I haven't really had any pain, and I've only pb'd once (Like LousieR, I wasn't paying attention, and ate way too fast, and wasn't chewing properly) I am still managing, though, to keep my calories to around 1200-1400/day. Which would have been maybe 1/2 of a MEAL pre-band days. I'm exercising at least 5 days a week. If I don't go to Curves, I hop on my treadmill and walk for 30 minutes.... Some days (like today) if I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll walk on my 15 minute breaks at work, and then I've done my 30 minutes for the day!! Woo-hoo! It's too cold right now to walk outside, but we have an empty floor at work, and I have the whole floor to myself. Turn on my mp3-player, and GO! Anyhow, sorry for the rambling, just wanted to check in!
  19. travelgirl

    getting worried

    LMAO, Rene!!!!!! That's about right!
  20. travelgirl

    getting worried

    Pick a Protein shake with very few carbs/sugar. I don't really think it matters what brand you go with, but you might try out a few (or several) to find out which ones you like and which ones make you want to scrape your tastebuds off BEFORE it's all you can have.... You MUST remember that your surgeon requires a liquid diet after surgery because if you try to eat even full liquids or mushy food too soon, it can dislodge the sutures holding your band in place. You CAN do it! We believe in you!
  21. travelgirl

    Help!! throat issues

    It may be that the mushy foods you're eating are a bit too thick. Thin them down a bit with Water or skim milk, and take it a little slower. See if that helps! Good luck!
  22. travelgirl

    Restriction in the morning

    I'm a baby bandster, but it sounds to me as if you're just too tight.
  23. travelgirl

    How about PF-ing?

    Yep, that's a shart. You think it's a fart, and then OOPS! Nope, not a fart! Then you get to go change yer britches! Been there, done that. Way before banding, too, I might add...
  24. Yeah, liquids don't stay in the pouch, they run right through. You can drink pretty normally, if you drink too fast, you'll feel it sort of back up briefly and then it passes. Just don't chug or swallow too much at once. You'll be fine!! Welcome to LBT and BANDLAND!!!
  25. travelgirl

    Weight Gain

    1. (finluv) PUT THE scale AWAY where you can't see it and take it out NO MORE than once a day. You're just making yourself crazy with it. 2. The human body RETAINS Water when it doesn't get what it needs from drinking. If you're not drinking enough water EVERY day, then your body is keeping more of it than it needs, just in case it doesn't get any more. You should be able to drink pretty normally...just don't chug. Take a swallow, then another swallow, just go a little slower than you normally would to make sure that it doesn't get backed up...I had that happen when I wasn't thinking, and you'll KNOW if you're drinking too fast....It will try to come back up or you'll feel it come to a screeching halt in your throat.....ow! 3. Please remember that the first 6 weeks are for healing, and you shouldn't be concerned with weight loss right now. Just do the best you can, follow your surgeon's instructions, and you'll be losing in no time!! Hang in there!

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