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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    girdle issue

    Muffin top is the midriff area, right over your jeans/pants that spills over, and looks like the part of a muffin that spills over the side. Most often it's referred to when you see someone wearing low rise pants, and shorter shirts, or shirts that are tight, and they're not really skinny enough to pull it off.
  2. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    That's wonderful!!!!! I bet you can't wait to get in to see her! Hugs to you, LJM's DH!
  3. My post op was: 4 days Clear Liquids 2 weeks full liquids (cream Soups, yogurt, etc...anything that would fit through a straw) 2 weeks mushies (anything that you'd be able to eat without teeth, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, refried Beans, cottage cheese) And finally, solid food. Hard Protein first, then veggies, and then starches, if there's any room left. Pretty straightforward. Hang in there, you'll do great!
  4. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    On the survey, go back and try again, only this time, don't answer yes to the question about weight loss surgery. That's what hangs it up. Have fun with it!
  5. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Thanks for the update!
  6. Actually, your liquid diet is exactly the same as mine was, only a week shorter. What is your post-op diet instructions? I didn't get my post-op instructions until they released me from the surgical center.
  7. Mine was 10 days of liquids. 3 days doesn't sound too bad to me, either. Here's the burning question: How committed are you to doing whatever it takes to be successful with this surgery? My doc said for him, the pre-op diet is partly to shrink the liver, and mostly to give him a clear indication of how committed the patient is. Just food for thought.
  8. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    We're all out here in cyberspace....thinking about and praying for LJM!
  9. travelgirl

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    If someone comes across the new thread, please post a link in here so we can all follow it!! LJM, Good luck! Still praying for you! I FOUND IT!!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f12/29feb-losingjusme-s-plastics-day-53993/
  10. travelgirl

    Any good cottage cheese flavorings?

    MMMMMMmmmmmm Cottage cheese with salsa.... If you're the only one eating it, you can mix the whole tub of cottage cheese with a package of sugar free Jello mix, and it gives it a nice flavor. Don't make the jello first, just use the dry mix.
  11. travelgirl

    Does anyone else have the restaurant card?

    I was just wondering if this thread needed to be moved to rants and raves.
  12. travelgirl

    girdle issue

    I didn't want anything tight over my port area for several weeks. It was just too uncomfortable, but you may be able to tolerate it better. As for reaching around to clean yourself.....I didn't need them, but I remember seeing several posts that suggest buying a cheap pair of tongs just to keep in the bathroom for that purpose. This might be helpful for you if you have trouble reaching. **just make sure they don't look the same as the kitchen ones, or they might get mixed up, and that would be bad!!! I didn't have a catheter for my surgery, but check with your surgeon to see if he does this. Some do, some don't. You won't be naked in front of anybody except during your surgery, and you'll be out cold for that. They had me put on a hospital gown when I got there, and all the time I was awake, I had that on. I hope this helps!
  13. travelgirl

    Can't lose any weight!

    Are you waiting to be banded??? Do you need to lose the weight for insurance purposes, or is it the surgeon's requirement???
  14. travelgirl

    Hummus spread????

    I love hummus, but I only eat it as a snack. If I do have it, I'll have it with maybe 5 triscuit thin crisps (not the regular size ones) dipped in a little hummus for an afternoon snack. The protein in it holds me until dinner, where if I didn't have something with protein in it, I'd be hungry again maybe an hour later.
  15. travelgirl

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    OMG, I'm nervous for you. Just sitting here thinking about what that must feel like, my hands started shaking. You must be a bundle of nerves. I'll be praying for you, and for your surgeon that he has quick, skilled hands, and that there will be no complications, and for a speedy UNEVENTFUL recovery!
  16. travelgirl

    Fruit after surgery

    I can't eat bananas anymore unless they're mushed up in something, they're too sticky. I also CANNOT eat oranges, pineapple, or anything pulpy like that. I just can't chew it to mush, it just starts getting stuck in my teeth and tastes bitter after awhile. Pretty much anything else that I've tried is ok, as long as I'm careful to chew it enough. Peaches, pears, apples, grapes, mango, kiwi, and berries all seem ok.
  17. travelgirl

    Baked Spaghetti Fake Out

    MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm..... This sounds absolutely wonderful.
  18. travelgirl

    Piercings and surgery

    Better get it figured out! Can't have any jewelry in or on during surgery!
  19. travelgirl

    Being alone after surgery...

    My DH took the day of and the day after my surgery off to be there to help me, but after that, I really only needed help lying down and getting up. He did do laundry for me since there was no way I'd have been able to bend over the washing machine to unload it when it was done, but other than that, I really didn't need help. You should be just fine.
  20. travelgirl

    Why I do not like working with other women

    MollyA is right. The RIGHT group of women working together can form a bond like no other. I worked in such a group a few years and jobs back. There were 5 of us, and we were close, and worked together like a well oiled machine. We got things DONE. We worked rings around everyone else. I was younger then, and thought it would be this way everywhere. Rude awakening at my next job. Women are bitches, but I've found that men can be way worse gossips than any group of women I've ever been around, so either way, maybe it just depends on the personalities. This pretty young thing sounds like trouble, though. Do keep a journal of what's going on, and date everything. CYA at all costs!
  21. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I ate pizza yesterday. So much for restriction!
  22. travelgirl

    Am I in trouble....?

    Ditto everything LJM said! :biggrin:
  23. travelgirl

    Get REAL Humans on big company voice mail jungles

    I work at a very large company, and surprisingly, we are one of many companies who are working on an initiative to bring back the old ways of customer service, by giving an option right at the start of the call to speak with a customer service rep. It's taking much longer than I would think it should take to get this off the ground, but I'm in the telecommunications business, and there are more and more companies who are trying to go back to this kinder, gentler time.
  24. travelgirl

    Having a hard time measuring

    I was having a hard time, too, so I went to Target and got a nice digital scale. It has lots of foods built into it's database, just look it up in the booklet that comes with it, punch in the number, and it weighs the item, and tells you on the screen the nutritional information. I also use it to weigh food that's pre measured, because a lot of times the information on the package is either wrong, or the serving size is incorrect. An example of this, I bought a loaf of bread. The nutritional information panel said a serving size is x amount of grams at x amount of calories. I put a slice of bread on the scale, and it was almost twice the weight of what the package said it should be, so I was getting almost twice the calories from one slice of bread than it stated on the package. **note** This was way before restriction.....no bread for me ANYMORE! LOL! I don't weigh EVERYTHING, but I do try to weigh things the first time I buy something, just to see how close they are to what the package says. I think I've gotten better at eyeballing things since I started weighing stuff, just by seeing it on that little scale.
  25. travelgirl

    Doctor says eating too few calories...????

    I know I'm not a January 08 bandster, but........ Most likely the majority of the weight you lost on liquids was Fluid, not fat. You ARE eating too few calories. You are just a month out from surgery, and your body needs to HEAL right now, which takes Protein and calories! Now, I don't really buy into the whole starvation mode theory, but I do think it's possible to not get enough calories for your body to function, which would slow your metabolism down to the point of just maintaining at whatever cost. Give your doc's instructions a shot, no matter how crazy it sounds. Good luck!

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