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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl


    I would love to have an option to "ignore" an entire thread kinda like you can "ignore" users....
  2. Every time I've tried to use my card, I've been told No, they don't do that. So I don't even carry it with me anymore. Leftovers are great! And I travel quite a bit as well and have never set of any alarms....
  3. travelgirl


    You've got my vote! I try to stay out of R&R for exactly that reason. I'm here for lap-band support...
  4. travelgirl

    My Doc Refuses To Give Fill

    I'm going to have to agree as well. YOU DON'T NEED A FILL if you're still losing weight! My doc said that if I come in for a fill, and I'm still losing around 2 lbs a week on AVERAGE, we'll have a nice visit, but no fill for me. For all the reasons stated in the 3 previous posts.... Hang in there! This thing is for LIFE, not for awhile, it's not a race!!!
  5. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I hear ya, I've been too busy to walk today, so I'll have to slog it out on my treadmill tonight. I'm on track with my Water, though. Is it just me, or have the boards been pretty quiet today?
  6. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Hello? Anyone there? :guess I get scared if I'm all by my wittle self!! Hehe...:nervous
  7. travelgirl

    Support group for non banded spouse?

    Me, three!!!!! I measure out stuff just for me, and I get home, and it's GONE!!!! DAMN IT!
  8. travelgirl

    Best fodd for me to eat following band surger.

    Any meat, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese...these things are all high in Protein. Not so much the fruits, which are typically high in sugar.
  9. travelgirl

    Best fodd for me to eat following band surger.

    You should be eating Protein first (not crunchy foods), then veggies, and then any starchy foods last, if you are still hungry. Protein helps keep you feeling full longer. Crunchy foods are not typically very good for you, anyway, and will keep you from losing weight... Good luck!
  10. travelgirl

    Admitting you need a slight unfill

    I might be wrong, but I think if you eat to that point of being full --Thanksgiving Day full-- That you are putting yourself dangerously at risk of some serious complications. You could slip, stretch your pouch, or cause yourself esophageal problems, etc. Unless you don't CARE whether you keep your band long-term.... It is possible to feel satisfied, even full on a small amount of full, but I don't think it's wise to push your band to it's limits...
  11. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hey, everybody! I ordered the New whey liquid Protein vials...they have 42 g protein per vial, and at 3 oz each, I can drink 1/2 of it in the morning, and 1/2 of it in the afternoon, and then I don't have to worry about not getting in all the protein I need... I've been really paranoid about that lately... And FYI, your body will only absorb about 25 grams of protein at one time, so you should try and spread out your protein, so your body can actually use it.... Just thought it was good information to have. And if you're interested, here's the link for the New Whey liquid protein: http://www.affordablesupplements.com/newwhey_42.asp Have a great day, everyone!
  12. Jason, My doc said that as long as I'm losing 1-2 lbs a week, that I don't need a fill. If you're still losing, and you're comfortable with where you're at, there's no need to change right now. You certainly don't want to get a fill if you don't need one, which could make you too tight, and could cause problems. It sounds to me like you're content with your situation as it stands right now, so I'd leave well enough alone, at least for now.... Of course, it never hurts to talk these things over with your surgeon.... Good luck!
  13. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I got my 30 minutes in for the day, and I'll probably go out at breaktime again, too. It's too nice outside to just sit in here... Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 Water: 4 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 4 of 20 workouts (30 min)
  14. travelgirl

    Support group for non banded spouse?

    I agree. If there's something posted on here that I think is funny or good information that I think he should know, I'd rather tell him myself, than have him come on here...not because I feel I have anything to hide from him, but because this is my place....and I don't want to share!
  15. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    15 minutes down, 15 to go! (haven't started on my water yet, only had coffee so far....)
  16. Matter of fact, I'm meeting two other bandsters from my hometown for lunch today at a mexican place called "Nacho Mama's"....
  17. travelgirl

    Vitamin Deficiency

    Shirley, my first guess would be that it isn't a Vitamin deficiency, but maybe high blood sugar. I don't mean to scare you, but that's probably the first thing your doctor is going to check. I hope it's nothing! Good luck at the doctor tomorrow.
  18. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    :clap2: You GO Babygrl!
  19. travelgirl


    I took FMLA for my surgery, and I was off a week. This was because any time off that is taken that isn't reported as vacation or personal time (basically, sick leave) counts against your attendance record. Unless I took FMLA, that week would have gone in my permanent work record with the company I work for. The only requirement was that my doctor fill out a form stating that I would be having surgery, but not what type of surgery. This website: http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/ has the most comprehensive information about FMLA that I could find. I hope it answers all your questions. You can talk to your HR person at work, too.
  20. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I did it! 30 minutes and 64 ozs!!! Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 WATER: 3 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 3 of 20 workouts (30 min)
  21. I also wanted to add that about a month after I was banded, we spent a week in Vegas, and I weighed 7 lbs less when I got home than I did when we left!
  22. I have not been to a restaurant yet that I couldn't find SOMETHING on the menu I could have. And we travel a lot, so of course we eat out when we're on the road. I even take a cooler along with me so I can keep the leftovers and make another meal or 3 out of it. You'll do great. Even at family functions, you should be able to find something that's band-friendly. Good luck with your decision!
  23. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I walked this morning on break, 15 minutes, and I'm on my second 24 oz glass of water today....
  24. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Ok, I did it! I had already gotten in my 64 ozs, and I just did 30 minutes on my treadmill. I have sweat dripping from my hair onto my neck, ears and shoulders....For the first time today, I put it on an incline while I walked. My legs are all tingly now... Got a pretty good cardio in! Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 Water: 2 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 2 of 20 workouts (30 min)
  25. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I'd be there cheering you on if I could be there! I know what you mean about not finishing something. Except for a meal.... *sigh* Gotta go, I'm getting on my treadmill now.....I noticed that you've exercised EVERY day this month so far, and I'm feeling like a big ol' slacker.....

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