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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I just did 15 minutes/3 miles on the stationary bike here, so I'm done for the day.... Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 WATER: 22 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 17 of 20 workouts (30 min)
  2. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Ok, I finally sat down with my calendar, and here's how I'm doing: I've hit goal on my Water intake, and have 4 more workouts to go... already got 15 minutes of one of those under my belt for today! I'm feeling a little better, still a bit stuffy, though. Mucinex is a Godsend. Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 WATER: 21 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 16 of 20 workouts (30 min)
  3. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Thanks, it was so important to me, finding out that I'm diabetic during my pre-op testing, (devastated) to be able to control it without having to go on any medication. My doc is thrilled. Oh, yeah, and my cholesterol is still a bit high, but it's coming down!! No meds for that, either, and my blood pressure was great! These were all things that concerned my doc in January, but not anymore!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!
  4. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I got some awesome news yesterday, my AIC (blood glucose 3 month average) was 6.1 this time!!!!!!!!! It was 9.7 last time, which is BAD. THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!! And that is WITHOUT medication!!!!!!!!!:clap2:
  5. travelgirl

    It still stings...

    That really burns my ass. It does come down to parenting. Shame on her for not teaching her kids how to be kind, or at least to keep their mouths shut.... Take some consolation in this, though, we always get as good as we give. She'll get hers.
  6. travelgirl

    Someone tell me to toughen up!!

    I got nothin.... I never could lose weight before my band.... Sorry! I think it stinks and is so unfair for our insurance companies to require weight loss prior to weight loss surgery. Don't they understand that we've been there, done that, and wouldn't need the surgery if we could lose weight on our own??? Maybe it's just to prove to them how serious we are about having surgery....
  7. travelgirl

    Real burping

    That comes and goes for me. If anyone hears it (almost every time) I just excuse myself and apologize, and no one ever makes anything of it. Although at home, I can sometimes get tickled about it because there's just no controlling it! Might as well laugh about it when you can, right? Oh, and yes, the hiccup thing.....I am physically incapable of a burp anymore unless it starts with a hiccup....
  8. travelgirl

    Someone tell me to toughen up!!

    Who is requiring you to lose the weight prior to surgery? Is it your insurance company or your surgeon? Never mind, I re-read your first post.... I'll have to think on this one....
  9. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I'm not running any marathons or anything like that, but I have been getting my workouts in every day. I've been varying my workouts, too. Getting really tired of just walking, so I've been bicycling, doing a ball workout (which is really fun). Right now, I'm battling a nasty cough. I won't be working out today....
  10. travelgirl

    Another Newbie

    LOL! Yeah, that's normal. It will get less and less as you go. I noticed it again after I had a fill, but it also passed within a few days or so.
  11. travelgirl


    If you need a passport, DON'T WAIT to get one! I was listening to the radio a couple of days ago, and they reported that there are over a million passports being issued a month. There is only one place that issues passports, so it stands to reason that they are pretty backed up. Apply early, and be patient. If you have summer travel plans and you don't have your passport yet, you might look into changing your plans now, because you probably won't be getting them in time to go.
  12. travelgirl

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    Decide if you love the piece enough to own it, and wear it. I don't think it matters whether or not it's real, or how much you paid for it, as long as it's something you LOVE. I have a fairly large variety of pieces, and their monetary value varies greatly, but I don't have anything that I don't love, and some days I have a hard time deciding which pieces to wear.
  13. travelgirl

    Need help picking a treadmill

    I bought a ProformXP at Sears, and it was on sale for $799. That model has since been discontinued, but they have the updated version of the same thing for around the same price when they're on sale. Watch the weight limits on them. I had to shop and shop to find one that fit our needs AND fit our budget. Good luck in your search!
  14. travelgirl

    The ACTI-TRAINER (like bodybugg)

    I don't know about the actitrainer, but the bodybugg's website says it cannot be worn in the water. I'd also be curious about this. Anyone???
  15. travelgirl

    Another Newbie

    Hello, MissCarol! Welcome to LBT and bandland! Did you have a specific question/s?
  16. travelgirl

    Is this a slow start??

    It's absolutely not a slow start. It's only been a month since you were banded and this is a time for healing, not weight loss. You're doing great! Your first fill may or may not make that much difference, as everyone is different. You may get good restriction with the first one, or it may take some time to get to your sweet spot. You'll get there, just be patient. Welcome to bandland and LBT!
  17. travelgirl

    Still Left Out

    Hey, don't worry about it! I've started a few threads that were only even VIEWED a couple of times, and no one responded to them. Sometimes the title of the thread isn't enough to draw a person in, so it gets overlooked. Hang in here with us! Chickie, I must say, you can give me any advice you want to give me. I've seen your 8 month post op abdominoplasty pics. You have done an incredible job. I can't believe I can see your RIBS! We both started at very near the same starting weight, and I'm still not entirely sure I HAVE ribs to see. I seem to be swimming upstream, too, in my ideas about how to do this. I have only gotten one fill, and am not in a big hurry to get another, because I am still losing, and I read all the time about people pressing their docs about getting a fill, even though they are losing, because it's just too hard to keep exercising and eating right, they'd rather do it the easy way, and be too tight to drink a Protein shake (insert mild sarcasm). I don't get it. SO, advise away, O Great One! Sheree, keep us posted on your progress!
  18. travelgirl


    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, Alex!!! I LOVE this option...:clap2:
  19. travelgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    Congratulations! You'll be banded before you know it!
  20. I have 5, 4 really small ones and one just a bit longer where the port is.
  21. travelgirl

    The ACTI-TRAINER (like bodybugg)

    :bump2: I was just wondering if you're still using your Actitrainer? I've been searching for some place that has a review of it, and there just aren't any reviews out there. Have you started seeing results??? Is it easy to use? Is the unit itself bulky, or noticeable under clothing? Is it something I could wear to work without people asking me "what is that thing?"
  22. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I would love to visit Virginia....
  23. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I've been on Lexapro since way before surgery....maybe that's what's keeping me from getting the blahs. I am exactly opposite of what some of you have said. I've been VERY motivated to clean my house, and it's cleaner than I think it's EVER been. I also cook quite a bit more than I used to. I've also seemingly hit a plateau, but I'm pretty sure I can attribute that to the junk I've been eating and possibly Aunt Flo's imminent visit.
  24. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Awwwww! That was really sweet! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was out of town for a 4-day weekend, and when I got back, I couldn't access any threads. Must have been something wrong with the servers or something, because I've been reading that other people had intermittent problems, as well.... Anyway, I've been doing great with my Water, and almost as good on my workouts. I'll have to look at my calendar at home to figure out how many workouts I've gotten in..... I seem to have hit a plateau as well, but I'm sure it's because of all the junk I've been eating. I can't seem to get back on track. Hershey's Kisses with Peanut Butter are evil. I'm going to redouble my efforts to get back on track with my eating, and go back to the bandster rules, lean Protein first, veggies next, and any carbs I still have room for and still want last. Probably doesn't help that Aunt Flo will be visiting any minute now (Nuva-ring keeps my cycles regular, so I know when she's coming) so I've been alternately craving salt and sweet.... So frustrating.
  25. travelgirl

    Non-Band Related Forums

    I still like the idea of having an option of "ignore thread" if that's possible. Some rants & raves, I like to read, others I don't, and it would be nice to be able to pick and choose which ones I see and which ones I don't. For example, I never had any interest in the "Anti-semitism in France" thread, but it was at the very top of New Posts for MONTHS. And contrary to what Laurend said, as a newbie, I did start out using the "New threads" feature, as I was already familiar with other boards, and had been using that there, as well.

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