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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. My only advice would be the same as above, try softer meats, or flaky fish, definitely no dried out chicken breast. Maybe try dark meat for awhile. SLOW DOWN, take very small bites, chew your food really well, and be patient. You'll get the hang of things.
  2. travelgirl

    Baked Spaghetti Fake Out

    Ask your grocer if they can get it. Maybe it's something they only carry certain times of the year, but I think it's widely available all year long. My local grocer always has a bin full of assorted squashes, including spaghetti squash.
  3. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good night, Chickie, we're all just getting our day started here...
  4. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    OK, now THAT had me almost spewing coffee out my nose. :biggrin: I wonder why that particular amount of time seems so magical to OP of that thread?
  5. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wait!!! I know what I was thinking.... That I hate it when people post just to post. Seriously!
  6. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh, yeah, what was I thinking??
  7. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Funny pic, Tracy!
  8. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Chickie, of COURSE we want you here! Thank goodness you were posting on that OTHER thread, because I don't think those poor newbies had a chance with the OP over there... What nonsense. I hope you get ALL your data off your old hard drive. I used to work on and fix pc's, and despised my job. I have NO patience for that kind of thing. Wait, I don't have any patience for ANYTHING! LOL!
  9. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    AthinnerDenise, nice hijack attempt! Do it again!
  10. travelgirl

    Aspects of Blindness

    Ok, I have another question for you. You said that you're not totally blind, you see shadows, not really shapes, but just shadows. So when you're alone, do you typically have the lights on when it's dark outside, or off, because you don't need them?
  11. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't think that anyone here minds answering what a pb is, it's just annoying when it's posted in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with that, and the explanation of what it is, is literally posted EVERYWHERE on this forum, AD NAUSEUM. Seriously.
  12. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yeah, seriously all the time. Seriously. I <3 that show. Where the heck is Chickie, anyway? I figured she'd have been in here by now. Seriously.
  13. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Seriously............ Seriously.
  14. travelgirl

    Exercise for Very Overweight Bandsters

    You can also try Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds. It's really great for anyone, as the movements are all easily performed, and if not, you can always just march in place along with the music. I have a friend who is around 375, and she can do this, and enjoys it. This would be something you can do no matter what the weather is doing outside. I find them very helpful because there are about 3 months out of the year where it's nice enough outside to get out and exercise outside. The rest of the time it's either freezing cold, or scorching hot. Good luck!
  15. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Yep, diehard BB addict here! I thought the newness would wear off, and I've sort of outgrown my addiction to the website, but still wear it 24 hours a day, and go by what my digital display says. I upload it once a week or so just to keep the memory cleared out.
  16. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I also think it's sort of funny the way one of my fave posters is jumping in there (you know who you are) and giving their advice as well. And OP seems not to "get it".
  17. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't know, I miss it, too. Seriously.
  18. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because it's a new plan, a shiny plan, and I like it! (starting WW today, pretty sure I don't need or want a fill at this moment in time, so I gotta change it up, cause what I was doing was obviously not working for me.)
  19. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    BooBoo, I know exactly what thread you're referring to, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Seriously? Seriously! (sorry, Grey's Anatomy fan, can't help myself)
  20. Every time I've EVER had Protein shakes, they've given me the trots, no matter what brand I've tried. I think it's either the sweetener, or the type of protein, or who knows. Jenlev67, I haven't laughed that hard in weeks. Thanks for that! LOL!
  21. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Cute avatar, Zannie!
  22. travelgirl

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I, too, yield to the Challenge Queen, and I'm SO IN for the April challenge! I'm starting weight watchers at home today, too, so maybe this will be the kick in the pants I need to get the scale moving again!
  23. travelgirl

    It ITCHES!

    After 11 days, aren't your incisions healed enough to go without the steri-strips or band-aids? As long as they're scabbed over and dry, you should be fine without a covering on them. Of course, I'm not a doctor, and his/her advice is best!
  24. Ewww. I may never be able to eat cottage cheese again. I do agree, though, infection is NOTHING to be cavalier about, get it looked at as soon as possible.
  25. travelgirl

    What helpful sites do you visit to help you...

    HungryGirl.com - recipe swaps, news articles, lots of misc. stuff Nutrition Advice by Registered Dietitians - HealthCastle.com - tons of health news, articles about healthy foods, nutrition, advice, some recipes 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Official Website for Weight Loss Support - Home - weight loss forum, recipes, articles, etc. Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate - online calorie counter and tracker

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
