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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Size No-man's land!

    I am in size hell right now, too. I am wearing a very comfortable size 18w stretch jean right now. In my drawer, however, I have a couple of pairs of 20w stretch jeans that are too SMALL, a pair of 18w jeans that are way too loose, a pair of 18 reg. that fit ok, and LOTS of size 18 jeans that are just a tiny bit too small. And MOST of them are the same stinkin BRAND!!!! It's crazy! Plus, I am way out of proportion on top, my shoulders, arms, neck and chest have all gotten small enough to wear a 1X, but I have a terrible spare tire that makes a 1X and even many 2X tops very uncomfortable. So I end up wearing a 3x top that looks sloppy because the upper portion of it is too big.
  2. travelgirl

    Sick of Protien Shakes!!! HELP!

    I know this may not sound like a gourmet meal, but I got SO sick of sweet stuff when I was at that stage of my diet. I decided I'd try something different, so I put a cup of cottage cheese and a cup of tomato juice in the blender, whizzed it up, and VOILA! A Protein shake that is savory instead of sweet. Funny, I never realized how much protein there is in cottage cheese until I started looking for alternatives to protein shakes. Also, there is an unjury brand unflavored protein, and they also make a chicken broth flavored Protein Powder. I haven't tried them, but there are many on this site that swear by Unjury.
  3. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I think probably as long as you take it off and put it in your purse or carry on bag, it shouldn't be a problem. HOWEVER...I don't know if that would count as one of the electronic devices that they want turned off during take-off and landings.... I wonder what the airline would have to say..... Anyone have any experience with this???? I travel quite a bit, and hadn't considered this aspect yet.
  4. travelgirl

    Aaaargh!!! conflicting advice

    I truly believe that if you'd done any damage by working out, you would KNOW. I mean, if you haven't noticed anything painful or strange while you're working out, then, I wouldn't worry, and keep on, keeping on!
  5. travelgirl

    Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!

    I despise halloween. I just went and bought a bag of candy and wanted a piece SO bad... I decided I would not do that to myself, and had a South Beach Protein bar instead. Not exactly a great substitution for a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup, but I feel better about myself, anyway, and now I won't have the blood sugar high and then the crash afterwards. After we turn off the porch light, I'm putting the whole damn bag of candy in my DH's truck, and he can take it to HIS work and THEY can pig out on leftover halloween candy. I don't want it anywhere near me, I'm not strong enough to say no.:faint:
  6. travelgirl

    Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!

    I hate admitting this, but this is the place to do it, I guess. I CANNOT do chocolate in moderation. Once I start, I find it exceedingly difficult to stop myself, until it's gone or until I feel like total crap. I did end up giving in to temptation, and I ate 6 Reese's PBC's, and 2 mini bags of Reese's Pieces. *sighs* I just can't be around the stuff. I find that I do just fine if I don't have it around.
  7. travelgirl

    Alli diet pills

    Let's do the math. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. You've lost 25 lbs. 3 months = about 12 weeks. According to my calculations, you're right on target! 2 lbs a week! Don't waste your money on some stupid diet pill that is only going to lighten your wallet.
  8. travelgirl

    NSV and halloween comparison

    That's it, I'm moving to Australia! What's the housing market like there, Jacqui?
  9. travelgirl

    Mozzarella sticks

    I can't wait to try it! I love mozzarella sticks!
  10. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Question for all you bugged people... What kind of batteries does it take, and will mine come WITH batteries, or do I need to have some on hand?? (arm band and digital display unit)
  11. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I have to wait until Monday....
  12. travelgirl

    So today's my birthday...

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
  13. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    My Bugg shipped tonight! I ordered it 2nd day air, so I expect it on Monday! I'm so stoked!
  14. travelgirl

    Zowie! Walking with weights

    I walk on my breaks and over my lunch hour at work. It's all I can really DO at work. I didn't feel like I was getting that much out of my 15 minute mini-walks, so I went to Kmart and bought weights to wear on my wrists and ankles. 8 lbs total.... And HOLY COW! What a difference!!! I totally broke a sweat, and feel like I got a great little mini-workout! Now, if my bodybugg would just get here, I'd know how many calories I burned.... :whoo:
  15. travelgirl

    Zowie! Walking with weights

    I hate sitting at a desk all day, makes me feel lazy, too. In fact, I was a size 12 right up till the time I got a desk job, and started ballooning immediately...all the way up to 24-26 over the next 7 years or so.
  16. travelgirl

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    I was a 42B as well (I don't even quite fill out the B cup :rolleyes)...and even at that, I had to use the bra extenders with it, and still felt like it was cutting me in half. I'm still wearing the same size bras, but now without the extenders, and some days it's comfortable enough to hook it on the middle hooks, instead of the end....40 is coming soon, I think!
  17. travelgirl

    4cc or 10cc which is best?

    Sorry, the way your OP was worded, it sounded like that's what you were implying. My sincerest apologies.
  18. travelgirl

    4cc or 10cc which is best?

    I don't think either one is "better", they both work the same. And as far as fills go, every person is different. Some people lose quite a bit of weight with no fill (either size) and some need one or some or many fills before it starts working. I doubt very much if your surgeon would entertain the idea of switching out your band because you think one is better than the other. Just my opinion.
  19. travelgirl

    What have you lost?

    EEEWWW!!! I've lost an elephant's penis....
  20. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi, I'm a reppresentitive of XYZ company. Pleese by my produkt. (insert weblink here)
  21. travelgirl

    what is your menu?

    Careful with the coffee mate! It gives me the trots if I have more than a couple of servings in a day. Sugar free or regular versions both do this to me.
  22. travelgirl

    Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!

    Next year, I'm giving sugar free gum. I can chew what I don't hand out.
  23. travelgirl

    what is your menu?

    Enough advertising already. There are hundreds of Protein products on the market. First off, though, have you been banded, or are you pre-band? What type of liquid diet are you on? We need a bit more information about what your needs are before giving advice...
  24. travelgirl

    Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!

    I wasn't craving it 'till I had the bag in one hand and the receipt in the other, knowing full well that if I so chose, I could open the bag and eat to my heart's content.... And I'm at work, so my "better" choices were limited...
  25. travelgirl

    How do you "doctor" your cottage cheese?

    Oh, someone told me to try mixing up pimento spread in it. Haven't tried that yet, but it sounds good..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
