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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    No weight loss, weight gain

    It sounds to me like you need to have a slight unfill, and a very frank conversation with your surgeon about what you are doing now (diet and exercise), and what can be changed to help you start losing weight.
  2. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    Yep, and here's a link to their website, since your next question is going to be "what's an actitrainer??" LOL! ActiTrainer Online Data Analysis - ActiGraph, LLC.
  3. travelgirl

    I Wanna Pig Outtttttttt!!!

    I quoted catalystmb specifically because of the point she made about whether it would be out of your system. Can an alcoholic go on a drinking binge before they get sober to get it out of their system, or a drug addict? Nope, that ain't how it works. HOWEVER, the good news is, you WILL be able to eat food again, just not for a little while. And not as much. And, I was banded on Feb. 5 last year, and I started my pre-op diet 10 days prior to surgery. It was a clear liquid sugar free diet, with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt or cottage cheese per day. No Protein shakes, or anything like that. I only lost 11 lbs on my pre-op diet, and I started at 285. I'm not saying that losing 25 lbs on a pre-op diet is impossible, but it's not really probable. Oh, and I started my farewell to food tour on the day I got my surgery date, which was December 26. So I ate myself to oblivion and back for a whole month before surgery. Now I see how stupid that was, because none of the foods that I had in that month have really been off limits for me. I haven't even wanted some of them. Good luck, and enjoy your last hurrah if you must...but no matter what, FOLLOW YOUR SURGEON'S POST-OP INSTRUCTIONS! That is more important that ANYTHING else for the longevity of your band and your long term health.
  4. travelgirl


    Over on one of the bodybugg threads, someone was saying that they got the biggest loser workout dvd, and logged an amazing 460 calories in a 30 minute workout.... I got the dvd, and I'll be trying that tonight. I'll let you know what kind of numbers I put up...
  5. Well, first of all, here's a ((((((hug)))))) for you. You just had surgery 9 days ago, right? You are probably still on a post-op diet, I'd guess, maybe on mushies? So, if that's the case, then I'd be surprised if you didn't feel a little depressed. I'd love to tell you that it will pass as you progress to real food, but it might not. Depression sucks. I was first put on anti-depressants after I quit smoking. I would cry about nothing at all, and it frustrated me, and frustrated the hell out of DH. He'd ask me what was wrong, and all I could say was "nothing" which was sort of true, or that I didn't know, because I truly didn't know. I felt like I'd lost a close family member or friend, and there was just nothing that helped. Cigarettes were my crutch. They were always there when I needed them. If I got mad, light a cigarette. I was happy, light a cigarette. I was bored, light a cigarette. You get the idea. It ruled my life, much the way food did up until my surgery. I imagine that might be similar to how you feel right now. I don't really have any advice to offer except that if you continue to feel this way in the next few weeks, talk to your doctor. I was on anti-depressants when I had surgery, and was able to take them without a problem right after surgery, so don't worry about that aspect of it too much. Just make sure that if your doc does prescribe something that it's something that can be cut up if need be, and not a time-release pill. Here's another (((hug))), and I hope you start feeling better very soon.
  6. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    I can't wait to see what kind of calorie burn I can get going...
  7. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    Apex protein cookies = BARF
  8. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    Destiny, was it you that did the biggest loser workout and burned 460 calories in a 30 minute workout??? If so, I was just going to tell you that I got the dvd, and will be trying it out tonight!
  9. travelgirl


    I would like to join this thread, as I grew up with my dad and step mother who were both alcoholics. It has affected every aspect of my life. I'll post my story sometime this weekend, when I've got more time. Thanks for starting this thread!
  10. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fish makes me gag.
  11. travelgirl

    Hello all from Baghdad , Iraq

    Chris, you're so handsome, how many hearts did you break when you left the states?
  12. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Huh? Did I miss something?
  13. travelgirl

    Fills and Menstration

    That's not an issue for me when I have a fill. The only thing I can think of is a lot of women have issues with having more restriction during that time, but I've never heard of anyone not getting a fill because it's their TOM.
  14. travelgirl


    Well that's what we're here for! :rolleyes2: Babygrl, are you still wearing your bodybugg, or did the novelty wear off?
  15. travelgirl


    Welcome to our humble Ugh thread, Gretchen! There's five of us now! I don't have a problem yet with loose skin, but some days it sort of looks like I may have a problem down the line. Time will tell. I'd love to be able to eat the foods that I love, just in smaller quantities, but I find that a lot of the foods that I love go right on through the band, and I can eat quite a lot of them, not to mention that they're horribly high in fat and calories and sugar, and pathetically low in nutrients and fiber. Had to find new foods to love!
  16. travelgirl

    Plantar facsiitis anyone?

    Oooh, thanks, Jack!!!!
  17. travelgirl

    Plantar facsiitis anyone?

    I have prescription orthotics for that very reason, and they did help, but it took me 3 months to adjust to wearing them. If I wore them too long they killed my knees and hips. Once I did get adjusted to wearing them, now I can't go a whole day without them, for exactly the same reason. Unfortunately, they don't play well with dress shoes, and they don't stay in open-heeled shoes, so most of my sandals are completely off limits unless it's just a short time I'll be wearing them, and only if I'm not going to be doing a great deal of walking. I'm tempted to get myself re-adjusted to not wearing them now that I'm 60 lbs lighter, and see what happens. And Jack, I never considered having my chiropractor try to treat my plantar faciitis, I went straight to a podiatrist.... Next time (if there is a next time) I'll do that instead, I enjoy going to see my chiropractor!
  18. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    I think I'll get one and try it!!! Do you have the first one or is it the second one?
  19. travelgirl


    Here's the thread link: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/mmmmmmm-edamame-49635/
  20. travelgirl


    These are dry roasted, nice and crunchy. You can get them canned or frozen, though. I think Wheetsin buys hers that way and roasts her own. I'll see if I can find the thread where she says how to do it. If you can find these, though, you have to try the wasabi ones.... MMMMM Good!
  21. travelgirl

    Why can't they fill band the first time?

    Everyone's sweet spot is different. Mine might come at 1.25cc's and yours might be at 4.5cc's. There's just no way of knowing where your's will be, and even when you do find your sweet spot, you'll find that it changes with time.
  22. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    Ok, so I'm a bit confused. None of the workouts are over 30 minutes? And you were able to get a 460 calorie burn in that amount of time????
  23. travelgirl


    HAH! I was so excited, I forgot to say how many calories! 130 calories/serving, and I found these in with the health food / organic foods. I had been looking with the nuts, but they weren't there...
  24. travelgirl


    All right. I caved and bought some of the edamame that a few people have been raving about, bought a bag of lightly salted, and another bag of wasabi flavored. Found it at Dillon's (regional grocery store, if you're not familiar), and OMG! It's wonderful! In case you're interested, the nutritional info is as follows: 1 serving is 1/4 cup for 4 grams fat, no trans fat, no cholesterol, 150g sodium, 10g carbs, 8g Fiber, 1g sugar, and 14g protein! FANTASTIC! The wasabi ones are nice and spicy and the lightly salted ones sort of taste like pistachios. Kind of... YUM!
  25. travelgirl


    :smile: I just need to vent, briefly. It's coming up on my TOM any day now, and I'm so FREAKING hungry the last 2 days, that yesterday, I ate 2 days worth of calories, and I'm not doing too bad today, so far, but my tummy is growling, and I feel like my blood sugar is low, even though it's within normal range. I've had plenty of Protein today, so I can't blame it on the lack of that....:smile: Ok, I sort of feel better.

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