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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    LJM, your post about your dh got to me. Today is mine and my dh's 14 year wedding anniversary, and I was just thinking earlier how much help he was to me when I had my lap band surgery, (and mine is the same as yours with the house, but I too digress) and how great it is to have someone to love me as unconditionally as he does. Including all my baggage. Yes, I'd like to choke the life out of him sometimes, but isn't that just life? When I'm not entertaining thoughts of spouse-icide, and I really think about how lucky I am to have him, it's a little overwhelming. I know none of that has anything to do with anything, but your post really tugged at my heart. Your dh sounds like a very good man. I'm praying that you turn a corner and get to feeling a lot better VERY soon. And banish those freaking headaches!!
  2. I would maybe add another yogurt drink or Protein shake. It sounds like you're just not getting enough calories and protein. Again, though, make sure to talk with your doctor about it, he may not want you taking in any more than that at this point. But DO make sure you're drinking enough Water, my doc's goal for me was 64 ozs of water every day, on top of anything else I'm drinking.
  3. How many calories are you consuming? How much protein? And how much water? Too little of any of these things can cause dizziness. Give us some more info so we can try to help you figure out what's going on.
  4. If you MUST eat something for breakfast, maybe try a protein shake instead of solid food. A lot of bandsters can't eat until later in the morning, because their bands are too tight to eat early in the AM. Personally, I just don't eat breakfast unless I'm hungry, and then it's usually plain oatmeal.
  5. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I'm actually craving healthy food! YAY!
  6. travelgirl

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    Instead of having it taken out, you could leave it in, and just not have it filled. Most people experience very little to NO restriction until they've had a fill or 3 or 5. Then if you ever decide that it's time to start working your band, you can schedule a fill, and go from there. It can stay in as sort of an "insurance policy". Meanwhile, get up off your butt, get exercising, and eating right, and for heaven's sake, go to the doctor and get your depression under control, and get on with your life!
  7. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    Jason Castro is the one with dreds, right? He's not the best in the competition, but he does have these dreamy blue eyes with those long eyelashes, and he just seems so innocent. He really is adorable. I haven't watched tonight's yet. We'll watch the boys tomorrow night while the girls are performing, and then watch the girls afterwards. We hate commercials, so we record whenever possible and fast forward through them.
  8. travelgirl


    Actually, I was thinking myself that your avatar looks just like Lisa Kudrow....
  9. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because it seems like all I do lately is eat. I'm going to make sure that I make good choices today.
  10. travelgirl

    Prayers needed

    You have my prayers as well.
  11. travelgirl

    Removal Forum???

    I think I know the thread you're referring to, and that original post was just a little too bizarre for any of us to get our minds around. It didn't seem like the original poster was really for real. Anyway, put your situation out there, and see what kind of response you get. Good luck. Sorry I probably won't be contributing much to the conversation since I'm a "happy bandster" but I do understand that there are situations where the lapband procedure just isn't the right fit. Cheers!
  12. travelgirl

    Removal Forum???

    It sounds like this is exactly the right place for you if you've had your band removed or are considering removal, regardless of the reasons why. I hope you find the support you are looking for here.
  13. travelgirl

    A new medical issue for me.

    I am not a November 07 bandster, but I have been lurking and following this thread. Longhorn, I'm so sorry about this diagnosis, and I wanted you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. If you ever feel the need to have a prayer partner, please pm me, and I'd be happy to do that with you.
  14. travelgirl

    lortab and naseau

    The suppositories will help with nausea no matter what the cause of it is. I hated the suppositories, but they really did work. Lortab made me horribly nauseous, so I cut the dose in half, and while I wasn't completely pain free, it helped take the edge off, and I was less nauseous that way. I only took the Lortab at night, and was able to manage my pain with liquid Tylenol during the day. Tastes NASTY, but it worked.
  15. travelgirl

    Restriction Saves Me!

    Jowjow, first of all, you have to stop comparing yourself to others. If you'll look at the OP's stats, she was at a higher weight to start with, and had a higher BMI. You started at almost 70 lbs lower than she did. Typically, those with less to lose will lose weight slower than those with more to lose. And remember, everyone is different, and you shouldn't try to compare yourself to anyone else. AND if I had to guess, I'd bet that the meals that she's describing here are not what she'd typically eat on any given day.
  16. travelgirl

    OMG How do you guys do it????

    BACK AWAY FROM THE TV! Turn it OFF or tune in to something other than FOOD! I had to boycott the TV on my pre-op diet, because every commercial was about food! Even sitcoms drove me crazy, because it seemed like everyone was always eating something!
  17. travelgirl


    Although I won't be voting for Obama, it has nothing to do with what his name is. I don't know why that would even be an issue. And here I thought you had to be at least 18 in this country to vote. How juvenile.
  18. travelgirl

    Any good cottage cheese flavorings?

    You can try diffent brands and different fat content. The texture of all cottage cheese is not the same. In fact, I'm pretty picky about where I get my cottage cheese, because my favorite is a store brand that can't be found anywhere else, and I like the texture the best. If you find one with a creamy texture, it can be whizzed to a smooth texture. You just have to experiment, though, to find the one that you like best. I'm not going to post which one I like best, first of all because everyone's tastes are different, and since it's a store brand, it's likely you won't be able to find it where you live, anyway. Good luck in your cottage cheese quest!
  19. and I'm already in over my head! I don't even ATTEND baby showers, much less PLAN them! (I hate showers, and typically avoid these things as a rule, but I always send a nice carefully thought out gift.) Now what? It's not a surprise, so does the mom-to-be pick the place? What about the guest list? I have someone who has offered to do the cake and mints, but I don't know where to start! Oh, and to top it off, she's new in town, not really a close friend, but since she's so new here, I thought I'd be nice and offer to have the shower for her, since she's not working yet due to the pregnancy and doesn't really know a lot of people here yet. I do want to do this, I just don't know what the heck I'm doing! HELP!!!! Where do I start?
  20. The thing I remember most was right before it was time to move to the full liquids stage, I started getting really antsy about it, and let me tell you, that first spoonful of broccoli cheese Soup (whizzed up with a stick blender to get rid of the chunks) was manna straight from heaven. It was probably the best thing I've ever tasted in my entire life. LOL!:w00t:
  21. travelgirl

    Just banded and feeling awful

    Yes, remember to move. The worst thing you can do is sit or lay around and let your body stiffen up. The more you move around, the better you'll feel. Promise!
  22. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    So glad for you that it's over, now healing can begin, and you're on your way to your new life! You are SUCH an inspiration!
  23. travelgirl

    Birth Control Before Surgery

    It doesn't have anything to do with swallowing the pills. I had to be off my birth control (nuva-ring) for 30 days prior to surgery, and was told I could go back on it immediately following surgery. Not every surgeon requires this, though, so make sure you talk with him about it well ahead of time.
  24. travelgirl

    Just banded and feeling awful

    Well, first of all, take your pain meds. That's what they're for! This too shall pass. You'll be feeling better as each day goes on. Walking helps a lot, too. You don't have to get on the treadmill, or go outside for a walk, just pacing around the house helps. It helps you to heal faster, and also helps your body absorb the gas that they used during surgery to blow up your abdomen. Hang in there, it does get better!
  25. travelgirl

    Help, I offered to throw a baby shower....

    I've spoken with her, and it will most likely be held in a church, so I'm guessing alcohol will be OUT. I talked with my sister-in-law, and she said she helped plan one where they made a game out of this: Take several different kinds of candy bars, and place them inside a diaper. Microwave the diaper so the candy bar melts in there a little and looks gross. Then hand them out, and have the guests try to figure out what kind of candy bar it was. She said she got some hilarious pics of people smelling the diapers, and even a few who were adventurous enough to try putting their finger in it, and tasting it if they couldn't figure it out. She said everyone loved that one.

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