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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Pepto Bismol?

    No idea, but I can't for the life of me figure out why not. Post-op, I was given suppositories for nausea. Used ONE, and was DONE with that....
  2. travelgirl

    My Psych Evaluation

    Wow, my psych eval was pretty easy, I actually liked the lady I saw, and would even consider seeing her if I begin having issues as I lose weight. I've never been in therapy, and never care to be, BUT, if I really felt like it would help to talk to someone, I found it really easy to talk to her, and she had a super comfy office with cushy leather chairs, love seat, and couch.... I had a really good experience, it took about an hour, no stupid questionnaire, we just talked. I'm so sorry you had such a sucky eval. She sounds like a kook.
  3. travelgirl

    The Secret

    I haven't read the book, but it was pretty easy watching the movie. You can watch it online here (for $4.95, but it's cheaper than buying the DVD): The Secret - DVD Offer The movie is an hour and a half long, so make sure your computer chair is comfy...
  4. travelgirl

    The Secret

    I own the movie, and when I apply the concepts, it does work! My dh says it works for him, too, but he's so far only applied it to his golf game. LOL! It's an interesting concept. I know people who totally swear by it, and watch the movie at least once a week. I've only watched it twice....
  5. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! It's 65 here today, no wind, partly cloudy, so I did my walking outside, and actually walked 30 minutes at lunch, and 15 minutes on break! Woo! I love this weather! Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 WATER: 25 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 20 of 20 workouts (30 min)
  6. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hi, Wallygirl! Are you still losing weight? That's usually what they go by when it's time to fill or not to fill. If you're still losing approx. 2 lbs a week, then you probably don't need a fill. Looks like you've lost a little more than I have. (I'm hoping you meant that you were at 308 now, if you're really at 208, I better hustle my butt to figure out what I'm doing wrong!!!! LOL) Oh, and WELCOME to the Feb 07 bandsters thread! I don't know how to add people to the list, and I thought teacher was going to take over that function, but I haven't seen her on here in awhile..... I'll see if I can figure it out.... I just made my appointment for a fill on Tuesday. I've stopped losing weight and I can eat quite a lot more than I should right now. The other night, I made salmon patties, and ate 2 1/2 of them PLUS about a cup of hashbrown casserole. That's still not as much as I would have eaten pre-banding, but DANG! that was a lot of food. Decided enough of this, already, I'm ready to get losing again, I'm already exercising almost every day.
  7. travelgirl

    Need to get my BMI down...ASAP!!!!

    LOL just tell them it was yet another crash diet, that will surely fail without the intervention of the band, done purely for the purpose of meeting their stupid guidelines. They don't care how you lose it, or how fast, all it is to them is a number that must be met in order for them to put their stamp of approval on it. You can do it!!!!!!
  8. travelgirl


    Thanks for the update! I was worried about you. Are you still on IV fluids? Hopefully that nasty swelling will go down soon, and you'll start feeling like your old self. (((hugs)))
  9. DID SOMEONE SAY CAKE??? LOL! I've lost 45 lbs, and am down 2 sizes in pants, and all my pants are sort of snug at the waist, and baggy in the butt/legs. I'm barely one size down in tops. All my shirts are getting really loose in the shoulder/chest/arm area, and they're still snug around my middle. My spare tire just won't deflate. I'm wondering right now if it will ever be gone, no matter how much weight I lose.
  10. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Suzanne, I can sort of chug Water now, as well...just not as quickly as I used to. I can't gulp, but I can drink fairly large amounts at one time, if I take smaller swallows, and just keep swallowing.... Keep at it, you'll get there! Babygrl, maybe I'll try again, I've NEVER been able to RUN. EVER. Maybe I can change that now, with some effort...
  11. travelgirl


    It's probably just swelling from the surgery, but if you're unable to keep even Water down, you need to call your doctor immediately! You don't want to get dehydrated! Oh, and make sure you're not drinking COLD water, make sure it's room temperature or even a bit warm. That can be very soothing and may loosen things up a bit. Keep us posted!
  12. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Wow, no one has had anything to say for 2 whole days! I guess I'll get it started again.... I think it's time for a fill. I've been back and forth with the same 2 lbs for about 3 weeks now. I'll call to set up the appointment this morning. How is everyone doing?
  13. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I can't run yet, too much jiggling going on when I run.... Kinda painful!:nervous
  14. Hi, Jodi! I am from Abilene, and had my surgery done at Tallgrass. They have a first rate staff there, and they have treated me with such respect, and professionalism.... I would not hesitate for one second to recommend any of their surgeons. Dr. Brent Steward did my surgery. As far as your insurance goes, get to a seminar as SOON as possible, so you can get the paperwork to get the gears turning, and Rachelle can answer any questions you have regarding when/how to submit your paperwork. You can PM me if you have any questions, or just ask away on here, I'm here often.
  15. travelgirl

    I'm in the recovery room!

    Congratulations! Get up and get walking as often as possible, and keep those gas pains at bay! And when you're not walking, get some good rest! Here's to a quick recovery, and WELCOME TO BANDLAND!
  16. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    .......one more workout to go!!!!!!!!! Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 WATER: 24 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 19 of 20 workouts (30 min)<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  17. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    As of this morning: Feb'07 Bandsters: May Challenge~20 & 20 WATER: 23 of 20 days drinking 64oz EXERCISE: 18 of 20 workouts (30 min)<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  18. I have a SUPER sensitive gag reflex.....I think I might actually gag less now than before. I gag when I brush my teeth, gag when I cough too hard, gag when I try to hold a pencil in my mouth....it's awful....I was terribly worried about it before being banded, and it was all for nothing. You'll be fine, don't worry about that part of it.
  19. travelgirl

    My Doc Refuses To Give Fill

    The idea is, if you're hungry, you'll eat more, and lose less, and therefore need a fill. It's not about NEVER being hungry, it's about only eating when you're hungry, not when you "think" you need something to eat.
  20. travelgirl

    6 Small meals a day???

    Whew! I was feeling like a real slacker! I was banded in Feb 07, and I've only lost 45 lbs! LOL
  21. travelgirl

    6 Small meals a day???

    You've lost 140 lbs in 4 months??? Surely that's a typo...Were you banded in Feb of 06 maybe??
  22. Wow, this is a pretty tall order to fill….your questions are pretty difficult to answer. Will the surgery go ok? Most likely your surgery will go off without a hitch. Will you be in a lot of pain? Depends, everyone is different. Take your pain meds, that's what they're for, and walk, walk, walk, and walk some more! Will you get any restriction before your fill? I had some restriction before my first fill, but not everyone does. Remember, everyone is different, and the time before your first fill is a time for HEALING, not weight loss. Will your first fill hurt? Didn't feel a thing at my first fill, but my port area felt bruised for a few days afterward. What if it doesn't work? It's a tool that YOU have to work with. What if I can't follow the diet? I'm not on a diet. I eat the same things as everyone else (except for soft bread and dry or tough meat), just a lot less of it than I would have eaten before. What if your life is a huge froth fest from now on? I haven't experienced this yet….Banded almost 4 months now… Is this normal? OF COURSE!!!!!!! It wouldn't be normal if you weren't nervous!!! I was an emotional wreck the day before surgery, but after you've been banded and have a couple of months under your belt, it won't seem like this huge deal anymore. You have to make some tough choices now and again, like forcing yourself to get off your behind and exercise even when you don't feel like it….or passing up those donuts someone brought in to work….but I truly believe that you'll be fine. Or even better than fine! You'll be great. Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! Keep us posted on how you're doing!
  23. Wow, this is a pretty tall order to fill….your questions are pretty difficult to answer. RE:Will the surgery go ok? Most likely your surgery will go off without a hitch. RE:Will you be in a lot of pain? Depends, everyone is different. Take your pain meds, that's what they're for, and walk, walk, walk, and walk some more! RE:Will you get any restriction before your fill? I had some restriction before my first fill, but not everyone does. Remember, everyone is different, and the time before your first fill is a time for HEALING, not weight loss. RE:Will your first fill hurt? Didn't feel a thing at my first fill, but my port area felt bruised for a few days afterward. RE:What if it doesn't work? It's a tool that YOU have to work with. RE:What if I can't follow the diet? I'm not on a diet. I eat the same things as everyone else (except for soft bread and dry or tough meat), just a lot less of it than I would have eaten before. RE:What if your life is a huge froth fest from now on? I haven't experienced this yet….Banded almost 4 months now… RE:Is this normal? OF COURSE!!!!!!! It wouldn't be normal if you weren't nervous!!! I was an emotional wreck the day before surgery, but after you've been banded and have a couple of months under your belt, it won't seem like this huge deal anymore. You have to make some tough choices now and again, like forcing yourself to get off your behind and exercise even when you don't feel like it….or passing up those donuts someone brough in to work….but I truly believe that you'll be fine. Or even better than fine! You'll be great. Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! Keep us posted on how you're doing!
  24. travelgirl

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    My bicycle seat hurts my behind. And it's the big cushy gel kind.
  25. travelgirl

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Way to go! I was just telling my hubby about your accomplishment, and he's mighty impressed with you right now, too! LOL!! You should be so proud of yourself!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
