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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    The writer's strike is over, but they're saying it could be several more weeks before some shows are new again, with the exception of some sitcoms, and don't look for any new episodes of 24 for the rest of this season.
  2. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    OK, I'm really excited about the top 24. There were a couple that I was surprised about getting through, but for the most part, I think we've got a competition, people!!!!!!
  3. travelgirl

    Thrift Store Shopping

    Yes, I'm well aware that people (even smelly people) try on clothes in a department store. But I figure if I'm going to pay retail price for something brand new, I would rather make sure it fits before I get it home, because I'm really bad about taking stuff back if it doesn't fit. Some of the thrift stores I go to launder their clothing as well before selling them, but I just feel better knowing I've done it myself. Maybe it's a touch of OCD.
  4. travelgirl

    Thrift Store Shopping

    I won't even try anything on in a thrift store for that exact reason. It must be laundered first. And I can't imagine buying anything like a swimsuit or bra/panties there, I can't believe they even take the donations of them. EWW!!! I get the willies just thinking about it.
  5. travelgirl

    Economic stimulus rebate

    I totally agree. I think that it should be straight tax. People who make more money typically make more money because they've SPENT more money on education. This is not ALWAYS true, I know that, but I don't think someone with a bigger paycheck than me should have to pay more taxes than me, that's ridiculous.
  6. travelgirl

    Thrift Store Shopping

    I love SOME thrift stores. There was a DAV near me that always smelled like dirty diapers. I'd gag walking in the door. The first time, I thought maybe there was someone in there with a baby or something, but the next time I realized it was the WHOLE STORE, and the third time in there, I just couldn't bring myself to go more than 10 steps in the door. Never purchased anything in that one. There are several others that are fine, though. And I've found some incredible stuff there.
  7. travelgirl

    Pain at left rib cage area

    I just hope someone with some insight takes an interest in this thread....Sorry I can't be more help!
  8. travelgirl

    Self fills.

    This is SUCH a bad idea. With all the "superbugs" out there, I wouldn't want to risk giving myself an infection by trying to save myself some bucks on a fill. I've heard of way too many people who have had to have their ports removed and replaced or even lost their bands due to an infection, usually resulting from a fill. I don't know about you, but I don't keep any antiseptic besides rubbing alcohol at home, and I don't trust that to be sterile enough. Just my .02 cents.
  9. I don't know if it merits a call to your doctor about it after the fact, but definitely say something if you feel the same way again at your next fill, and ask if that's normal. "Pressure" may be normal, but I wouldn't think "Pain" would be.
  10. travelgirl

    Pain at left rib cage area

    I sneeze pretty hard several times a day, and I can't say I've ever felt anything besides my port if I feel anything at all. Maybe someone else who has experienced something similar can chime in with their ideas about it. I'm curious to know what the cause is, though.
  11. travelgirl

    Why are there so many women bandsters?

    I've been meaning to post to this thread... My dh has told me that he thinks he would be open to the idea of being banded, but he works for a small town family owned business, and is afraid that he wouldn't be able to take enough time off work to heal properly as he has a very physical job. Even when I brought up the argument that he can't be fired for taking time off for medical reasons, he's just sure that his boss (the owner) would find some other benign reason to let him go. I'm sure the beer drinking has NOTHING whatsoever to do with it.:thumbup: Or his fear of asking directions to the doctor's office...:smile:
  12. travelgirl

    Pain at left rib cage area

    *disclaimer - I am not a medical professional, and I may be completely wrong* Does the pain seem to be coming from on top of your ribcage, or under it? Could you possibly be feeling the tubing??? Not the port or the band itself, but the tube that connects the two?
  13. Huh? There is no gas involved in a fill, and there shouldn't be any pushing sensation in your chest. What did the doctor say when you told him you were experiencing that? Personally, I feel absolutely nothing from a fill besides at my port area.
  14. Whatever you do, don't give up! I wish I had some sage advice for you, but I just don't. I have been playing around with the same 10 lbs for the past 7 months. I think sometimes a plateau is simply unexplainable, and we just have to keep after it! I don't know.
  15. travelgirl


    It really does depend on the medication. If it's an anti-depressant, for sure can cause that sort of side effect several weeks after starting it. BUT, considering that you can't eat very much since your last fill, you could be right about it being related to your food intake. Definitely get it checked out, and make sure you're drinking enough water!
  16. travelgirl


    Have you stopped or started any new medications?
  17. travelgirl

    I have a collar bone

    You sure DO look skinny! Congrats!!
  18. travelgirl

    Asking Too Much of Your Scale?

    I truly do use my weight number as a tool. I don't worry so much about the daily number as the weekly or monthly trends. I fluctuate +/- 5 lbs almost daily, so I'm really only watching for the trend of my weight, not the actual weight.
  19. travelgirl

    Worried about UTI

    Well, if you told your surgeon, and he/she didn't seem concerned about it, you should be fine.
  20. Except that it's sort of made me hungry for chocolate cake with chocolate frosting..... Not sure why??? AAaahahahaha!!!!
  21. travelgirl

    Asking Too Much of Your Scale?

    Marimaru, I have switched to using stevia exclusively. I was getting headaches, gas, bloating, and even sometimes the trots from splenda, and I haven't had ANY ill side effects from stevia, and I like the taste better. It has a light sweet aftertaste without getting bitter. Very nice.
  22. travelgirl

    New recipe with tons of protein!

    This sounds very interesting, but I'm not sure my hubby would touch it, though. I might try it, though.
  23. travelgirl

    Reflux 8 months after surgery

    Do you have too much restriction? That can be an indicator of being too tight. Have you had a fill recently? Are you eating different foods?? ????
  24. travelgirl

    Support for Singles

    Maybe a nice neighbor? What's your story? It sure seems like you're reaching out, and if you are, we're here to listen.
  25. travelgirl

    The first two weeks

    My doc's definition of Clear liquids was exactly that. Anything you can see through, you can have. So I drank a lot of chicken broth and clear juices on the clear liquid diet. Then it was on to the full liquid diet, which he said would consist of any creamy soups that had no chunks, so I drank a lot of Campbell's soup at hand, and if any of them had chunks in them, I whizzed them up with a hand blender before I drank them. Yogurt smoothies were good at this stage, too. I also got to start on Protein shakes during this stage, but I don't like them, and didn't drink many. On the mushy stage, I had refried Beans, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, grits, tuna salad, stuff like that. Hope this helps!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
