Hi its my first time on here and I just wanted to do something like this for awhile join a place where I can talk and learn from others that had the surgery ok well I got the band on 12/02/2008 when I got the surgery I was 309 today I wieghed myself and I am at 270 so I am happy but even though I am eating less I still do eat stuff I should not and also since my last tighting I am like getting food stuck in like my chest or something and it feels awful is anyone feeling like this and if so what do you guys do I went to MIAMI a week ago and gut a piece of food stuck and that was the worse but I could not make myself vomit is it a good idea to do that just in case I get something stuck worse or should I go to er and also I have been chewing my food but it still happens. thanks I hope all people out there are doing good with there band