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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. Did your doctor send you home with pain meds? If so, TAKE THEM! If not, GET THEM!!!! Walk as much as possible, and rest when you're not walking! It's the very best thing for you after surgery...
  2. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I'm so jealous! 12/14 is beyond my reach right now. I'm still wishing I could get into my 18's. I've been in-between sizes now for 2 months. My 20's are BAGGY, but my 18's won't button... *sighs* I hate everything today. And I'm feeling very bitchy. It's not time for Aunt Flo's visit yet, either. I should at least be happy it's Friday, but I don't give a flying FIG.
  3. travelgirl

    Aleve & Advil: DO NOT try this at home!!!!

    Well, there's a reason we're advised not to take Advil, Aleve, Aspirin, etc. after lap band surgery, they can cause ulcers. Stick with Tylenol (My doc said I can take any pill whole as long as it's smaller than a PLAIN M&M.) or Tylenol liquid Adult Strength if you can't take the pills. Much safer. Can you imagine taking an Aleve, and having it sit in your pouch while it dissolves? (especially since you said that it burned like battery acid in your throat) BIG TROUBLE!
  4. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Can I have a pity party? I'm fighting with my DH right now, I got no sleep last night, I have a sour stomach this morning, despite taking Pepcid Complete, and I can't seem to get out of the 230's. Seems like I've been here forever already. WAAAAH! Ok, Pity party over. Sorry, I just wanted to whine for a minute. I got my workout in yesterday, and I've already started on it this morning....
  5. travelgirl

    4 minute workout

    On the back of it, there's a thing like a stair stepper, that takes your legs through a FULL Range Of Motion (it's called a ROM, get it?) and you do that for 4 minutes one day. The next day, you do 4 minutes on the front of the machine, which is similar to a rowing machine, only you push as well as pull, and it takes your upper body through a full range of motion as well. Their website explains it better than I do. The link is in the original post....
  6. I can't wait to get to Onederland! It must be SO beautiful there! *sighs* Seems like such a long way to go to get there....But it will have been SO worth the journey getting there. GO, SUNTA! WOO!!!!!!!
  7. travelgirl

    4 minute workout

    I did try it, they let you do 2 workouts free....I was sweating bullets when I was done, and I was exhausted and totally on an endorphin rush afterward. I don't get that rush very often, so I was pretty excited, but I'm still skeptical....I would love to hear from someone who has used one regularly before... I'm afraid it's another gimmick.....
  8. travelgirl

    4 minute workout

    I have NO interest in buying one, but I can join this gym for $45 a month (no contract) and use one up to 6 days a week.....
  9. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I got my exercise in yesterday, and part of it already today. Zannie, hang in there, slow and steady wins the race! Babygrl, did you get the storm that was building on your way home yesterday? Ok, girls, go check out this link and tell me if you think it's bunk.....and then I'll tell you my experience. ROM - The Four Minute CrossTrainer
  10. travelgirl

    A koala is sitting up a gum tree ....

    LMAO! :spit:
  11. travelgirl


    Here's to a speedy recovery for you, and WELCOME to Bandland! Best thing I've ever done for myself! (((((((hugs)))))))
  12. travelgirl

    Does Anyone Know what happened to Jack?

    Let me try to get his attention......:attention: Maybe he's incognito.... :spy: Jack, where are you???
  13. travelgirl

    1st time writing

    You should check out this thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f81/help-i-need-convinced-i-should-exercise-36971/index2.html#post501655
  14. travelgirl


    I have them right now as a matter of fact. I get them all the time. Usually just 3 or 4 at a time, but several times a day! They were super painful right after being banded, but now it's just an annoyance. I kind of got used to it. I hiccup often enough that my 10yo nephew commented one day, "You sure hiccup alot!" LOL! I just said, YEP!
  15. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Ok, everybody! I came to the realization that I NEED to be accountable to someone besides myself for my food....I'm thinking of starting a 02/07 bandster's Food Accountability thread where we can just go in there and post whatever we've eaten... Doesn't need to be EXACT or count calories, unless you want to, but just a place to go where other people will see what you're eating.....I know it keeps me from making some of the awful choices I've started making... Any takers?
  16. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Yeah, I was thinking of a separate thread for food accountability.... I'll post over in the Feb 07 Bandster's thread about it to see if we can get any takers....
  17. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    So far today, I've had a LITE string cheese and a small can (5 oz) of V8 juice. So far, so good.... Now I need to go for a walk. Welcome back, Zannie! I think we're trying to get some food accountability going, I really need to be held accountable for my food choices....check my posts from yesterday, and you'll see why... and I'm not sure how the exercise challenge is going to work yet. I'm thinking my exercise goals for next month will be as follows: 30 minutes a day for 20 days PLUS 15 minutes for the remainder....so I'm shooting for a grand total of 765 minutes of exercise next month. Maybe if I break it down to minutes, I'll be more motivated to make the total I'm shooting for smaller....I don't know....
  18. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I know this is a Bodybugg thread, but is anyone familiar with the Actitrainer? It's basically the same thing, with some different features, and it's cheaper. I am thinking about buying one, but I want to find someone who has had it for awhile and is still using it consistently, to give some feedback first...
  19. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm hummus....with roasted red pepper.....(drools) For supper I had 1/2 cup of some nasty beef stew (new recipe, so gross) and my old stand by 1/2 a wasa cracker with tuna salad.
  20. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Hmmmm...I have to own up to what I've eaten today??? Uh-oh. I'm in trouble. Breakfast: 1/3 cup cottage cheese 12 (or so) Triscuit Thin Crisps Lunch: 4"x4" square of hamburger quiche type casserole (1' deep) Supper: None yet Snack(s) 4 peanut/caramel chocolate clusters (like a turtle, but with peanuts) 2 handfuls of Reece's Pieces (shot my blood sugar up to 150!!! Feel like total crap, not doing that again!) See, this is why I want an accountability thread for food. If I'd known I'd have to fess up to it, I'd have made different choices for my "snacks", if I had anything at all. I wasn't hungry, just jonesing for sweet.
  21. travelgirl

    Does Anyone Know what happened to Jack?

    Actually, he was online this morning, but he didn't post anything. I was reading an older thread, and one of Jack's posts was in there, and his little circle thingy was green, so he was online.... Has anyone PM'd him?
  22. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    That's what I was wondering..... I've been slacking off SO bad, I almost feel like, well, the month is almost over, I'll start again and hit it hard next month. WHICH I KNOW IS THE WRONG WAY TO APPROACH THIS! I need to get off my ass and get moving! Dammit, that's basically the same mentality as, "Well, I'll start my new diet on Monday", and then never following through with it. OK, you have my word, I WILL exercise tonight. One day at a time.....Right? We have to keep the challenges going, and I'm even thinking about maybe starting a FOOD accountability thread. Anyone interested in doing that? Or maybe we could integrate it with the challenge thread?
  23. travelgirl

    Anyone else SUPER cranky??

    ME TOO!!! But it has nothing to do with the band (for me). I just work with a bunch of bleeping bleepers that are going to drive me to drink yet..... I just want to run through the building screaming.... "JUST DO YOUR DAMN JOB, AND NO ONE GETS HURT!!!!!!!!!" (no, I don't work in a post office...)
  24. travelgirl

    Family Support Problems

    The problem with pushing ourselves away from the table is, WE DON'T JUST EAT AT THE TABLE. I was a grazer. I'd eat literally all day long. If I wasn't eating a meal, I was either snacking on something or looking for something to snack on. If you can't get support from your family, you'll get plenty here.... (((hugs)))

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