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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Portabello Mushrooms

    Should be fantastic!
  2. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    30 minutes down, 15 to go!!! I ran again! Just a little, but still!!:faint:
  3. travelgirl

    Portabello Mushrooms

    Mmmmmmmmmmm...... LOVE portobello mushrooms.... Sounds good to me! You shouldn't have a problem with it, and they sure are tasty. I season them with a little thyme, gives a nice flavor...
  4. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I'll let you know if I ever get up that way...
  5. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I totally understand about the workout partner. I used to have someone I could count on for anything (bestest friend anyone could ever have), we quit smoking together (amazing), we worked out together... but she moved away. no one else will make the commitment to hang with me while I do this. Hubby will, but we only have evenings together, and I like to get in most of my walking during the day. We're too busy in the evenings to be consistent. 15 minutes down so far, 30 to go!
  6. I'm not a doctor, so I couldn't say with any authority. I would say, however, that it very well could be swelling. And bear in mind that there are people who don't lose any weight (and some even gain a little) before they move on to solid foods. But since solid foods are dangerous to your healing this soon post-op, you shouldn't worry about it just yet. Follow your doc's post-op instructions, and hang in there! It WILL come! If you're that concerned about losing weight right now, call your doctor, and see what he/she has to say about it.
  7. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Oh, and thanks, everyone for your thoughts and prayers. (((((hugs)))))
  8. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Ok, I got 45 minutes in yesterday. Babygrl, I RAN on my treadmill. Only for one minute, twice during my 15 minute walk, but that's more running than I've done since I was in Gym in High School (and I graduated in '92, only had to take Gym 4 semesters, and got it over with my sophomore year...) Let me tell you, if you weren't on here every day telling us about how much you're running, I'd never have attempted it. Thanks!
  9. Do you have your doc's ok to be working out this soon?? Right now (the time between surgery and your first fill) is a time for HEALING, not weight loss. It's only been 10 days, and your body is NOT fully healed yet. You need to focus on getting in adequate Protein and Water, and the nutrients you need to HEAL. The weight loss will come.
  10. travelgirl

    Thank you all for your support !

    Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! ((((((hugs))))))
  11. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    And now I see that the water is just a bonus....LOL! Ok, I'm going to try for at least level 2...
  12. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Thanks, it's been hell this week, but thanks to my band, I did manage to NOT eat myself into oblivion. I maintained my weight this week, and possibly even lost a pound or two? Not sure, I've been writing my weight down every morning, (to keep myself on track, not to beat myself up with), but I haven't really paid attention to the numbers this week. Hmmmm.... Now I'm curious...I'll have to check it when I get home. OH, and btw, 30 minutes and 64 ozs down already today! I haven't decided which level to shoot for this month. I was going to try for the badass level, like babygrl (HI!!!), but it's too late for that one already....
  13. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I have not been exercising for a week. I lost my dad last Monday, unexpectedly, and his was not a peaceful death. I was with him when he passed, and I am having a hard time with it. I can't close my eyes without seeing it again..... but enough of that. It's time for me to get off my ass and get moving again. I'm in.
  14. travelgirl

    I am really to strangle someone...

    Make sure you run your anti-virus program and a good anti-spyware program such as ad-aware or spybot. Most of the time I find that those damn porn pop-ups are spyware that sneaks onto your computer (and sadly, it doesn't have to be because someone was on a porn site, it piggybacks lots of other stuff). Good luck with that! And net nanny is a good idea, especially if your kids ever use the main computer....
  15. travelgirl

    Mother Daughter Weight Loss Race

    Don't worry about how much faster she's losing. With lap band, we do lose slower than bypass patients. We also have fewer health issues than bypass patients. They have to be so careful not to become mal-nutritioned, and it's much easier for us. I don't really have any words of wisdom for you, just know that you can come here and get support whenever you need it. I hope mom lays off soon. Congrats on your 45lb weight loss so far!
  16. travelgirl

    For Parents: How'd I do on a discipline issue?

    Alexandra, I think you and DH did ok. It sounds like this will be a hardship for them, so it seems appropriate. I can only imagine what the sitter must have gone through when she didn't find them...
  17. Be careful with scrambled eggs! Many people can't do them at all after banding. Take it very slow at first. Take a very small sip of your soup (my very favorite was Campbell's Soup at Hand Velvety Potato) and wait a minute or so before taking another sip. You can also add a little skim milk or Water to thin it down if you need to. Just take it slow and easy, and you'll be fine!
  18. Jack's last post was over a month ago. Anyone heard from him? I miss his words of wisdom and his sense of humor....:phanvan
  19. travelgirl

    Jack, are you there???? Anyone heard from him lately?

    :heh: Yep, can't you just see it? JACK, WHERE ARE YOU??????
  20. PLEASE follow your own surgeon's instructions, or at least talk with him or his nurse before you modify your diet. Each surgeon has his/her own reason for prescribing the post op diets the way they do. It's so easy to come on here and see what everyone else is doing, and think that it's ok to do that, when you really need to talk with your surgeon about it, since he's the one ultimately responsible for your care.
  21. travelgirl

    Jack, are you there???? Anyone heard from him lately?

    Me, too. I hope all is well...
  22. travelgirl

    Ouch. (TMI)

    I had the exact same thing happen to me a week before my surgery. HUGE nasty boil on my hoo-ha (staph infection) and I had to be on antibiotics for it, the doc I went to didn't want to lance it (it was about the size of a quarter as well, and I had to keep checking to make sure I didn't have any fever with it, since it is an infection. I never did have a fever with it, and the antibiotics cleared it up fairly quickly, so my surgery was a go on time. Good luck.
  23. travelgirl

    If something gets stuck

    My dad passed away on Tuesday. Of course, you know what goes on when someone close to you dies, it's hard to eat right. I have been subjected to cold cuts, raw veggies, rubbery chicken, etc... I got stuck TWICE yesterday on the damn cold cuts. It's like swallowing a golf ball. It HURTS, and there's not much you can do about it. Please don't try to make yourself throw up, if it happens, it happens, but don't force it. Both times yesterday, I had to walk around a while, and ended up bending over and getting rid of a bunch of slime, but not the food. It relieved some of the pressure and the situation resolved itself both times. I'm on mushies today to let my tummy rest. Hopefully it doesn't happen too often for you. The two times yesterday brings my grand total up to I think 5.
  24. travelgirl


    I think we all gurgle sometimes. You said you haven't lost any weight in the 5 months since being banded. Have you had any fills, what are you eating, are you exercising???
  25. travelgirl

    AWESOME Video....

    Wow. That was so powerful. Thank you for posting this.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
