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About plumptuous
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- Birthday 04/16/1956
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married, empty-nester Mom of two
sewing, rammed earth construction
retired carpenter/homemaker
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plumptuous started following Cali Bandsters Unite!!, Restaurant Menus: Overwhelming?, Thread Killers and and 7 others
5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary plumptuous!
Does Lap-Band help with emotional eating?
plumptuous replied to SarahinTyler's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi workingonit, Please go back and read Gail's post. (Gail is a sweetie, btw) ... If I could die and come back as Carlene, I would. But... :thumbup: I have had all the fills I am going to get - my surgeon is fairly livid with me - so I'm not going back. There is no sweet spot for me, and I easily stretch out my pouch (I think). But what I do feel after a "meal" is NOT full. I feel as though I am going to puke. I am losing massive amounts of hair, as I can't get enough protein in me, let alone any veggies. And I am taking those awful chewable vitamins from CVS (chewables cost extra!). I have been told to stop drinking the Muscle Milk, as it has too many calories (even the 'lite' version), and as it is a liquid, doesn't stay put long enough in the pouch to make me feel 'full'*. *They (Doctors or Surgeons) LIE to you when they say you won't feel hungry - this is pure BS. What you will feel like is one of those gannets that Japanese fishermen use to get fish. This sea-going bird on the end of the fisherman's rope would normally swallow those fish, but it has that rope tied around it's neck so IT CAN'T SWALLOW. If your pouch is full, yes, you feel as though you can't eat more - but that's because otherwise you get the urge to barf. Your pouch is NOT your stomach. Until your WELL-CHEWED* bites manage to ooze/get pushed through your nickle-sized port opening, your stomach surely will still feel empty. *If you don't chew your tiny little bites until they are like frothy nasty little sponges, you will then begin to 'SLIME'. Sliming is another thing they dare not mention. Other than having the ice cube stuck-in-your-throat feeling, sliming is THE WORST. :cursing: My liver got nicked (Surgeon didn't tell me) - after the initial fluoroscopic fill, which my surgeon didn't have time to do, obviously (surprise!!), I never did get fluoroscopic fills, even though I requested them more than once - and I didn't lose the weight I had so wanted and need to lose. OK, final rant, I promise. I don't give a crap what anyone glowingly tells you - if you don't bust ass and exercise, you won't lose jack. I weighed about 272 pounds when I finally had my surgery October of 2007. Guess how much I weight now? I can't eat bread (buns - anything) no rice, no pasta, no starch of any kind - especially doughy starch. I have been good about this... but sometimes I forget and start to eat a bun with my chicken - that's when trouble starts. It is difficult for me to exercise with an edema-filled ankle, this extra 150 pounds of fat (mostly on the front of me), and my lower back killing me with excruciating pain after about 100 steps, when I do try to walk. If you haven't exercised before surgery, on a regular basis, you are in for a rude surprise, and are wasting your time. I say fix your heart & your head, and if you can, make yourself start exercising. Good luck Nanette Ward -
Oh goodie (jumping in, here...) This is a rant 'thread', so here goes nuthun... Brenda.... Ah to be young and arrogant... how lovely... I'm, like, Oh My Gawwwd! :omg: I wish I were - like - you! :bored My Rant & Welcome To It: I didn't realize it was improper etiquette to 'jump into' a conversation... I guess I was supposed to await a proper invite? OK, now I know. (This goes a long way to explain lurking, btw. An idiot 'newbie' like myself sits and reads to learn and get the feel for the forums, then when one does get up the nerve to join in, we're rewarded with smack-downs from someone who has been here since -like, OMG! - like - January!!) I fail to see how asking -in a polite manner- the meaning of some initials - cryptic to me, and I'm sure many others, following the same discussion (excuse me, thread...) can be a thread killer, but then I am old and therefore not 'with-it'. Brenda (Morsaille), you remind me of the little pinkies-up type of snots in junior high, that myself and several others avoided like the plague. One neat thing about being older and wiser... I'm driving the caddy - you're in the VW... figuratively speaking, of course. :heh: (Kathy Baker's character in Fried Green Tomatoes - in the Piggy Wiggly parking lot scene.) Back to lurkdom. - Or as you told Susan... off to find myself another thread. Nanette Ward, aka plumptuous (feel free to google me to your heart's content, anyone) :bolt: PS: Thank you to Chloe for your kind comment, I appreciated reading it.:puke: Thanks go out to l.a. susan, too. :clap2:
Yeah, but was he CUTE?
Thank you Carol for your encouragment and neat tips - I envy you having a chef for a hubby - mine burns water!! When he starts in on his butter kick, remind him of The Galloping Gourmet's regrets of showing people how to add creamy buttery stuff to their already sat-fat laden steak dishes. *_* I have a trick to share with ladies here - if I crave a bit of good old fashioned 'fried' cabbage, I toss it with olive oil mixed with liquid smoke, as I'm steaming and sauteeing. ~_^ Shhh our little secret. haha Sometimes I feel like marching over to a neighbor's house and choking her ... because every morning she fries bacon. Oooh to eat heaps of crispy bacon again... but the nitrites are killers. love, Nanette (STILL pre-band) <><
Does Lap-Band help with emotional eating?
plumptuous replied to SarahinTyler's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi Gail, Don't feel gun shy about speaking your mind... all us pre-op people NEED to hear various opinions and aspects, before we go in for this life-changing surgery. :clap2: I would like to suggest (and this is coming from someone who struggles daily with heavy-duty depression...) that maybe your outlook needs work. Your cup is half full, hon. You spent your savings, but it can grow back. Your health (besides Jesus) is the most important thing in your life. You can still go to counselling. And that band will help you. :bananapartyhat: Consider sitting there listening or talking to a not-a-clue, thin psychiatrist or counsellor, without the band in you to give you a helping hand... (eeeek!). Good luck hon, and God bless you, Nanette (STILL pre-op since Dec 26, 05)! :bananapartyhat: <>< -
Does Lap-Band help with emotional eating?
plumptuous replied to SarahinTyler's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
(what's 'peckish'?) :Banane56: Very good advice, Jacquie! Not being snide here at all... are you a counselor? If not, you should be. I just wish you weren't so far away - I'd love to be your first patient/client!! :clap2: hugs, plumptuous <>< -
Good morning Jasmine, I'm pre-op, but I was wondering... this awful heatwave aside, have you been able to exercise at all? I've been reading other threads over the last few weeks, and several people are (a) staying away from what made them fat in the first place - and ( exercising. Tough to walk in 120° heat, though.... Do you have a pool available? Or an easy exercise class at a nearby senior center, maybe? This website is the best thing since sliced you-know-what. HA Best of luck hon, :Banane56: plumptuous <><
Hi Kathy, Sorry about your banding being put off... bummer. What is d.e.m.? :Banane56: Curious... Is your Dr Oliak, and Dr Owens local to our area? I'm in Fallbrook and am totally disllusioned with being told my surgeon does lapband, then having to fight tooth & nail to have the surgery done... what he really does is roux en y. So... I've been fibbed to, strung along, told to wait, told to "lose another ten"... yadda yadda... oh - his dietician? She said 'there isn't anyone in SD Co doing lap... so "when" he starts to do them, he'll be the only one." WHA??!!! Any small amount of web searching comes up with all sorts of Docs in SD Co that already DO lap band. :angry I hope you are able to get your surgery done, in a timely fashion, by trustworthy docs that you have total faith in and don't have to feel upset and let down by. (sigh...) Of all the people we live with and deal with on a day to day basis... having to deal with our surgeons shouldn't be part of the equation. :cry Sorry to be such a downer... I'm gonna go make myself a soy-yogurt smoothie. FOOD always cheers me up. LOL :faint: Do you have someone to go to meetings, or to the hospital with you? I am totaly available if you need me. Let me know, OK? hugs, plumptuous <>< (if you wanna call, our number is _60-723-1554, just plz never before noon, as hubby works late nights)
Hi Marie, why are you nervous hon? It's a very common surgery... I had mine removed - no complications, scars are infintesimally small... You'll do fine, I promise! :kiss2: big hugs, plumptuous <><
Hi primadonah, I'm in Fallbrook... may I ask where you are? I ask because sometimes people say San Diego, coz if they said.... Lakeside, or Bonsall, or Natural City, others not in SD co wouldn't know where of they were referring. :guess Big hugs, :Banane56: plumptuous <><
Hi Jacqui, I have seen that before, but still haven't been told what it means... what is meant by pb, please? :Banane56: I assume it means to regurgitate, but can't figure out why 'pb' ... ha Thank you, plumptuous <><
Hi Stephanie, :biggrin1: Good 'luck' on your fill appointment! YAY! :clap2: Which books, hon?? Please tell me when you get home & feel up to it, :Banane56: OK? Thanks!! plumputous <><
I do'nt have anyone else to talk to....
plumptuous replied to fiveholts714's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi Stephanie, What is a life stress unit, please? :Banane56: thanks! plumptuous <><