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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Okay - so I stepped on the scale and I'm UP 3.0 lbs.???? I reweighed 3x since I couldn't believe my eyes and then my heart sunk to my toes ... still lodged there I believe. The only thing I can even think it might be is the Soup I had for dinner last night. I've never liked Soups for the fact they have way to much sodium in them for my tastes; however, I didn't notice that with last night's dinner (and today's lunch). Although this morning my fingers are swollen and my rings are tight, so I am guessing it's from the sodium. So I don't know if I should weigh once a week, take a knife and slash my wrists (only kidding on this), sit down and cry or what !?! Anyone else have this problem post-op? :tongue_smilie: :sad0:
  2. Well, we're glad you're here and I definitely don't envy you at all on the moving, packing, downsizing issue.
  3. Malaika

    My new best "aid"

    So I didn't take any benadryl and I didn't have a coughing fit and I slept all night. Maybe my body is finally get back into "normal" whatever that may be ... still have the sensitive nose and everything tastes sickening sweet that I enjoyed before surgery.
  4. FINALLY -- I SLEPT LAST NIGHT!!!! I've been having an issue with excessive mucus and been in contact with Dr. Aceves and apparently this is a very uncommon problem with sleevers (Leave it to me!). Within 5 minutes of lying down -- not flat on my back mind you but with 2 pillows or even in a semi-upright position, I would get this tickle in my throat and start coughing and cough up phlem (sorry to be so graphic). So, on top of already not sleeping, partly because of this cough, my throat stayed constantly raw. Dr. Aceves told me to take my nexium, which I have been doing, and not to eat or DRINK 3 hours before bedtime. I don't eat 3 hours before bedtime, so not a problem; however, not drinking for 3 hours is awful as I am sooooo thirsty all the time. He also told me to take liquid benadryl. Well, I did that last night and for the first time since I've been home, I only had 1 small coughing fit and I slept all night from midnight until 8 am this morning. OMG did it feel so good. And, my throat is barely sore at all this morning. I will be taking benadryl again tonight and I hope and pray it has the same results - no coughing fits and hours of restful sleep. Just had to share!!!!
  5. Malaika

    Got an ice-Cream Maker?

    Well I remembered last night that I had made the ice cream -- too late for me to eat any before bed; however DF did have some. He said "this isn't bad" and ate the cup I had given him. In getting ready for bed, he said he really liked it. I said good. Does it need something or not need something. He said he wished it was sweeter; however the carmel flavor was perfect. So this morning I get up, get the cup out of the freezer I fixed for me last night, take one or two bites and that's it -- it's so darn SWEET I can't eat anymore. I'm BUMMED :tongue_smilie: So I guess he gets the rest of this flavor and I'm off to discovery something else that's not quite so sweet ... maybe Ruthi's tofu find ...
  6. Malaika

    Hello from Sunny California!!

    Elisabeth - you send your rain to Las Vegas and I'll send you some of our sun. I can't even remember the last time it rained here ... and we're already over 100 in temp and summer only officially started on Saturday.
  7. Malaika

    Dr.Rodriguez- Juarez ,Mexico??

    This is true - if you don't feel comfortable with your choice, then obviously you've made the wrong choice. As long as you have researched, researched and researched some more and you are okay with all of his stats, prices, etc., then that is all that matters. YOU have to be comfortable with it, not anyone else. As WASa says, what works for some doesn't work for others, and vice versa. Good luck with your surgery and taking your life back.
  8. Malaika

    I luv my sleeve

    It is a bit crazy but amazing, isn't it????
  9. WELCOME *SUSAN* - I'd been wondering where you were :tongue_smilie: Hope your suggestion works for Becki - she's really having a rough go of it.:sad0:
  10. I guess I'm confused at your story -- you said you've already had gastric bypass? I thought that was the most radical of surgeries. Or, perhaps I'm missing something and those more experienced will have a better idea of what you are referring to. WELCOME to VST regardless.
  11. Malaika

    100+ club

    That is absolutely FANTASTIC! Congrats!
  12. Malaika

    My new best "aid"

    I'm going to try to go without it tonight and see what happens...if the coughing starts, then I'll get up and take 1/2 dose and see how that works.
  13. Malaika

    I'm so livid (venting)

    Oh yeah -- I LIKE that idea ALOT
  14. Malaika

    Great New Find

    I got the coolest book at Borders the other night -- just started thumbing through it more thoroughly this morning. It is entitled The Complete Book of food Counts - The Book that Counts it All. It is by Corinne T. Netzer. The cost was $7.99 (plus I had a 40% off coupon). It counts everything -- Calories, Proteins, Carbs, Cholesterol, Sodim, Fat and Fiber. Not only does it have generic descriptions - i.e. Peanut Butter. It has named-brand listed as well - i.e. Jif - Jif Creamy, Jif Crunchy, Jif Extra-Crunch, Jif to Go, Jif Reduced Fat, Simply Jif. It also has counts for foods purchased at restaurants, i.e., Panera Bread, Taco Bell, etc. It's nearly 1000 pages and a bit larger than what I would consider "pocket-sized" however, it could fit in a large purse. There's also several blank pages in the back for notes. I believe it will come in incredibly handy for preparing menus, etc. I also purchased The Ultimate Pocket Diet Journal by Alex Lluch. The cost on this was $9.95 (again I had a 40% off coupon) and each 2-page has room for the date, weight, and a place to list the information on what you had for Breakfast, lunch, evening, Snacks and a daily total. Plus there is a small chart for Daily Physical Activities, Vitamins/Supplments intake, what your energy level was and your Water intake. (They also give you 120 little gold stars that read "I did it!" and a place on the journal pages to place the star with the words Daily Goals Achieved. In the front of the book there is a weight-loss progress chart, a section for notes, and "Nutritional Facts on Popular Food Items" which containc the cal, fat, Protein, cabs and fats. It is quite small and will fit perfectly in a purse. Everything I've read indicates you do better if you keep track of what you eat -- and having been on WW I find that is true - it makes you more aware of what you are putting into your mouth and whether it's worth it. Thought I'd share.
  15. Malaika

    Great New Find

    I think for me the journal will be easier than going to the Daily Plate as I can't get there while I am at work. This I can carry with me and write it down as I eat it ... or don't eat it when I see where I am at for the day ... if that makes sense.
  16. Malaika

    New to this site

    Ruthi lives in So. Cal -- OregonDaisy is in Oregon, but not sure where. She's here a lot - you might even find her in the chat room right now. I'm trying to get there, but there's too many posts tonight ... it was so much easier to keep up with when I wasn't working ... go figure!
  17. Malaika

    Diet off track

    I realize that; however if trying to stick under 30 gms of carbs, and there's 10 in the yogurt, that to me seems like a lot for the size of the container.
  18. Malaika

    Tape and incisions

    It does get easier Deb, really, it does ... I know exactly how you feel ... and I'm a bit better than Beckie in that I didn't have to live on popsicles for the first 10 days; however, I can't get down a lot at a time either ... that is why I didn't worry about the 2 oz in 15 minutes ... it takes me at least that.
  19. Malaika

    Diet off track

    What is a good yogurt -- every one I look at seems to have a lot of carbs.
  20. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    Oh I am sure I will drop down to slow ... I am sure this weight loss is mostly fluids, so I'm not putting too much emphasis on it. I know the hard work is in front of me.
  21. Malaika

    Sleeved and lovin' it

    Welcome to the site -- you'll will definitely be an asset. Congrats on your weight loss too!
  22. Malaika

    NEW---But not

    And he has been there for it all ... and has been SO SUPPORTIVE, even when I know I'm being a bit cranky. You're a great guy honey. I'm glad you were there to go through it all with me.:confused1:
  23. Don't spend too much pre-op - you may not like any of it post-op and you'll feel up to going out to get what you want/need ... plus you need to walk, walk, walk.
  24. What's it doing hanging in your closet - get it out where you can see it daily instead of having to think about it!
  25. Malaika


    WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU ... LET'S PARTY!!!! :confused1: Big HUGE hugs to you my friend!

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