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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl


    Oh, you just wanted warm fuzzies? LOL, here goes.... You'll have the surgery and do great! You'll still be able to eat MOST of the foods you love after surgery, just not right away, and maybe not after you get good restriction. You'll just eat WAY less of it! And as for smelling the food in the car, it's FREEZING here, so I'd have to have had the windows up, and there'd be NO hiding it from my hubby! Sorry for being Debbie Downer, I'll work on that....
  2. travelgirl


    Right now is the time for you to really evaluate if this surgery is right for you. I mean, really think about how it will affect your life. Most likely, you'll have the surgery, and it will turn out to be the greatest decision of your life. It was for me. Post-band, I eat pretty much the same things as I did pre-band, only a lot less of it, and the only things that I've cut out completely are things like cinnamon rolls and donuts, but only because they're not worth the pain of being stuck. However, that being said, it's very important that you will be able to follow your pre and post op diet instructions, especially the post-op, for healing. You might consider your food addictions, as well. If you're "closet eating" you may find yourself sneaking and snacking between meals, and I can tell you from experience that's not going to bode well for weight loss. And come on, give your hubby some credit. Even if you chewed a piece of gum, you REALLY think he didn't smell the chinese food in the car? Especially with the empty container still in the car?
  3. Well, hell. So much for a perfect season.
  4. travelgirl


    I survived my nephew's b-day party so far today, and we're gearing up right now for a superbowl party. Everything is already done, so it will just be a matter of relaxing and watching the game... DH has done a LOT to help me, so hugs to him.
  5. travelgirl


    I feel like I have the plague or something. Feel like total crap. I mean, it just feels like a regular old head cold, but it's zapped every ounce of my energy. Just sitting here typing this, I have to take breaks.... I wasn't sure I'd be able to stay upright for my shower this morning, and it's a good thing it's a shower with a corner seat.
  6. travelgirl


    Cry for me, people, I'm sick!
  7. travelgirl


    Anyone else have something they can share?
  8. travelgirl

    Websites for logging food intake

    Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople CalorieKing - Diet and weight loss. Calorie Counter and more. My favorite is the first one that Terri listed, the daily plate. I've heard sparkpeople is very good, and I like calorie king, but that one isn't free, although it is very handy for looking up the nutritional info on things quickly.
  9. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I'm sick, and have very little appetite.
  10. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I'm with Trystelle....when I look at your numbers I wonder what the hell is wrong with me, because I'm logging about half of what you are. PATHETIC! LOL
  11. travelgirl

    can hiccuping cause a slip??

    I'm 3 hours west of you on I-70.:frown:
  12. travelgirl

    can hiccuping cause a slip??

    I hiccup ALL the time. Before I eat, while I eat, after I eat, pretty much any time of the day, I'll hiccup. Usually it's 3 or 4 times, other times, it will go on for a few minutes. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I wonder if the nerve that causes that has some pressure on it from the band, or something. I told my doc about it, and he wasn't concerned about it, so I'm not, either.
  13. travelgirl

    MMMMmmm.. Edamame

    When you post to a thread, it subscribes to the thread, so all you have to do is go to LINKS, at the top, then down to Subscribed Threads.
  14. COME ON, PATS! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I'm still sore that the Giants beat my Packers.
  15. travelgirl

    Diet Cocoa

    It's exceedingly hard to find in my area. I searched and searched for the DIET as opposed to the "No sugar added" stuff for MONTHS. When I finally did find it, I used one packet of it, and didn't like it that much. The sweetener gets bitter when heated, and tastes funny to me. Blech.
  16. travelgirl

    My first BP/Sliming

    Well, congratulations on your first lesson in what *NOT* to do! When we become complacent, our bands tend to take us to the school of hard knocks.
  17. OMG, I was ok right up to the post where Wheetsin said to be grateful that you didn't have to PB the fly....What an image!!! I nearly choked on my sunflower seeds! ~wonders how many grams of Protein are in a fly?~
  18. travelgirl

    Heart burne

    I'd call your band doc and let him know, that's one of the questions that my doc said will raise a red flag. Could mean you're too tight....
  19. travelgirl

    the shirt too small...

    WOOT! Great NSV!
  20. travelgirl


    I can't stand chewing on all that pithy stuff, it triggers my gag reflex. So does gristle and sometimes eggs. If I want an orange, it's nothing but the juice for me!
  21. travelgirl

    Cardio vs. Strength finding balance

    If you're doing the same thing every time, for example, ONLY walking on the treadmill, when it starts getting easy, change it up. Walk on a higher incline, speed it up, or go longer. No matter what you're currently doing, you can always change it up enough to keep challenging yourself.
  22. travelgirl

    MMMMmmm.. Edamame

    I got mine at a Dillon's grocery store, with the health/organic foods.
  23. travelgirl


    Interesting. I have no idea how to celebrate my bandiversary. I don't want to buy any new clothes, because I'm hoping I won't be this size very much longer. I used to celebrate everything with food. The first thing that came to mind for a celebration on my bandiversary date was a "birthday" cake. What an awful idea! So what are you guys doing, if anything? I'd go for a mani/pedi, but I want to wait until spring to do that. I don't have the money laying around to do that right now, anyway. Any other ideas?
  24. travelgirl

    Good News the Gym is starting to empty out

    The ads for the exercise equipment from Sears, Walmart, Target, and so on are starting to dwindle, as well. Thank goodness!
  25. travelgirl

    MMMMmmm.. Edamame

    I've tried the Wasabi Peas, and the Wasabi Edamame is 14g protein, 10g carbs, 8g fiber, and 130 cals in 1/4 cup. So it's a bit higher in cals, but much higher in protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
