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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Survivor Fans?

    I'm there! I'll be working late, but I have my trusty DVR set, and I'll watch when I get home.
  2. travelgirl

    Removing stuck food...

    Ok, I have a friend who is banded, and she got stuck on some salmon. After 4 hours of excruciating pain, it wouldn't come up or go down, she ended up going in for an emergency unfill. That immediately brought relief. After a couple of weeks, she went back and got most of her fill back. It's rare, but it does happen.
  3. travelgirl

    Any Kids Getting The Band I Am

    May I ask, how old are you?
  4. travelgirl

    Frozen Chef-Prepared Bariatric Meals

    OMG! $600 a month! They're out of their minds! I only spend about half that for TWO people, and my hubby eats like a horse! I don't think so.
  5. travelgirl

    am i eating wrong?

    With my doc, the stage after full liquids was "puree/mushy", so I think you're fine, as long as the mushies you're eating aren't too thick. Mashed potatoes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, fat free refried beans with melted cheese on top, (YUM-O!), cottage cheese, that sort of thing should be just fine!
  6. travelgirl

    quick meals

    Whatever you have for dinner tonight, make a little more than you need, and separate the leftovers into microwaveable containers, and VOILA! LUNCH! If you don't like the thought of eating the same thing twice in a row (dinner and lunch the next day), then freeze them as you go, after a few days, you'll have a bigger selection to choose from. Aside from leftovers, my personal faves are tuna salad or THIN sliced deli meat and a slice of cheddar cheese on a WASA cracker. Crunchy and satisfying! Salads are also good if you stay away from iceberg lettuce (no nutrition) and add some grilled chicken or some other Protein to it. It doesn't take much to fill me up! (Your Mileage May Vary, some bandsters find that they can't do lettuce of any kind after banding, and the deli meat MUST be sliced very thin for me, because if it's not, I'll be stuck and miserable.)
  7. travelgirl

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    I guess I'll weigh in.... I think this was an awful idea. I don't think that a 12 year old is ready for the changes that this will force on them. I have read WAY TOO MANY posts on this very board (by adults that KNOW BETTER) that say that they aren't losing weight because they can't eat the right foods comfortably, so they eat the easy foods, which are typically NOT healthy foods. This CHILD who probably DOESN'T KNOW BETTER) could SO easily resort to eating crap because that's what's easy (not to mention what's available at school). I have a 12 year old niece who is overweight, and when I was on my pre-op liquid diet, her mother and I were talking about it, and the fact that I'd lost 11 lbs in 5 days, and my niece said, maybe I should go on a liquid diet...... She didn't understand that a liquid diet might not include milkshakes, juice, pop, capuccino.... We started talking about calories, weight loss, exercise, etc... and it was very clear to me that while she's very intelligent in many areas, this whole concept was beyond her grasp, even though she's been watching as her mom has been participating in a contest through her work loosely based on "the biggest loser" where she's managed through a SENSIBLE diet and EXERCISE to lose 60 lbs. I just think this is a BAD idea.
  8. So, how about an update? How are things looking after a couple of days on antibiotics??
  9. It may appear sunken in because the tissue surrounding it is inflamed from the infection. Hang in there, just keep it as clean and dry as possible until it's healed.
  10. Did your doctor tell you NO neosporin? Wash the incision area in the shower with an antibacterial soap, and then just keep it dry. Neosporin has a nasty habit of keeping incisions swampy and they have a harder time healing. It's only good on scrapes and small cuts (like paper cuts).
  11. Oh, Suzanne! I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm sure you are devastated, I sure would be. I hope that councelling helps, and that you both have healing and that you find forgiveness within yourself for your husband. Take extra good care of yourself right now, drink enough Water, and get enough sleep, so you don't wear yourself down, it's so easy to neglect ourselves when our lives are in so much turmoil.....don't let it sabotage your health! Hang in there, I'm here if you need me!
  12. Hmmm... That is an interesting question. At my pre-op testing, I found out that I am diabetic. My A1C level was 9.7, which is pretty high, with an average blood sugar level of 250 or so.... My doc opted for no meds until my next A1C after 3 months, to see how my new lifestyle would affect my blood sugar. I was given a meter so I could test myself, and was told to do so 4x a day. I did, and was very happy to see that my blood sugar was down to normal levels MOST of the time. Next time my A1C was checked, it was 6.5!!!!!! Therefore, my doc decided I don't need meds at this time to control it. Even so, my blood sugar goes low maybe once a week. Not excessively low, I think the lowest it's been was 63 or something, but it's enough to make me shaky, and I KNOW I need to eat something.... I would definitely take this into consideration, and discuss it with your doctor and your surgeon before you decide to go for it....BUT also, I can tell you that you should have NO problem with the glucose tabs, since they come in several forms, you should be able to find one that suits you. Good luck!
  13. OK, I'm shooting for LEVEL 5, Beginner. I am going to try my damndest to get in AT A MINIMUM 20 minutes EVERY SINGLE DAY this month.
  14. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Well, my 6 month bandiversary was Sunday. I've lost 55 lbs. Only 4 lbs in the last 2 months. I finally went in for a fill, and got .25 cc's. I can't tell a difference yet, maybe I will, and maybe I won't. If not, I'll go back in a couple of weeks and get a little more. I do know that I need to lay off the corn chips/salsa, cookies, and crap, and work more lean protein into my meals. Why does it seem to be so hard to stay away from junk food, which goes down SO easy? :confused: I am proud of myself for the progress I've made, and I'm SO happy that I have my band, but it's still an uphill battle. Anyway, thought I'd check in. ((((hugs)))) to all!
  15. Suzanne, I think it might be possible just due to the level of restriction you seem to have right now....What do you mean, your life has turned to crap in the last 3 days, what's happened??? I am glad to hear that all was well with your band... I'm at 2 of ?? @ 60 minutes so far this month....still don't know what level I'm going to shoot for.
  16. travelgirl

    What is this weird spot near my port scar?

    Terri, did that ever go away, or did you find out what it was??? Inquiring minds want to know!
  17. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Suzanne, I hope you get some answers today! I am praying for you that you have not had a slip. That's my biggest fear....
  18. Welcome back, Babygrl! How was your vacation??? Thanks, Tracy! You're doing great, too! I've gotten in 1 hour today, I still haven't decided what level I'll aim for...
  19. travelgirl

    4 minute workout

    Anyone have any experience with this, or have any thoughts on it? I just found out that there's a fitness center 2 blocks from my office that features only this machine. Would it be a waste of time and/or money? Of course, I would continue doing the exercise I'm currently doing, and this would be added as supplemental exercise...IF I decide it's something I want to try. ROM - The Four Minute CrossTrainer
  20. Ok, many of us have expressed a need or desire to be accountable for Protein intake, Water intake, food intake, calories, lots of stuff....SO I thought I'd start a thread for us so we have a place where we can come and be accountable! Just put in here whatever you want to be accountable, and we'll all help each other stay on track. I'll go first, I need to be accountable for the crap I'm putting in my mouth. So far today I've had a Fruit & Yogurt Parfait, 2 tbsp of tuna salad, 8 Triscuit thin crisps, a lite mozarella stick, and 1/2 of a New whey Protein bullet. (34 grams of protein) I've also had about 20 ozs of water so far today, too.
  21. I'm in, but I haven't decided what level I'll go for yet....sorry I've been so absent...lots of stuff going on right now.
  22. I was wondering if anyone else uses Bare Minerals makeup?? I do, and I LOVE it! Anyone else?? What's your experience with it?
  23. travelgirl

    Frickin' Mosquitos!

    I. hate. mosquitos. With Every Fiber Of My Being. We've had a lot of flooding here this spring, and so the mosquitos are out IN FORCE right now. There's no escaping them. I was outside for THIRTY SECONDS this morning putting the dog outside, and came back in with a minimum of 5 new bites. And unless you BATHE in 100% DEET before spending any time outdoors in the evenings, you run a serious risk of being hospitalized for anemia! Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a LITTLE on that one, but DAMN IT! Does anyone out there have any cool tips on keeping the little vampires at bay? I heard garlic was supposed to work, but before I start sprinkling garlic on everything (worried about getting a tablet stuck), I wanted to see if anyone here has any ideas? Anyone?
  24. travelgirl

    4 minute workout

    Well, I didn't say SORE, I said TIRED.... Also, I'm doing exactly the same things I was doing before I started the 4 minute workouts, that I've been doing for 6 months, and up until the last couple of weeks (since starting the 4 minute workouts) I've started noticing differences in areas where I hadn't seen any difference in since I first started exercising. I'm starting to think that there really is something to it. I'm as much a skeptic as anyone else, though, which is exactly the reason I haven't stopped doing what I was doing before.
  25. travelgirl

    4 minute workout

    I will! I'm telling you, I come out of there with my heart pounding away, sweat rolling off me, out of breath, and shaky. I recover fairly quickly, though, but I find that any other exercise I want to do for the day, I better do BEFORE I go do the ROM, because I'm totally wasted afterwards... My muscles are SO tired for HOURS after...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
