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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by clovermeg

  1. clovermeg

    Yeah, I'm bringing it up again

    I got it too Bettina...wierd!
  2. clovermeg

    Forum Hack?

    I got it too it said pylas.com or something, it looks really wierd.
  3. clovermeg

    Nurse is Reviewing....

    I called my insurance company (Carefirst BCBS) today to see if they've received my request for authorization and I was told that the nurse was reviewing it. Is that normal or does it mean they will deny it? Or does it mean anything at all? I am really anxious to get this done an over with. Thanks,
  4. clovermeg

    Lap Band Show?

    It really does bother me when I see these infomercials and the shorter ones too, I mean, eventhough it's much safe than RnY it is still major surgery and shouldn't be simplified by a advertisement. "Haven't been able to loose that weight? Just try out our surgery...." I mean I know I have been a victim of lose weight fast schemes and this kind of plays into that on the television, eventhough it is a legitimate weight loss TOOL, it's not a quick fix as it appears on the TV! OK, done venting! WHEW!
  5. I don't know if this will help, but go here http://www.asbs.org/ it will also tell you if the place you are going to is a Center of Excellence, the gold standard in the US, from what I understand!
  6. My internist has switched me from Wellbutrin XL to Celexa syrup in anticipation of my surgery and not being able to swallow since Wellbutrin XL cannot be crushed. I'm just wondering if anyone else takes celexa and how you feel about it? Personally as far as wellbutrin went I didn't notice a difference until I stopped taking it and then I felt blue, not so much depressed but blue (if that makes sense?). Thanks!
  7. clovermeg

    Wellbutrin to Celexa Switchero

    Well, I switched to Celexa and right now I am REALLY tired, I guess that's a side effect. I hope it goes away soon, I can't stop yawwwwwwwwning! What I'm wondering is, when I have my surgery will I still be able to take pain meds like vicodin or whatever they give me? I'll also need something before the surgery to calm me down, do you think I can take something? When I went to www.drugdigest.com it said that pain meds and celexa can interact but it didn't say how!
  8. clovermeg

    Wellbutrin to Celexa Switchero

    Thanks for all your responses. I hope it works too! At my psych eval she told me I was elevated on the depression scale....well DUH. I told her I'm depressed because I'm F-A-T! I don't think she found it funny! I realize that's only part of my depression, but I know it's a big part that messes with self-confidence so I'm looking forward to have this weight off my shoulders (literally & figuratively) and eventually not needing medicine!
  9. clovermeg

    Hi! I am new just had my Lapband today

    Hey Diver! CONGRATULATIONS! I used to live in Hobart! Now I live in South Cackylacky..... The South sure has taken some getting used to! In any case I am waiting on insurance approval and hope to be on my way no later than October!
  10. clovermeg

    Pysc Eval

    I have a Master's in Psych and from what I've learned and researched is basically the MMPI questions, taken individually at face value, have no relevance whatsoever. HOWEVER, they have found that certain responses to all of these questions are more prevalent in individuals with certain disorders. Each and EVERY (WOW!) item has been validated thousands of times. It is a highly reliable, if not the most reliable, test for personality disorders and other issues such as depression. There are items on the MMPI designed to make sure you are not lying...(for instance, "I have never told a lie.") No one can honestly say this is true because we were all children and we all did it at LEAST once. (When I tell my child about Santa I'm lying... ) So, if you took the MMPI, it can't be disputed. The pupose of it, I believe, is to determine whether or not you are able to fully understand the responsiblity of the surgery (i.e. it is a tool not a magic wand) and that you have the ability to stick with it....certain personality disorders would not be able to comprehend this. Additionally if you have a major mental illness such as major depressive disorder or something...it wouldn't necessarily rule you out but would need to be stable and under treatment before surgery. All this being said, I'm supposed to get my MMPI results tomorrow....
  11. clovermeg

    Pysc Eval

    My psych. requires WLS candidates take the MMPI...which there's no way to "fake." The very first item was, "I enjoy mechanics magazines." My favorite was, "I wish I were a girl, or if you are a girl you enjoy being a girl." Heck YES I enjoy being a girl wouldn't trade it for the world....cramps and all!
  12. clovermeg

    need help menu planning

    Rachel Ray also has a 30 minute healthy cookbook. I love her and I really do cook her meals in 30 minutes or less! [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1400082536/sr=1-2/qid=1154615449/ref=pd_bbs_2/103-6712749-2823020?ie=UTF8&s=books]http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1400082536/sr=1-2/qid=1154615449/ref=pd_bbs_2/103-6712749-2823020?ie=UTF8&s=books[/ame]
  13. clovermeg

    Does Insurance Cover Fills?

    Is there some kind of procedure code for fills? My surgeon's office includes the first year's worth of fills, but after that they're $100/each and they don't file with insurance. I was just wondering if I could file it on my own?
  14. clovermeg

    Pre-band Eating Like Crazy!!!

    Oh my goodness!!! I am RIGHT in the middle of this too! I don't have a surgery date yet or insurance approval!! But as soon as I decided to have this done I have been on a crazy eating fest. I had my pre-op surgeon visit a week ago, my psych evaluation was this afternoon. The dr office said they will be sending out my insurance letter when they get my psych results which should be next week. They said once I get the approval I can set a date....I figured at that time I would buckle down. I think I'm just trying to get this out of my system....knowing I won't be able to swallow McD's french fries and krispy kremes....
  15. clovermeg

    Today Show Lap Band Special

    It was definitely VGB that they referred to and 40% (4 out of 10 complication rate) that CANNOT be the lap band....I don't even think the slip rate is that high!
  16. clovermeg

    Big momentary scare!

    When I was about 8 I went to an ice cream shop and got BLUE superman ice cream.....I thought for sure I was dying.....when everything in the toilet was blue.....I've never seen my mom laugh so hard!
  17. clovermeg

    diet coke

    I was told by my doctor that you shouldn't drink caffenated drinks. It doesn't matter if I drink caffeine-free diet coke....but it's the caffeine he's worried about b/c it makes people eat more. I also heard this from my Weight Watchers counselor.
  18. clovermeg

    not losing

    Which band do you have? I can't imagine that your eating habits haven't changed at all if you have a 3.1 fill (unless it's a VG band)....I mean the other band you would be way tight, it seems, you should talk this over with your doctor and a dietician.
  19. clovermeg

    favorite protien drink

    I went to the Archives of Surgery and found the article, there is ONLY ONE....the newspaper report makes it sound like there were MANY studies done....but everything he or she references is from the same article. I sent the writer an email.....I wonder if I'll get a reply????
  20. clovermeg

    how can this be happening

    Also, I think Gatorade has salt in it, so it will help you retain water...
  21. If no one responded because I somehow offended someone, I apologize, but it's a serious question... This is going to sound strange....but, can I still drink alcohol (in an excessive amount) if I am banded? There is this horserace/party that I go to once a year and that's what it's all about. This is the only time I drink EVER, and I want to know if I have to give this up?
  22. Thanks guys you are awesom!!! I'm not banded yet. My first Dr's appt is Monday at 9:30 AM. The race is in April, so I'm hoping that will be 8 or 9 months out from the band! We drink vodka mainly, Jello shots, never beer! It's one of those things where you dress in your Sunday best and get completely snockered!!! It's quite fun to watch the drunks, but more fun to be one! This wasn't going to affect my decision not to get banded, but just wanted to know!!!
  23. clovermeg

    Lapband process

    My doctor's appointment is Monday (7/17) at 9:30...so I'll update you after that!!
  24. clovermeg

    Lapband process

    Ok, I'm a newbie here and feeling a little overwhelmed...and don't really know where to post this.....so Does anyone have any insight as to what I should expect at the seminar & first Dr. appt? What I mean is if my insurance covers the procedure and I've met my deductible, will I have to pay anything upfront? Also do you know if I will have to obtain medical records from past doctors? I mean I could go back to when I was 10, 19 years ago and I'm positive it says "overweight kid." I have Carefirst BCBS, basically federal. I'm just wondering what to expect???? :eek: Thanks in advance.
  25. clovermeg

    Have You Been Sick...

    Since you had the lapband, and if so, how was it? I know this is a wierd question but...I'm contemplating the lapbad and was curious as to what would happen if I had a stomach virus and needed to toss my Cookies? Would it just not come up? Would I choke?

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