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LAP-BAND Patients
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About cydaisy

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  • Birthday 08/08/1966
  1. Happy 47th Birthday cydaisy!

  2. Happy 46th Birthday cydaisy!

  3. Hi there Crime Kitty, I love that you guys are doing this together. What a great support system! I understand the insurance thing. I have my consultation today, but I already know I have to start the 6 mos. doctor supervised weight loss program before insurance will pay for banding, soooo I guess I am a long way off. Baby steps is the way to go. good luck to both of you and keep me informed on how you are doing. All of these stories are so inspirational that is helps me to keep going even though it will be a while.

  4. Hi Cydaisy: My daughter and I are doing the banding together. She has her surgery date for June, 2009. I don't have a date yet. Different insurances are having different requirements. I am 65 years old and I have had a kidney transplant. My transplant doctor is sending me to the Bariatric clinic at Ohio State University. Hopefully this will be the answer to most of my problems: diabetic, high BP, high cholestrol, sleep apnea and depression. We have done a lot of research on banding and decided to try it together this summer.

  5. cydaisy

    Hi Everyone I'm new

    Can I ask a question? Did you have to pay for the 6 months supervised diet separately or does that get rolled into the overall expense of the surgury and gets covered by insurance. I don't think I can afford the 6 months. I will counting the days along with you. Good luck and thanks for the response
  6. cydaisy

    This is why I had surgery!!!!

    Congratulations on your success. I love your story and I am very inspired. I am new to this, just starting the process and new to Sparkpeople too.
  7. Hi skittlebug, I am having deja vu reading your post. I just talked with the doctors office yesterday and received the same information. It is really frustrating when you feel you have finally made your decision only to find out that it will be delayed. The person I talked to suggested a website called IBarihealth.com. They do the 6 month supervised program and get you the psychological exam so all your insurance stuff will be taken care of. The problem now is do the insurance companies cover the 6 month stuff since I am sure that is expensive. I am trying to hang in there with you. Good Luck, let me know any updates.:wub:
  8. After two years of thinking about this I have finally made some appointments for lapband surgury, only to find out that my insurance will only allow it after a 6 month, doctor supervised weight loss program. Now I will have to pay for that before I even get to the surgury part. Yikes! I hope I can stick it out....already feeling overwhelmed....anyone else have to jump thru hoops??:wub:

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