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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    If mine was randomly buzzing, make sure that it's making good contact with your skin. You don't want it too tight, but it needs to be tight enough to stay in contact with your skin through a full range of motion. If that's not the issue, then I'd change the battery, even if it's a new battery, and then if it doesn't stop then contact tech support. bodybugg® Technical Support Phone: 866.314.9423 Hours: Monday-Friday 5am - 7pm (PST) E-mail: support@bodybugg.com
  2. travelgirl

    How long until I can take a hot bath?

    Oh, I was also told that I only had to wait 2 days to shower, and the only restriction on that was not to scrub the incision areas, and don't get them too wet. Dry incisions heal fastest.
  3. travelgirl

    How long until I can take a hot bath?

    As soon as the last of your scabs fall off and your incisions are healed, bathe away, is what I was told! Didn't matter to me much, as I don't even have a bathtub at my house, only a shower stall. I hate baths, anyway.
  4. The seminar is intended to educate potential patients. Since banding isn't a magic pill, they want to emphasize the importance of education. You need to know as much as possible about it BEFORE you have surgery. It's really sad when someone comes on LBT and say that they've been banded like 2 days ago, and now have NO earthly idea what to expect. They don't understand what's happened to their stomach, they don't know what to eat, and seemingly no one has told them what to do or how to do it. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves about this procedure, even if our surgeon doesn't feel that it's necessary.
  5. travelgirl

    Nervous About Attending Seminar

    The other people in the seminar with you are most likely going to be so self-conscious themselves, that they won't be concerned with anything else. I don't remember anything about any of the other people in the seminar with me, only that it was standing room only, and that I cried when he explained that obesity isn't your fault, it's a DISEASE that can be treated! You'll be fine!
  6. travelgirl

    Crud - I swallowed a piece of gum :-(

    Oh, remember that chocolate gum? I can't remember the brand..... It was always so soft that it was hard to chew until you'd chewed the chocolate out of it! The trick here would be to keep the stuff in the pouch long enough to soften the gum.....not sure how that would work..... I'll have to look up that gum now. LOL
  8. travelgirl

    Crud - I swallowed a piece of gum :-(

    Yeah, I want pretty breath, too!!!
  9. travelgirl

    Crud - I swallowed a piece of gum :-(

    Sorry, but I don't think that the meat tenderizer or pineapple juice is going to do any good. Those things break down Protein, and since gum isn't protein, it won't soften it. Not to mention the fact that it would have to penetrate the offending material to do it's work, and I don't think that's gonna happen, either. Try it if you must, though.
  10. travelgirl

    Crud - I swallowed a piece of gum :-(

    So, how 'bout another gumwatch update? Did the hot liquid help? Or are you still battling?
  11. travelgirl

    I think I'm too fat for my first fill....

    Have you SEEN the needle that they use to do fills with? It's plenty long enough that he should be able to access your port. If he can't FIND it, then he needs to perform the fill under fluoro. Unless you have really good restriction, there is no reason for your doctor to not give you a fill.
  12. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    LOL, That's exactly what I tell people. They usually act like they want to ask more questions, but if they don't, I don't volunteer any information.
  13. travelgirl

    Couch to 5K

    Glad to see you back, losing! I've missed reading your posts.
  14. travelgirl

    Couch to 5K

    Whew! I did the first workout yesterday. I used the podcast, and it's a good thing I had it, or I'd have surely quit early. WOW, that was way harder than I'd have thought it would be. I think I might take 2 weeks to complete the first one.
  15. travelgirl

    Congratulate me. NOT.

    That sucks. At least it's not someplace that's not as easily treated, like your scalp. Yuck.
  16. travelgirl

    Stevia--anyone use it?

    The two brands I've found in grocery stores is Sweetleaf, and Simply Sweet. They're both very good. There is an aftertaste, but it's subtle, and I actually like the aftertaste. It's just sweet, without getting sour or bitter. I use stevia to sweeten my hot tea, and it's wonderful in Chai tea. It's good in iced tea, too, but I prefer my iced tea plain, so I don't use it much in that. I've found it in Dillon's, Krogers, and Walmart used to carry it, but I haven't seen it there in a while. Amazon would be a good place to get it if you can't find it locally. Oh, and natural foods/health foods stores might have it, too. Oh, it's usually found with the sugar and artificial sweeteners, but sometimes Dillon's puts it with their specialty foods. Drives me nuts.
  17. travelgirl

    Oatmeal Question

    Teresajo, do you add protein to it, or does it come with that much protein in it? I'm very interested in it if it's already got that much in it, and especially if it's not sweetened. I like plain oatmeal best. :confused:
  18. travelgirl

    Couch to 5K

    Click on this link: MP3 Podcasts
  19. travelgirl

    Why no water with meals?

    Well, see, that's the point. You want to CHEW the food well enough to not get stuck, and you don't want to drink anything with it because it washes down what's in there and defeats the purpose of the band. Also, if you do happen to be stuck, at least in my experience, the liquid has nowhere to go, so it comes back up faster than it went down. Not fun! Now, my surgeon disagrees with the 30 minutes before rule, he wants me to drink at least 8 oz of a non caloric drink immediately before eating, to help with the full feeling, and then no drinking for 30-45 minutes after finishing the meal.
  20. travelgirl

    Cheese Soup Okay?

    Oh, and I didn't mean to be pushing Protein, it's just that any extra protein that you can manage at this time helps stabilize blood sugar, and helps the healing process. I certainly didn't mean to be a protein Nazi. Melted cheese in my creamy Soups was probably my only source of protein at this stage of my post-op diet, because the Protein shakes gave me the trots...
  21. travelgirl

    Cheese Soup Okay?

    Mmmm....my first creamy soup after surgery was total bliss! I had been on a liquid diet for 10 days pre-op and then on Clear Liquids for a week post-op, and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven at that first sip of Campbell's Velvety Potato soup at hand, with a sprinkling of shredded cheese melted in.... I agree with Wheetsin, I'll never forget that moment, either!
  22. travelgirl

    Go To Foods

    My staples are: cottage cheese salsa to mix in the cottage cheese Handi-snacks sugar free pudding cups refried beans Campbell's Soup At Hand (for when I'm having a rough day, and solids are hard to eat)
  23. travelgirl

    Cheese Soup Okay?

    Big-D, I think you're fine with the cheese soup, I added shredded cheese to most of my cream soups when I was on the full liquid stage of my post-op diet, and made sure that it was all melted before I ate it. Just make sure that you're getting in enough protein, it helps the body heal!
  24. travelgirl

    Crud - I swallowed a piece of gum :-(

    If you still feel like it's in there, try drinking hot liquids. Hot tea or coffee. The hot liquid can make it soft enough to go through. I hope your ordeal is over soon!

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