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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. Yep, I found that thread after I posted this one. Alex has graciously agreed to do this, and is taking suggestions for other special interest groups as well. Here's the link: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/new-forum-special-interest-groups-your-input-needed-please-50142/
  2. travelgirl

    3lbs to go and I won't be Obese

    I have 62 lbs to go to hit that mark, but it sounds like a good goal to me! Or at least a not-so-mini-goal!
  3. travelgirl

    Spice me UP!

    I'm just the opposite! I cannot handle anything spicier than a little sprinkling of black pepper, or extra mild salsa. Maybe a little horseradish, but horseradish hot doesn't linger and continue to burn in the mouth....when it's gone, it's gone. Guess I'm just a wuss.
  4. travelgirl

    Christian bandsters

    Wonderful! Grace and Peace to you.
  5. travelgirl

    Christian bandsters

    Hi, everybody! I just wanted to poke my head in and say hi, and let you all know that I just submitted a suggestion to Alex for a new sub forum for Christian bandsters. If you'd like to weigh in, go here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/suggestion-i-never-thought-i-d-ask-50159/
  6. travelgirl


    Looks like a measuring tape to me. And it indicates to me that she's someone who is trying to be healthy? Doesn't seem that odd to me...
  7. If you want to know what God does, read the bible. What I pray for is between me and God, and it's none of your business.
  8. I sincerely hope that you aren't lumping non-Christians who throw around the word God like it means nothing with true Christians who wish they'd quit acting like asses, and making it seem like they hold the same beliefs that Christians do. Because they DON'T. And I don't appreciate being called a "brain dead poor excuse of protoplasm", either. Enough with the name calling. Believe whatever you want, but I'm drawing the line at being called names because of my beliefs.
  9. travelgirl


    Maybe we should have named ourselves, like everybody else seems compelled to do. Ya think?
  10. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I know it's the only way I'll ever reach my goal weight. The band won't do it for me.
  11. travelgirl

    Two more sleeps!!!

    Hang in there, the last few days were the most nerve wracking for me. Good luck, and welcome to LBT and Bandland!
  12. travelgirl

    I'm concerned and need some feedback

    This may not be what you want to hear, but you really need to follow your surgeon's instructions. They don't give us those diets to torture us, it's to ensure that your band heals in place. If that doesn't happen properly, you are at a greater risk of a slip, and losing your band. And before anyone comes on here and blasts me with the fact that their surgeon doesn't even require a post op diet, and all surgeon's orders are different, that IS true, but before you decide to not follow your surgeon's instructions, maybe you need to have a conversation with YOUR surgeon about WHY you've been given this particular set of instructions before you decide to go against his/her instructions. Here's to your health, and the health of your band....
  13. Your band date is my 1 year bandiversary! My only advice is to walk as much as possible after surgery. Now, lots of people think that means they have to get on the treadmill, or go out for a walk, but my surgeon told me that even just pacing around the house helps with the gas pains, and any movement you do after surgery helps you to heal faster. You can do it! YAY!!!
  14. travelgirl

    a little rant

    Right. WE can't tell you what to do, but keep in mind that your surgeon has already told you what to do. It's always best just to do what your surgeon lines out for you. If you just want encouragement, here goes... There are lots of people here who had to be on the liquid diet for weeks and weeks. They all survived it, and you can, too! Remember it's only temporary, and soon enough you'll be eating solid food again. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!
  15. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because if I don't, I'll blow the whole weekend.
  16. travelgirl

    Question for BodyBugg users ..

    The ONLY reason that I bother with the bodybugg's food logging at all is that I just like to see it all in one place, and I can go back and see what I've done in the past. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother.
  17. travelgirl

    Question for BodyBugg users ..

    It's more than a glorified pedometer. Go to BODYBUGG :: HOW IT WORKS to find out exactly how it works. I know that it measures core body temperature, motion, steps, and ambient air temperature. Not sure what else it measures. As far as the calorie consumption, the food logging could be better, there aren't anywhere near as many foods already built in as calorieking, or myplate, but there are features in there where you can build in the food yourself, and even build a recipe and break it down into however many servings you want. They actually recommend that you look up something that you can't find on their website on another site such as calorieking or fitday, or whatever to find the nutritional data on foods, and then you can enter the information in yourself. Also, I find that the food logging part of it can be tedious, even when it does have the foods built in already, so I built a food that I called 100 calorie meal, and I use that at the end of the day after I've tracked all my food on myplate.com. If it has 976 calories on there at the end of the day, I go to my bodybugg program and put in 9.76 servings of a 100 calorie meal, and it gives me 975 calories. It's not rocket science, right?
  18. It's not bad, but the constant noise in the chat room is a bit annoying....and I can't find where to turn it off.... but I'm still playing with it.
  19. Faith, I can't find new posts, either, but the user CP is on the right hand side, I think. Or maybe look under My Account at the top. I found it once, on accident, looking for the new posts. The chat room is bizarre.
  20. travelgirl

    The BodyBugg Challenge

    Wow, I feel like a slouch! The highest calorie burn for me EVER was just over 2500.... No idea on how many steps, I don't look at that very often. I have had 4 days this week where I've had a 1500 calorie deficit, though.
  21. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    The armband will store your info for up to 14 days, (I think), and you can always write down your food and log it when you get back.... Or not! LOL! I've gone 2 and 3 days without uploading my bugg, and it's not a big deal.
  22. travelgirl


    Ok, I'm officially laughing my ass off. Leave it to Babygrl to start a thread titled "ugh" to get us started! I always see us Feb '07 bandsters all over the board, but rarely ever are we talking to each other specifically. I have had some issues. Last May, my dad died. I had just had a fill, so I was TIGHT from the stress. Not overly so, that I was having problems, but just enough so that I started lapsing into the bad habit of eating "easy" food, ice cream, chips/dip, even indulging in candy bars and crap every day. By the time my restriction loosened up some, I had really gotten lax about my eating and working out. So much so, that I was down to my lowest weight of 222, held there awhile, and then started creeping up. I finally stopped that upswing of the scale last Friday, when I went in for another fill, and re-dedicated myself to counting calories and exercising. I was back up to 237 on Friday morning, and this morning, I was back down to 231. I am at a current fill level of 1.75cc's in a 4cc band. I have nice restriction right now, and I hope it lasts! Anyhow, that's what I've been up to, what about everyone else??
  23. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I have lost 6 lbs since my fill on Friday, and I don't want to lose the magic!
  24. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    I agree, last night was a bit disappointing.

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