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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by luvRdogs

  1. I am so glad that you asked this question. I have been wondering the same thing. I am still in the approval process, waiting to see if the gods of blue cross/blue shield will cover. So far I have only told my husband and he thinks it's dumb and stupid and I should just eat less. Well. HELLO...! I've tried that a milllion times, along with everything else under the sun. I can't do any impact exercise due to severe arthritis, but do use my stationary bike. I have read all the replies and since I am generally a "no secrets" type of person, I prob will tell, but maybe not right away. Not saying anything until I find out if it's a "go" or not. Thanks for the insight, friends.
  2. I have a referral for a consult and I don't even know what questions I should ask. I am 4'11 and 205 pounds. BMI over 40. I am quite sure I am a good candidate but not sure where to start. I need suggestions on what to ask the Dr and what I should look for at 1st appointment. I'm really a newbie! Thanks for your help. from ND, where I really saw snowflakes this morning...dang
  3. luvRdogs

    Another Lurker ~ Newbie!

    I am going for my 1st consult in a couple weeks. I see you have lost weight already. Did they give you a pre op diet? Liquid or otherwise? You go! We're gonna do this. (if the gods of blue cross/blue shield shine upon us)

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