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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    Good, Bad, Ugly & Honest

    Sliming and PB'ing are avoidable to some degree, as long as you don't have too much restriction, and you take your time eating, chew your food well, take small bites, and don't eat too much in a sitting, you shouldn't have a problem. Sometimes, though, even if it seems like you ARE paying attention, and doing all the right things, it happens anyway. It's just something that happens, and it's a different experience for everyone.
  2. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Could be! I'll have to pay closer attention!
  3. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    When you look at the bottom of the screen where it shows who's viewing the thread, sometimes ppl's names have a plus sign after them. WTH is that about? For example, right now, mine doesn't have one, and losingjusme's has one. ??? Anyone know? And it's not just moderators that it does it to, and it's not all the time.
  4. travelgirl

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    Anytime, Zannie! Yes, April starts on Tuesday. Babygrl, I have even changed my bodybugg activity target to 60 minutes so that I know without thinking about it whether I've hit my target or not yet throughout the day. I still heart my bodybugg...
  5. travelgirl

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    Don't I know it! Actually, my diabetes has been controlled completely with diet, exercise and NO meds, EVER. All thanks to my lap-band! Oh, and high cholesterol and high blood pressure were diagnosed at the same time as my diabetes, and they are under control now as well, also without meds. This is by far the best thing I've ever done for me. :cursing:
  6. travelgirl

    Good, Bad, Ugly & Honest

    YAY!!! A newbie that didn't mistakenly call a ticker a TICKLER! Woo-HOO! (sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine, and we've discussed it at length on one of the rants and raves threads...) :cursing: You go girl! All the faq stuff you're looking for is at the bottom of the homepage, there's info on tickers, what DH, PB, IMHO, IRL, and everything you might come across on here in there.
  7. travelgirl

    All you people do is complain...

    I heart you back BG!:cursing:
  8. travelgirl

    All you people do is complain...

    May I suggest Obesity Help?
  9. travelgirl

    All you people do is complain...

    So what is it that makes you think you're being stalked? I mean, YOU posted this in a public forum. Did you honestly think that people wouldn't respond to being insulted? Why are you still here? There are other lap band forums out there, maybe they'll like being called fat bitches.
  10. travelgirl

    Advice you can take or leave, but please listen..

    Great thread, BBK.
  11. travelgirl

    All you people do is complain...

    Yeah, because she couldn't be bothered by reading the hundreds of other posts by people who were just complaining about doing exactly that and paying the consequence, because they're "just trying to scare people".
  12. travelgirl

    All you people do is complain...

    Besides, it's always more satisfying to have a hissy fit IRL than online.
  13. travelgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    UMMM.... You need to check out their website. It's not made to be worn on the waist. Or anywhere besides the right arm...
  14. travelgirl

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    LOL, I'd be rebelling, too. I am glad that they at least asked you if you're diabetic before putting you on that diet, but it still scares me a little. If you would have asked me a month before my surgery if I was diabetic, I'd have said no. I had no idea until I had my labs done for my pre-op testing that I was. And I wasn't dancing around borderline, either, it was WAY beyond that. Anyway, now you are playing the waiting game for your insurance, then?
  15. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    LJM, I heart your new siggy. Although she does have a smattering of butt-sniffers, so you might see if there is some way that you can define the word "peers". Because to me, it means people who GET IT, and to her it surely means anyone who thinks she farts rainbows.
  16. travelgirl

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    My biggest problem with that whole scenario is that people who are diabetic have to be extremely careful with ketosis, because the exact same "ketosis" test also tests ketoacidosis, which is very dangerous, and the test doesn't differentiate between the two. Fine, test someone's ability to comply with something, but that was way over the top.
  17. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Well, as a former IT person, I can tell you that shit happens. And since it was probably not wireless, the keyboard can be replaced for $10 to $15 bucks. They'll most assuredly get over it. :thumbup:
  18. travelgirl

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    I can't wait for an update from the OP on this...
  19. travelgirl

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. The trouble with the Atkins diet is that as soon as I started adding the "good carbs" back into my diet, I stopped losing, and started gaining again. I just didn't want to be on induction for the rest of my freaking life, because YUCK. To even think of eating one more bite of meat made me want to gag. I can't eat scrambled eggs anymore, and hard boiled eggs are iffy. Luckily, with my band, yes, I do eat more meat and veggies than I do of potatoes, bread and stuff, however, it's a hell of a lot less than I ate before which is WHY the lap-band works for me when Atkins didn't. It allows me to eat a lot more like a normal person than someone who is on a diet. YAY for the lap band!
  20. travelgirl

    All you people do is complain...

    Dammit, I just spit coffee all over my screen... HAHAHAHA
  21. travelgirl

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    LJM, I was just out reading your blog, and had to laugh right out loud IRL when I saw the pic of your keyboard. That'll be nice and crusty when it dries...
  22. travelgirl

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    Good for you. You also have my permission to tell them that this chick on the internet thinks he or she is on crack for making you do this. *big grin*
  23. travelgirl

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    I'm going for level 3 advanced.... BG, I'm totally LMAO because I JUST sent you a PM asking if this thread was out here anywhere, and then I found it. HAHAHAHA!
  24. travelgirl

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I have a serious question. Seriously. OK, I guess more of a statement, really, but maybe Wasa or someone else knows from reading their posts...I hate trying to navigate over there, so I'm not going to try to wade through to find the answer, but here's my theory: OK, so the stuff that they eat in mass quantities that gets magically transformed into nutrition in their magical innards....is LOADED with bad stuff....Trans fats and high fructose corn syrup and the like. I have to wonder even if they aren't obese anymore what types of health problems they continue to have just like a morbidly obese person? High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes??? Surely it has some effect on the body unless of course they fart (or shart) it all out, but it seems like if they're eating ALL that crap that SOME of it would be absorbed. Anyone know? Or care?
  25. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Noooo.... Come on, people, if you can't "Taste The Rainbow" then you can't "FART the rainbow". Unless, of course, you have the carbon suppositories with that little added something so that when you pass gass it smells like a fresh spring day. I think that might count as farting rainbows.

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