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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl


    RTL: We have the same bandiversary date! I hadn't really thought of what to do to Celebrate yet. Babygrl is the day after us.... Where is everybody???
  2. travelgirl

    MMMMmmm.. Edamame

    I got some of the Seapoint Farms lightly salted and they're nice and crunchy, and they do taste a bit like pistachios. I also got a bag of the Wasabi flavored, and they have a nice kick to them if you like horseradish. I haven't tried raw or frozen yet, but I'm curious now, I'll have to look for them.
  3. travelgirl

    No Restriction!!

    At 3 1/2 weeks post op, I hope you're following your Dr's post op diet instructions.
  4. travelgirl

    Bandster Hell?? Why???

    You almost sound like you think the doctor is TRYING to keep you from getting restriction. That's just not true, he/she is acting in your best interest. EVERYONE is different. Some feel restriction with NO fill. Some have to have several fills (more than 3 or 4) to feel any restriction at all. Your doctor has no idea where you'll fall on the scale of restriction/fill level. If he gives you too much of a fill, and you can't drink fluids, you could end up in the hospital from dehydration. So from his perspective, he's being cautious.
  5. travelgirl

    "What happened to all the nice guys?"

    Derick, We don't all suck. I married a nice guy. Because he's a nice guy. I have known several women/girls (I won't call them ladies) who do exactly what you describe, and frankly, it makes me sick to watch it. The poor guys on the receiving end of it are usually making it VERY clear that they are interested, and the women use that to their advantage, because it's easy to lean on a guy who's crazy about you, string him along, and then dump him when they find their next love interest. And keep stringing along the nice guy for the next time they need someone to fall back on. I hear where you're coming from, and I just have to say, RANT AWAY! And on a side note, nice guys DO get the RIGHT girl. You just have to find her.
  6. travelgirl

    Help. stuck

    You can also try chewable papaya enzyme tablets. They can be found in places like Walgreens, with the Vitamins. Keep in mind, though, that pineapple and papaya (and some will suggest meat tenderizer, too) that these things work best on Proteins. If it's bread or Pasta that's stuck, these things will be of little help. Some people can find relief by trying to wash it down with a drink of something, and others find that drinking makes it worse. Take smaller bites, chew more, and stop before you feel any pressure. Prevention is best, if you can help it.
  7. travelgirl

    Cardio vs. Strength finding balance

    The very best exercise to do is one that you'll actually DO consistently. I like to change it up, because I get bored doing the same thing over and over. I have a treadmill that I use and love, I have a body ball with a workout dvd that I do, I have several different workout dvd's, I like to ride my bike in nice weather, I play volleyball in a league... But I'd get bored with any one of those things and would quit altogether if I didn't have something else to do. Just make sure you're DOING something, and pushing yourself when you do. (Pushing, not KILLING yourself... )
  8. travelgirl

    REALLY?! (an ode to beer)

    Oh, and I might add, NOTHING can stall my weight loss like having a beer. Even if I work the calories into my daily total.
  9. travelgirl

    REALLY?! (an ode to beer)

    I can still drink beer. Not as much, and not quickly. If I drink it too fast, it gets foamy, and HURTS. If I drink it slowly, though, I do fine with it. Just keep in mind the calories that you're drinking.
  10. travelgirl

    Diet Cocoa

    It could also be the sweetener in it. Splenda, and aspartame both make me bloated and gassy, so I try to stay away from them. It's doubtful it's stretching your pouch, unless it's getting stuck in there and causing pain. But it's liquid, so it should go right through your pouch without any problems, unless you're drinking it right after a meal or snack.
  11. travelgirl

    Tony Littel Rock & Roll Stepper

    That's the website I looked at. Still looks scary, but tonight after I get home, I'll pull up a video and watch how it works. Maybe it'll look less scary!
  12. travelgirl

    Tony Littel Rock & Roll Stepper

    Now, THAT looks like something I could fall off of! LOL! I just looked a a picture, I guess I'd have to see it in motion before I would want to try it out myself.
  13. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I blew the weekend. Back on track RIGHT NOW.
  14. Alex, There are some Christians on LBT, and it would be nice if we had a place where we could talk freely about that without being questioned and/or attacked. Even when our faith isn't being attacked, whenever someone tries to start a new thread for Christian bandsters, people of other faiths and/or no faith, feel the need to point them in the direction of other Christian based threads, as if we're not welcome to talk about it except in certain threads. So, my suggestion I guess is to have a sub-forum for Christian bandsters (and maybe for other faiths if there's any interest) where it's not up for debate, or argument. Pretty please??
  15. travelgirl

    Why do I keep doing this to myself?????

    Dammit, I hope I don't end up being a liquids only person in the morning....I'm stuck right now on 4 bites of grits. I can't do bananas at all unless they're blended up in something. They SEEM mushy, but apparently our stomachs think differently.
  16. travelgirl


    I have been trying to figure out where to start in telling my story, but there's too much to tell in one sitting, so I'll start with one thing. I remember when I was about 8 or 9. My mom had been diagnosed with MS, and it wasn't long before she was in a wheelchair. She had been in a wheelchair for maybe a year or so when this happened. We were at my aunt's house (mom's sister), for either Christmas or New Year's, I can't really recall which now, and my dad really tied one on good. He usually drank beer, but this night, he had been drinking hard liquor with my uncle. (also an alcoholic) My mom had to be helped to the bathroom late in the evening. My dad helped her. My mom (who was also drinking, altho, not an alcoholic) sometimes liked to push his buttons. She must have pushed the wrong one that night when my dad helped her to the bathroom, because the next thing we know, he's yelling at her that he works hard to provide for her and me, and how she doesn't appreciate what he does, and on and on and on for what seemed like hours. We lived in the next town about 11 miles away. My dad decided that it was time to go home. We got in the car, with my dad (staggering drunk) behind the wheel, mom in the front with him, and me in the backseat. I remember that ride home being the scariest car ride of my life. Mom egging dad on, and dad threatening to kill us all by driving really fast into a bridge embankment or into a ditch. I honestly don't know how we ever made it home that night. After we got home, I remember that the fight continued between mom and dad, and it ended up with my dad putting his fist through the bathroom door. Now, I don't want you to think that my dad was ever abusive, physically, because he wasn't. To either one of us. But he sure had a mean streak, and I was always afraid of him. All he had to do was say my name a certain way, and that was enough to put the fear of God into me. My dad's family still says that he wasn't that way before he went to 'Nam, that he came back "changed". I believe that. And I believe that Vietnam is at least partly to blame for his alcoholism, as well. Anyway, that's a start. It's certainly not the beginning, or even the tip of the iceberg, but it seemed like a good place to start. Abeaher: I wanted to start there because you mentioned that you'd like to be able to see it from the eyes of an 8 year old. While I don't remember every detail from that night, I certainly remember quite a lot of it, and I certainly remember how it made me feel. I hated my dad for acting that way. And I knew that it was because he was drunk, and I still hated him for it. Kids understand a hell of a lot more than we'd like to think. I applaud you for getting sober and I'm praying for your sake as well as your son's sake that you can stay sober. And as far as thinking that it's too much of a responsibility to put on him to worry about your sobriety.....that's not under your control. He'll worry about it whether you talk to him about it or not. That's a responsibility he'll take on his own. Here's my disclaimer: Your son might be far different from me when I was 8, this is just my experience, and I'm trying to be as honest as I can be about what I remember about being that age.
  17. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    LOL! I google EVERYTHING! I honestly don't know what I ever did before google. And the link that I posted in my last post to this thread has been posted in this thread umpteen times. I copied/pasted it from a previous post. On a side note: I bought the biggest loser dvd, did the warm-up, the intense cardio workout, and the core strengthening, and then the stretching, and only logged 250 or so cals burned. So only about half of what another person logged. I'm so disappointed. I worked my ass off, too, I wasn't slacking off....although I did notice that I got up to a 12 calorie/minute burn going a couple of times during the workout, and previously, I've only been able to get 9 cals/minute MAX no mater what I did. So I think I'll keep doing it, because it was a great workout.
  18. travelgirl

    Good Crockpot recipes?

    Post away! Maybe it's something that would be good to take to a potluck, or something!
  19. Stopping anti-depression meds isn't the problem here, I don't think. The OP clearly said that she stopped those way back in March. That's 9 months ago, plenty long enough to not be the culprit in this case.
  20. travelgirl


    Zannie, I have to tell you again how great it is to have you back on the boards. I've been wondering and wondering how you've fared in your home life crisis. I truly hope that you've been able to pull through it relatively unscathed. I know it was getting ugly. You may not know this, but you and Babygrl are the two people that kept me going when I really needed support, even though I didn't express that need, you two still filled it. THANK YOU BOTH. OK, enough with the sap, IS THERE ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE BESIDES THE CRICKETS??????
  21. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Click on the following link, and find out all about the bodybugg: BODYBUGG :: HOW IT WORKS
  22. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    Nice! Me, too! I want to *have* to buy a new swimsuit this summer, and actually USE it!
  23. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    ZANNIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((((((((((((hugs!)))))))))))))))))) Welcome back! You should stop by our "ugh" thread and chat with us. Currently, there are 4 of us Feb '07 bandsters chatting it up over there. Here's the link: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f89/ugh-49654/
  24. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    I found a couple. Here ya go! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f81/actitrainer-vs-body-bugg-44848/ http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f81/actitrainer-like-bodybugg-44625/
  25. travelgirl

    bodybugg chat

    There's also an actitrainer thread that someone started in here somewhere. If I can find it, I'll post the link.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
