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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    ARGH! 1 week post-op w/a cold!!! HELP!?

    I was just thinking the same thing, immediately post op with a cough.... OUCH!!!!!! It was hard enough to just hiccup! OMG!!! SO, YOU GET BETTER SOON!!!!!! I somehow managed to get an awful boil in my bikini area a couple of weeks before my surgery, and I called to see if it would be a problem, and they wanted me to get on some antibiotics and get it healed before surgery, since a boil is basically a staph infection, they didn't want to risk it. Much better safe than sorry!
  2. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    Well, this week we get to the meat and potatoes part, let's see who made it, and make the first round of cuts!!!
  3. travelgirl

    ARGH! 1 week post-op w/a cold!!! HELP!?

    I think you should be ok by your band date, but call your surgeon's office, anyway, just to be sure, they might want you to see your regular doc just to make sure you don't have any infections. A round of antibiotics might be in order prior to surgery if your doc suspects a sinus infection. In this case, I would err on the side of caution.
  4. travelgirl

    I am ticked

    Tracy, that's wise, because you never know who might be lurking. I don't know where you are for sure, but if you're close to Topeka, you might consider calling Tallgrass to see if they'll take on other surgeon's patients for fills and such. I have contact information if anyone needs/wants it.
  5. travelgirl


    Someone please kick my butt. I am getting so lax about working out. I don't mind doing it, I'm just too lazy some days to get motivated, and the scale isn't moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. travelgirl

    Breakfast 02-08-08- Post it please!

    1 packet instant grits w/ 1 tsp light butter
  7. travelgirl

    Hello all from Baghdad , Iraq

    Chris, that is AWESOME. The apache looks pretty tough! Seems like you're enjoying yourself. Stay safe and keep us posted!
  8. travelgirl

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    He is a fine specimen, isn't he? He looks even more muscular and defined this go around...
  9. travelgirl

    Your favorite mushie proteins

    I prefer to mix the dry sugar free Jello mix with cottage cheese, and for a treat, mix in some sugar free cool whip. Lots less calories without the cool whip, though, even sugar free. My faves are refried Beans and cottage cheese. They are still staples in my house for days when my band is being finicky.
  10. travelgirl

    Hello from Scotland

    This is a wonderful site for support. There are very few if any subjects regarding lapband that haven't been discussed here, so read as many posts as you can get your eyes on! Welcome to Bandland, and LBT!
  11. travelgirl

    Screwing Up

    :thumbup:YES!!!! If you're eating the RIGHT kinds of foods, and you're still eating too much, and not losing, and still hungry, then yes, a fill is in order. If it's that you're eating candy, cookies, and crap, then it's a vicious cycle that needs to be reigned back in. Been there, done that.
  12. travelgirl

    When Strangers attack ....

    Good Lord. Why can't people just live and let live???
  13. travelgirl

    Breakfast 02-08-08- Post it please!

    1 packet original flavored Quaker Oatmeal Coffee
  14. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I was sick for several days, and ate nothing but comfort food, and too much of it....
  15. travelgirl

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    You mean Johnathan. I'm glad to see Johnny Fairplay go. Next off, I'd like to see Eliza get the boot. I can't stand her, either. Bug eyes!
  16. Well, it's not that they WANT you to fail, but a lot of people out there think that this is the "easy way out" and take some sort of sick satisfaction from seeing it fail. And your idea of failure may be galaxies from their idea of failure. Believe me, it frustrates all of us. None of my friends have acted this way, but I do have a brother-in-law who feels absolutely COMPELLED to ask me every single time he sees me, which is every few months, "So, how much weight have you lost now?" This past weekend when he saw me and asked, I was a bit rude and answered that I'd lost enough.:regular_smile:
  17. Mom might have her own motives for not wanting anyone to know, and ultimately, I think it's your decision who you tell, and who you don't. I will say from experience, though that I told EVERYBODY about my surgery, and now I regret telling some of them. You'll face a lot of scrutiny afterwards, and that can be irritating to say the least. I plateaued after 6 months, and have held steady there since then. This is due to my own bad habits, and I'm fully aware of what needs to change in order to break this plateau. That being said, my hubby had someone ask him recently behind my back if my surgery didn't work. This made me angry because I don't feel like a failure at all. I mean, my diabetes is under GOOD control WITHOUT meds, my previously high blood pressure is completely normal now, and my high cholesterol isn't high anymore. That alone makes me feel successful, even if I don't lose any more weight. Just be aware of how people will react, and that they'll be watching your progress very carefully. Some people will be pulling for you, and others will be waiting for it to fail, just like everything else. Keep us posted on how you're doing, and I'll keep you in my prayers on Monday. Happy banding!
  18. travelgirl

    Meal Card...anyone heard of this?

    I have one, and I've found that in most cases the children's menu SUCKS, or that their "discretion" means that they don't give a rip about your procedure, and you are stuck ordering off the regular menu. I still carry it, but I haven't used it in 11 months or so.
  19. travelgirl

    Chiropractor Question

    While I respect everyone's right to their own opinion, the original poster's question was not about the merits of chiropractic care. It was about whether it is safe to have spinal manipulation after banding. Which is perfectly fine.
  20. travelgirl

    Chiropractor Question

    Should be fine! I had a problem with my upper back/neck, and have been adjusted several times since the first of the year.
  21. travelgirl


    I really love the babybel mini light cheese. It's VERY good, and only 50 calories!
  22. travelgirl

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    I just thought I'd bump this thread since it starts TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!
  23. travelgirl


    I'm here, too! Look at it this way, Skinny, you can SO do this, if you break it down, you'll need to lose 1.5 lbs a week, and you'll be on target! I'm almost back from the dead now. I've got a nasty cough and a terrible headache, but I think I might live.
  24. I don't know, it's a pretty good rant topic, I think, and I've been quite enjoying the discussion. :biggrin:
  25. travelgirl

    AND another thing that irks me....

    Did anyone else see this one? http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f18/1st-app0intment-today-ii-l0ve-u-guyz-50282/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
