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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    How do you "doctor" your cottage cheese?

    Instead of Protein shakes (I was so sick of them, and I didn't want ANYTHING sweet) I'd put a cup of cottage cheese in the blender with a cup of tomato juice and whizz it up and have that as my Protein shake. Salsa is good in it, too... MMMM!
  2. travelgirl

    Walking / running and not losing

    Keep a log of your food. When I started writing every bite of food down, I was shocked to see how much I underestimated almost everything. I thought I was eating around 1500, too, and found out I was going over 2,000 almost every day. I had to change my eating habits since my current fill level is pretty good, I think.
  3. I think they probably know, because usually if they think someone is losing weight without surgery, they will ask what you're doing, because they hope that you've stumbled onto "the magic pill" or diet that they can try. Heck, I'm guilty of it. A couple of years ago, I saw a guy in my office that I hadn't seen in a while, and he looked like he'd lost quite a bit of weight, so I said, "Wow, Barry!! You look great, have you lost weight?" and when he answered that he had, I said, "So are you doing Atkins or something?" And he answered that yes, too.... I can't be the only one who has done that, which leads me to believe that if someone DOESN'T say something, I'd suspect that they knew and just didn't want to comment for whatever reason. Wow, I hope that made sense....
  4. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I ordered mine yesterday, I hope I get it faster than 10 days, or I wouldn't have wasted my money on the expedited shipping... :tired
  5. travelgirl

    Finally, something to slow me down

    I love this idea! I think I'll try it!
  6. travelgirl

    How will I know if something gets stuck

    If you get stuck, there will be NO question about whether you're stuck. HURTS BAD.
  7. travelgirl

    i'm cheating.....already

    Bandster, GOOD FOR YOU! I'm glad that this thread gave you the kick in the pants that you needed, and that you are now moving forward with renewed determination. Welcome to bandland! Try to enjoy the ride!
  8. travelgirl

    Liver, UGH

    I have always hated the texture of liver, and if I take a bite of something that has a similar texture, I start gagging. Oh, and the smell... I'm almost gagging just thinking about it. My step-mom made beef stew once....she used liver in it. I knew it was liver the second I stepped in the door, and she insisted it was not. I went hungry that night, there was no way I was going to eat that, she finally 'fessed up the next day.
  9. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    :omg::help:I guess I need to have my head examined. I just ordered one, :nervous and am having it shipped second day air. I put it on my credit card, even though I know there's no hope of ever paying it off until after tax season next year....:guess I just could not wait one more minute to get one.....DANG IT! Now I just want it to GET HERE!!!!!!!!!:whoo:
  10. travelgirl

    i'm cheating.....already

    I agree with Wasa here. Our surgeons don't give us post-op diets for THEIR health, or to torture us. They are given to us FOR A REASON. IF YOUR SURGEON GIVES YOU INSTRUCTIONS, FOLLOW THEM!!!!!!!!!
  11. travelgirl

    Stevia Anyone???

    I wish.... *sighs*
  12. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Babygrl! You are TWO POUNDS away from ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!!! You sure left me in the dust these past few months. I couldn't get a grip on my eating, and I all but quit exercising. I've started getting a handle on it now, and I think a bodybugg would be just the thing to KEEP me on track. I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. travelgirl

    Can Wife (RN) be trained to do fills?

    My fills are alternated between my surgeon and the PA. Is the PA not qualified to do this, then, since he's not really a "Doctor"? Honestly, I like when he does my fills better than when the surgeon does them. I end up with less bruising afterwards, and he takes more time to talk with me about how I'm doing.
  14. travelgirl

    Can Wife (RN) be trained to do fills?

    LOL! NO WAY! :heh: If my DH were banded, he might say the very same thing. HA!
  15. travelgirl

    Stevia Anyone???

    I LOVE stevia. It comes in handy little packets now, too. One packet of stevia is about the same sweetness of one packet of splenda or equal, et al.
  16. travelgirl

    replace this band

    I really don't think there's enough of a difference in bands that it will affect anything one way or another as far as results. If your doctor had any doubts about the one he used, he wouldn't have had it on hand. I think you're getting all worked up over nothing. Just relax, concentrate on healing, and stop worrying about what type of band you have. Oh, and I might add, that I don't even know what band I have, only that I have it, and it's WORKING. That's all that matters, in the end, right?
  17. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    :car: I want one SO bad...... It's just not in the budget right now.
  18. travelgirl

    Question regarding diabetes and lapband surgery

    Hi, Arin! My doc is so tickled with my progress, and impressed that I am so determined to take control of my health WITHOUT the aid of meds. He was and still is very supportive of my decision to have the lapband surgery. He said if anyone asks about WLS, the only one he feels comfortable recommending is the lap-band! And he whole-heartedly supports anyone who decides to pursue it. I told him the next step is to get him all trained up to do my fills for me, so I don't have to drive 2 hours to get one. LOL! Keep us in the loop with your progress as you get closer to having surgery. Are you approved through your insurance, or do you know yet?
  19. travelgirl

    My husbands NSV!

    MINE!!! He said about 2 weeks after surgery, I quit snoring, and before, some nights, he'd go sleep on the couch because I was shaking the foundation of the house. YAY! I never thought of that as an NSV before. Cool!
  20. travelgirl

    Sweet Tooth in Your Intestine?

    Damn it all!
  21. travelgirl

    Question regarding diabetes and lapband surgery

    Oh, I forgot to tell you, during my pre-op testing, I found out that I'm diabetic. I had no idea prior to this. My A1C was almost 10. Doc decided not to start me on meds since my diet was obviously going to be changing after surgery....SO, 3 months after surgery, my A1C was 6.7, and 6 months out it was 5.7! Too bad I couldn't have had the surgery BEFORE I became diabetic!
  22. travelgirl

    Question regarding diabetes and lapband surgery

    There are protein powders that mix up clear, so there ARE options. I can't think for the life of me what brand it is or what to look for, so you might do a search on here, try protein drinks, post op diet, that sort of thing. If I come across one, I'll post a link here for you.
  23. travelgirl

    Stupid vroom-vroom cars!

    YOU ALMOST MADE ME SPEW MY CHAI TEA OUT MY NOSE!!! I hate fire trucks that do that, too. And I'm right there with you, too, can they REALLY, HONESTLY think that's cool? Sounds like a damn bumblebee or something else that needs to be swatted.
  24. travelgirl

    Petty yet annoying

    I'm guilty of said offense. I've been known to use "sweetie" when someone is going through something difficult, and they've just told me about it. Then I'll try to say something encouraging, or if that isn't appropriate, then I'll just say something like, "Oh, sweetie, if you need anything, let me know" or "Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this". However, I've never said it to someone face to face, only in a forum such as this, or e-mail, IM, that sort of thing, just to express sympathy or empathy. And in the case of Wasa's example, I'd NEVER use it like that, it's very condescending, and phony.
  25. travelgirl

    A hurtful comment from a close friend

    Did you ask her why she said it? Maybe she's afraid she'll lose your friendship. There are several threads dedicated to that topic. Maybe she didn't mean it to be hurtful, but doesn't know how to express her anxiety?

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