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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotsabirds

  1. lotsabirds

    True Results in Scottsdale!

    I go for my post op there tomorrow. I was happy with everything so far. I get my first fill the 19th.
  2. lotsabirds

    Do you use a straw?

    How else ya gonna drink thoses muscle milks etc.? I have my post op tomorrow so I guess I'll ask.
  3. Been on solids 4 days and havn't had a problem yet. Good luck to you.
  4. lotsabirds

    Home with the Band

    From the album: Before Band

  5. lotsabirds

    Morning of Banding

    From the album: Before Band

  6. lotsabirds

    Before Band

  7. lotsabirds

    Morning of Banding

    From the album: Before Band

  8. lotsabirds

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Trisha, how do you get that cute lil dancergirl on your post? Sherry
  9. My Dr. said it usually loosens up after you land within a few hours.. Hers just got tighter. She had a fill a few days before the flight. I just know that if I'm planning on flying I wont be getting a fill before I go.
  10. Did you fly? If you did, that's what happened to my daughter. She had to get an unfill while she was visiting me it was so tight.
  11. lotsabirds


    Hi, I was banded May 21. I turned 65 in Feb. Two weeks today and I don't think I'm any worse off than someone 1/2 my age. Feel pretty darn good and all healed up already. Good luck to you.
  12. lotsabirds

    I need a drink, and not water

    where in the heck is my profile to edit? GRRRRREEEER!
  13. No regrets here. I'm in AZ. too and was just banded May 21st. The surgery center people are very helpful and nice, if you're going where I did. I just wish I had done it years ago.:wub:
  14. lotsabirds

    Feeling a bit like a failure

    what are protein bullets please?
  15. lotsabirds

    At The End of My Rope

    tizzzylish, email me privately. I have a thought on this that might help. lotsabirdsaz@msn.com
  16. lotsabirds

    I need a drink, and not water

    I waited 10 days but having a drink most nights now. I can't let all these freshly squeezed grapefruits sit. And the lap band book says a glass of wine nightly is fine.
  17. lotsabirds

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    Guess that didn't work.
  18. lotsabirds

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    I was "allowed" to have mushies after day 7. I still have enuff gas to propel an engine.
  19. lotsabirds

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    Hi people. Today IU am really dizzy. Shoulder pain is much better but why am I dizzy? Seems I'm getting all these first week things now instead of then. Still don't know why I can't get my tracker to show up. GREEEERRRRR!
  20. I have found that a heating pad helps alot. My pain is in the front left shoulder. Is that where yours is? I can hardly lift my arm when it hits me. People have said it is gas but why it waited until now to rear it's nasty head is beyond me.
  21. My issue is pain in my left front shoulder. Anyone else? It didn't start until day 6 and is awful. Off and on for two days now. Heating pad helps but geeze.
  22. I too had a hernia repair with my band on May 21st. I've been starving since the 22nd. I willl hold out for the mushie stuff until Thurs. but it's really hard. I'm lightheaded, weak and shakey too. Gonna go have something now.
  23. I to am starving! So glad to know it wasn't just me.
  24. lotsabirds

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    I'm leaving for hospitol in 30 min. nervous and hope they give me a shot really quick! Good luck everyone.
  25. lotsabirds

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    Ditto all the above. Having my last supper in a few minutes. :Yep, this time tomorrow we'll all be banded. What the heck are we doing????? Oh yeah, I forgot, we're getting healthy, and bootiful! Best of luck everyone. I'll let you know what it was like when I wake up. Blessings all.:smile:

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