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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Newbie from Kansas

    Yes, welcome! I was starting to feel lonely out here in north central KS. :wink2:
  2. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that idea! I think I might try it! I especially love it just because when I'm tracking like I should be, I catch myself constantly having to log on to the computer to see where I'm sitting with my calories. This way, I'll know within 100 calories where I am!
  3. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    Yeah, I used to like Paula, but the more I watch, the more I tend to think she's becoming retarded or something.
  4. travelgirl

    Question for seasoned bansters

    I think the key is to look for the feeling of NOT HUNGRY vs. FULL. Not hungry = Satisfied. You may not feel satisfied because you haven't eaten very much compared to what you *think* you should be eating, but that's not physical, that's mental. This is one of the very hardest things to get past after banding. As you eat, you're not looking to feel stuffed, you're looking to feel NOT HUNGRY. I know this goes against every fat person in the world's belief system. Normal weight people don't eat to feel full, they eat to feel not hungry. This is what we're after, essentially. I doubt that this is what you want to hear, but it's what I truly believe, and I hope I haven't offended anyone, because, believe me when I say, I'm right there with you.
  5. travelgirl

    Newbie from Kansas

    Yeah, he isn't condescending at all. I'm off on weekends, too. We'll have to meet somewhere in JC for lunch sometime!
  6. travelgirl

    Newbie from Kansas

    Oh, and you will LOVE Dr. Steward.
  7. travelgirl

    Newbie from Kansas

    Abilene! My DH played in a softball tourney in White City last summer. So, I've been there! LOL, what a small world.
  8. travelgirl

    Newbie from Kansas

    You're out here in my neck of the woods! I'm 25 miles east of JC. Have you decided where you're going to have your surgery done yet?
  9. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    And yeah, that guy who sang that stalker song to Paula.... As soon as he started singing, I saw that look in his eye, and told my DH that I thought he was a stalker. I'm glad they had security remove him from the room, it creeped me out!
  10. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    I winced, too, because I've seen men's nipples being ripped off that way. Not good.
  11. travelgirl

    whya runny nose?

    Faith, you are so awesome! That was SO interesting!
  12. travelgirl

    Puppy Pics

    HA! Oh, he's so cute!
  13. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I'm bad about the food log, too. I carry around a little notebook and i write everything down as i eat it, quantity and what it was, and I do the best I can when logging it. Someone else created a nutrition facts profile for "100 calories" and they enter their food in that way. I tried that and it's saved me a ton of time. If I write everything down along with the calories that I do know, then all I have to do is figure out the calorie content of the stuff I didn't know, and enter that in. It's just a matter of making it work for your life, not the other way around.
  14. REALLY??? Oh, how I wish I had smaller feet.... I wear size 10 gunboats right now. How are you feeling today, Julie?
  15. travelgirl

    Hello all from Baghdad , Iraq

    Oh, yeah, you'll have to tell us about what it's like over there! Glad to hear you've arrived safely, now just stay that way!
  16. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    TONIGHT!??!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!! I'll have to DVR Biggest Loser in the another room tonight.... Dang networks!
  17. travelgirl

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    I hate Johnny Fairplay...he even said that after it was all said and done, he'd have done it again. His grandmother was interviewed as well, and she didn't seem too upset about it if I recall correctly. I guess they need a villain, though. Maybe they'll vote him off first, just on principle.
  18. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I want to see the scale moving in the right direction again!
  19. travelgirl

    Loving the mushies!

    LOL, I felt the same way about my first creamy soup after banding (almost a year ago)! I'll never forget that experience... No creamy soup has ever tasted better!
  20. I did not have to take antibiotics post-op. Unless you are running a fever, I wouldn't worry. Still, though, you should ask your doc just to make sure.
  21. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Anytime! Glad I could help! By the way, I LOVE MY BODYBUGG!!!
  22. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I think there's a bit of misunderstanding going on here. The bodybugg calculates exactly how many calories your are burning every minute of the day while you are wearing it. The digital display (the watch looking thing) gives you a readout up to the minute throughout the day of how many calories you have burned for the day. You upload the bugg's info to the website, and it shows you a cool chart of what you've burned. You enter in your food on the website, and it shows you your calorie deficit or lack thereof, and for every 3,500 calorie deficit, that should be a pound of fat burned. Click on this website for further information: BODYBUGG :: HOW IT WORKS
  23. I went and had a fill on Friday. My surgeon's office doesn't do fills under fluoro. At least, none of mine have been done that way as yet. Anyway, I go in for my fill, and he hit the edge of my port on the first try. Instead of withdrawing and sticking me again, he starts digging around with the freaking needle. I asked him specifically not to do that, but now, I'm holding a crunch while he's trying to hit the damn port, and I am holding my breath. After a couple of minutes of this, I asked if he could give it a rest, he's killing me at this point, even with the lidocane injection. He finally pulled out the needle, and waited while I caught my breath. Hit it on the first try the second time, no sweat. Now, that really ticked me off, why couldn't he have just done that to begin with? I told him next time, there will be no digging, lest he wants to be punched in the face by a fat chick. Friday night, I couldn't sleep because I had this big bruised swollen bump around my port area. It's very ugly still, and still swollen a bit, but at least I could sleep last night. Just wanted to vent! I feel better now. :eek:
  24. travelgirl

    i even failed at this....

    Here's my confession: I had a fill in September. I gained 7 lbs between then and this past Friday, when I had my most recent fill. I was ashamed of myself, and kept telling myself that I needed to lose the weight I'd gained before going in for a fill. Then I decided that was BULL, and I sucked it up and made the appointment. He was GLAD that I came in for the fill, because obviously, I needed it, along with a kick in the pants for not calling sooner. He did not chastise me, but encouraged me that I can STILL do this! Congratulations on your courage to make the appointment, and let me just say that you need to brace yourself, because it may take more than one fill to find that magic again. And that's ok. Do whatever you need to! ((((((((hugs))))))))

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