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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Nothing but water 3 days out

    Get some apple juice, too, you do need some calories. Hang in there!
  2. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    That's great! I need to have my DH take my measurements....I have no idea where I am, but my size 18 pants are getting more comfy, even though I haven't lost anything in about 3 weeks. 9 of 20 workouts (60+ min)
  3. travelgirl

    Nothing but water 3 days out

    My surgeon's instructions for clear liquids were juice (not pulpy, so no tomato juice or V8, or orange juice), broth, sugar free jello and water. There were no instructions in there for protein shakes that soon after surgery. But, every surgeon is different, you need to get clarification from them to be sure. Seems like lots of patients are allowed protein shakes right after surgery, but I wasn't. So please ask your surgeon....It's just a phone call, and you'll feel better getting it straight from them.
  4. travelgirl

    Nothing but water 3 days out

    You should ask your surgeon what he or she wants you to be having at this point. I'm sure Water isn't the only thing on the menu, but you need to make sure you're following your surgeons guidelines. Hope this helps!
  5. Be careful about trying to "wash" down food, some people find that it makes the situation worse instead of better. I'm one of those people. I can't even swallow my own spit when I'm stuck. I have to spit into a cup or something until it passes or comes up. Everyone is different, you'll have to find what works for you.
  6. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    What will we do without you?? We're going to miss you! Take tons of pictures so we can live vicarously! You said you're going camping....will you be in a camper, or are you tent campers? I could never do that. I'm a wimp. Two nights, maybe, but no way 2 weeks. Camper, yeah, I've done it, and it's pretty fun.... I did check out the website of the place you'll be going, and that looks incredible! I want to go with you! (maybe... )
  7. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    I had some mini Oreo cookies......
  8. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    DH and I went for a 40 minute bike ride tonight, I have no idea how far we went, but I feel awesome. It was SO nice outside today, it rained all morning and most of the afternoon, and then the sun came out and it was beautiful! I hope it's nice again tomorrow evening, so I can go again! I rounded out my hour on the treadmill. 8 of 20 workouts (60+ min)
  9. travelgirl

    Official Bitching thread.....

    I can totally feel your pain. I loathe one of the men I work with, and have zero respect for the other two for numerous reasons. There are only four of us, so that makes it me and them. Most days, the only conversations I have that don't involve asking questions about the crappy field notes I'm trying to decipher (I work for two engineers) are with my DH if he happens to call me, and even then, the person that I work with that I LOATHE makes it a point to let me know that he doesn't think I should be spending so much time on "personal phone calls"....but talk about the pot calling the kettle black....I don't think he's worked a full 40 hours in the 5 years he's been in my department. He's management, so he gets away with it. I'm hourly, so I work my 40 and go the hell home. I HATE MY JOB. It's boring, tedious, mundane, uninspiring, blah, blah, blah....and it pays VERY well, because it's a union job. Hate it, but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, unless and until they tell me I have to. I spend way too much time on LBT while I'm at work, but, hell, no one else talks to me from 8-5.........
  10. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    I was using the Fiber Choice tab things, but they always get stuck in my teeth.... I like Benefiber in my water or coffee, or whatever better. It really has no taste to it, and it mixes up clear even in water. The taste and texture aren't changed at all.
  11. travelgirl

    Did you see BIG MEDICINE??

    I quit watching when they said she was 220 lbs. I know that's obese, but, dammit, here I am still wishing to be 220, and I couldn't bring myself to watch it. Not that I think she shouldn't have had the surgery, please, please don't get me wrong, my God I wish I'd have done this at 220.... I just couldn't bring myself to watch the show. I watched EVet Interns instead. My dream job would be to work for the ASPCA or the Humane Society...rescuing animals, and kicking the butts of people that mistreat them.
  12. Some lessons are harder learned than others. If you're not taking your time, taking small enough bites, and chewing thoroughly, you WILL know it. And you WILL pay for it. If food gets stuck, you'll have some fairly intense pain in your sternum area, and you'll be pretty miserable until it passes through, or comes back up. The length of time it takes for this to happen varies from person to person, and depends on what it is that's stuck. For a time, I switched to using a saucer for my dinner plate, and a very small salad fork. I don't have kids, so there were no baby spoons in my house to dig out and use, or I'd have probably used one of those. When you see such a small portion, you will instinctively want to make it last, so it's easier to take smaller bites. And chewing thoroughly, that's a little harder, a lot of times, I just have to tune everything else out, and concentrate on eating. Trust me you CAN chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. You just have to force yourself to do it. It will be a bit easier for you to do once there are consequences in place for not doing it. Above all else, TALK with your surgeon about this BEFORE being banded. A good relationship with your surgeon (I believe) is one of the KEYS to being a successful bandster. Good luck
  13. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Speaking of the bitching thread.....I think there a few misconceptions about it....there have been ppl trying to comfort and encourage us on there, when all it is (to me, anyway) is a place to go and vent stuff to get it off our chests.... Right?
  14. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    What is it with us and work today? I'm having a particularly shitty day at work, myself..... The moon isn't full, is it?
  15. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Let's see. I haven't had nearly enough Water so far today.... I've had: 1 2.5oz tuna cup (dry) 1/2 bag of Cheddar cheese Quakes (rice snacks) 1/3 cup tuna salad on 2 Wasa crackers maybe 10 oz of water ALL DAY, and NO exercise so far. At least there's still time to salvage the day. Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. I'm feeling very bitchy today. Sorry, ladies.
  16. travelgirl

    WARNING Grumpy July 06 Bandster

    I get mad when someone who's been banded less than a week can't figure out why they're not losing 50 lbs a day. FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD, PEOPLE!!!!! Doesn't anyone listen to ANYTHING their surgeon tells them???? SHEESH!!!! Wow, I feel better....I'll be going now....
  17. travelgirl

    Official Bitching thread.....

    I'm having a really bad day at work today, and I've already started using it as an excuse to eat things I shouldn't.
  18. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    LMAO! That's precisely the reason I did NOT go for a ride tonight. HOWEVER, I did get in my 60 minutes today! 6 of 20 workouts (60+ min)
  19. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Andrea, this is weird. You said it was 94 degrees wherever you are.... It was 99 degrees here 30 minutes ago, and right now, it's 76.... methinks we might be having some inclement weather soon....
  20. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    5.75 of 20 workouts (60+ min) (posted in the wrong thread first....) LOL!
  21. travelgirl

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Ok, 45 minutes down, 15 to go.... 5.75 of 20 workouts (60+ min)
  22. travelgirl

    Official Bitching thread.....

    I've tried, and it either freezes too hard, or it gets too runny if you add enough ice....
  23. travelgirl

    Official Bitching thread.....

    I HATE being female. WHY must we be cursed with Aunt Flo? She's such a bitch. She comes too often and stays too long, and wreaks havoc while she's here. I have TOTALLY been craving chocolate SO bad the past few days, and have been giving in to the cravings. It IS low carb chocolate ice cream, HOWEVER, when you eat the whole box, (what is it 1/2 gallon or something?) in THREE DAYS, I think it sort of defeats the purpose of Low Carb. I got up this morning, and am up 4 whole pounds from where I was yesterday. Now, I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that there's no way I put on 4 lbs of fat in a 24 hour period, but it still pisses me off ROYALLY.
  24. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    OH, I almost forgot, 30 minutes down, 30 to go! 5.5 of 20 workouts (60+ min)
  25. travelgirl

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    Zannie, I can TOTALLY see it in your face! The little puffy bags under your eyes are gone, and you look healthier! I have the same deflated boob thing going on as you do. I keep telling my DH, that pretty soon, I'll have to ROLL them up to get them into a bra. So sad.

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