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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tee-Bird

  1. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi guys, just checking in. Not been on for a while, battling with restriction again, but thankfully only fluctuating a kilo either way at the moment. How is everyone doing? Is anyone near to target since the last time i was on? x x
  2. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yeah absolutely, the weight is dropping off now i've upped my fish intake to 3 times a week, salmon, king prawns, sole or snapper (cods quite difficult to get here) or i'll have white meat or eggs but rarely eat red meat. It gets stuck now! Loads of healthy meals take 10 mins to cook, chicken breast wrapped in tinfoil parcels in oven with lemon juice and herbs and add root vegetable mash or salad, so quick and easy. I also get lazy and just have a cheese and onion omelette sometimes! Would be great to swap ideas for meals though, i'm always on the lookout for new recipes! x
  3. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Jo, try salmon. A small fillet take about 10 mins in oven (i put it in pyrex dish with lid, add lemon juice and rind and sweet chilli sauce) ........ then fry light some courgettes, onions, aubergines, red peppers or make cous cous with lemon juice, rind and salt and pepper.(or all together) it takes 10 mins. x
  4. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi guys, Just weighed........ another 2lbs down, the end is in sight! How is everyone else doing? x x
  5. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Change you ticker Jo x your doing fab x
  6. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Again, totally agree with you both Gillian and Odge, i'm sure some people on here are on commission! In my opinion, you can only provide the facts, and the facts are that both Chris' team and WLS are reputable companies and should be portrayed as such. Let people make their own minds up! Hey, odge, how's it going? haven't chatted for a while x
  7. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    You will! Once you've had your fill, it'll be like a new lease for you. It was only this one fill that has put me straight. i tend to have actimel and green tea for breakfast (around 8.30) at my desk then have a side salad with boston lettuce, cherry toms, cucumber, spring onions, tuna or cheese and alfafa sprouts from about 11.30 which takes about an hour to eat whilst working, then a side plate of anything i want for tea at 5. I can't eat later coz it doesn't settle otherwise. And i still have one night a week out with alcohol, which i should probably cut out! Ofcourse, that doesn't apply right now coz i've been more restricted the last 2 days to liquids and omelette!
  8. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Gillian, Yeah, it'll be 3 years in May. I found it quite slow because when i moved to Saudi in Nov 09, i couldn't get anymore fills here, so lost a few stone over the couple of years here and then got a fill which finally gave me restriction (to a degree) in January so it's great now because i'm in a size 12/14 and feel great for the first time. 8 more kilo's to go then i'm done and will be happy maintaining at 10stone 7lbs. I'm 5ft 7or8 so quite tall. My sister (odgemodge) is doing great, she's losing again and is progressing about the same as me.(if you remember we were banded together). How's your story going? Have you lost much altogether. Should get some pics up (i'll try to dig out some old ones too) x
  9. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Ladies, Just to agree with Gillian, i use wendy and have done since my band with Chris. She is brilliant. She also has her husband steve who works with her and they have just employed another nurse who is wonderful. They spent months looking for just the right person and now they have her. She gave me a fill in January and knew exactly how much to give me and was really efficient and knowledgeable as is wendy. You can't go wrong. Since my fill on 12th Jan, i've dropped 12 kgs. I thought it was loosening since i could eat nearly everything again these past few weeks, but because i got too complacent and ate bread this weekend, it's tightened again and i'm back to mushies and slowly drinking! Serves me right for being silly x
  10. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Mandagay, i'll have a look now
  11. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Happy flower, get yourself a ticker chart....... i found it was such a boost, and it's a great way for us to see how well you're doing, and to inspire others x
  12. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I've been to see a surgeon here in Saudi Arabia (where i'm living at the mo) and she says i only need to get my tummy and boobs done, but there's loads of excess on my thighs too. My top half is fine except my boobs, but the bottom isn't. She reckons my bum and thighs will lift with the training i'm doing but i'm not so sure. I got a quote for tummy and boobs for equivalent of £6700.Don't know if that's good or bad. I'll have to start saving! How extensive is a body lift and what's the criteria for having one. I've got more excess than i thought for the amount of weight loss i've had...... probably because 3 months before the gastric band surgery i was 2 stone heavier still
  13. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Kerry, Well done, i bet you felt great in your dress! You'll have to get some pics up and show us. Cazzy, do you have any pics also? x
  14. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Completely agree with the things Cazzy has said......... look how well you've done cazzy! Cadence, don't worry, my only real restriction came at 7ml and now i need another small fill as it's slowed alot. Stick with it, you'll be fine and before you know it, your excess weight will be gone! How much have you lost since the band?
  15. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Sis, How much can it be filled, do you know? Would like maybe 0.25 more put in but i'm at 7ish now i think.
  16. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Claire, i'll do that, although i haven't been in contact with them since the band (i went to wls). Does anyone have an email address please?
  17. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey guys, Just a quick one. Does anyone remember the name of our band (the guys banded by Chris) and the maximum fill? I think it's heliogast and 7-9ml, but not sure the maximum you can have in the band? x
  18. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Cazzy, Like you said, it's probably because i feel thirsty and like to 'down' drinks. I'm fine if i sip slowly but like you said, it's so easy to forget you have a band and attempt to eat'normally'! Definitely not complaining about increase in restriction, just confused at the mind of the band
  19. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Ladies, Hope everyone's had a good weekend. It it just me or do other peoples bands go a bit funny on them sometimes? Had a fill on 12th Jan and then lost another ten kilo's. Thought i was at restriction because for the first week, could hardly manage 4/5 mouthfuls. It then got easier and easier to eat and i kept my plates to side plate size. Drinking also got easier. So now i'm maintaining my weight but not losing anymore. The last two days however, everything's been getting stuck and even fluid. It's a bit like i felt just after a fill. So i'm trying to slow my eating down again and sip instead of gulp. Is this normal? X
  20. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Sarah, I completely agree with Gillian, Slinky and MummiesBB, you really should do what's right for you and only you know what that is. Who cares who you've chosen to get banded by, so long as the result is the same........... we are all in the same boat, and i for one would love to get to know you better on here and follow your exciting journey x
  21. Tee-Bird

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sazparella, It's so good you've taken the leap and come onto the forum........ the next stage is the band which is very easy to get through and a smooth operation. At no point over the last 33 months have i ever wished i'd not been banded, it's honestly the best thing i ever did, weight wise. I used to dream about food, and constantly eat and always feel hungry, but now i don't have that obsession.... don't get me wrong, i love my food still, but the band helps me control it without it taking over my life anymore. Once you've been banded,you should start to feel healthier, lose weight and not think about food all the time. I'm really excited for you, if you choose to get the band, you'll never look back x
  22. Tee-Bird


    From the album: Before and so far

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
