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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    Jell-O Shooters a HIT!!

    Walmart didn't have any SF ones -- I looked. Either did Albertsons or Smith's - at least not in those flavors ... I'll check Von's -- I think it's a Safeway ... Thanks
  2. Malaika

    Rate your liquids

    A watched pot never boils ... our USPS at it's finest
  3. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves :-)

    You'd better be careful -- she's liable to reach out and smack you! LOL
  4. Malaika

    Exercise does NOT increase metabolism??

    I know that if I only diet or if I only exercise, I don't lose much weight -- however, with the combination of the two -- watching what I eat and exercising 6-7 days a week for at least 90 minutes that people I work with could tell a difference between a Friday and a Monday ... I hope to get back to that routine in the very near future. I need a new wardrobe :shocked4:
  5. Malaika

    I was here first!!!

    Maybe we need a forum entitled "Steve's threads" that way he'll always be first in that forum :shocked4:
  6. Malaika

    Dealing with Anxiety

    I spend all evening trying to catch up on the all the new posts ... not time to eat ... It was so much easier to keep caught up when I wasn't at work ... go figure! I also intend to get back to counted cross stitching and scrapbooking.
  7. I think that depends on who is doing your surgery. My hospital stay was 3 days - surgery on Friday morning - discharged on Monday morning. I've heard others who were only in the hospital 1 day. That I would not have liked at all. 3 days in the hospital and 3 different leak tests.
  8. Hi and welcome. You won't feel the staples. I have anti-naseau (sp.?) medication and pain medication and sleeping shot the first night. The 2nd night, I just had the sleeping shot. I never really experienced any tremendous pain at all -- not like I expected having never had surgery... the incisions feel like small bruises. The drain bag site, for me, was very tender, however, not intolerable. Just caused me to move a bit slower. Ruthi and I were up walking around outside on Saturday - our surgery was on Friday. I think Ruthi could have walked a mile; me, not so much, but I did walk to the pharmacy every day and then around the hospital. Trust me, the pain is minimal in the scope of things ... I sprained my ankle and it hurt a helluva alot worse than anything I experienced with my surgery.
  9. Malaika

    Lapbander HERE!!!

    Steve is our HONORARY sleeve brother.
  10. Would LOVE to see those pics RB - we didn't get very much at all on the NW side.
  11. I could have gone back to work, sooner, too ... however, I had some intestinal "issues" and thought I'd better stick close to a bathroom ... I probably could have gone back on Wed or Thurs. I also had the left shoulder blade pain that moved around to just under my left boob the next day -- I just kept a heating pad on it when I wasn't off walking and that seemed to help alot.
  12. The drain came out on Sunday -- it was still a tender spot afterwards, but not as bad as when the drain was in -- not everyone has a problem with that either, it was my spot. It remained sore for about 8-9 days and each day it was less sore -- today it doesn't hurt at all.
  13. Malaika

    New and Excited

    Welcome!!! Hang around, you'll get to love us all ... and who knows, you might even get those fingers itchin' to type. Congrats on getting your surgery date and making your decision. You at least have to keep us posted on your progress
  14. Malaika

    My Weird Food

    I heard the Italian restaurant was all that great. Ruthi and I ate at the Mexican Restaurant - the one right across from check-in. It was wonderful... I had salmon with mushrooms, artichoke and some type of sauce. We also had some great bread. We both ordered Iced Tea -- however, be warned, it is much more like lemonade with a splash of tea added. We were tired by the time we got there, our pre-op tests/meetings took longer than expected ... we did go out walking a little after that -- if you walk out the front doors of the lobby and hang a right - on the opposite side of the road, down a bit, are all kinds of restaurants if you don't want to eat at the Resort ... prices at the resort were very reasonable.
  15. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    That's very interesting Steve - thanks for sharing ... now I will go to bed a little less stupid tonight ... and that's always a good thing! I know on the carb addicts diet they tell you to weigh every day and chart it and then take the loss/gains at the end of the week and divide by 7 to get your average weight loss ... maybe I'll do that and then I won't have to listen to those voices in my head ...
  16. OMG -- that's too funny -- and I can pretty much attest to the fact that it's highly unlikely you'll get snowed in in July -- at least in Las Vegas ... You must have been here in December -- I've lived in Las Vegas for 13 years, it's snowed accumulative snow 4 times with last December being the worst snow "storm" My son lived in Henderson at the time and they actually got 6"! I can understand your apprehension in flying after that and wanting to be prepared. Funny thing - the DJs on my radio were just saying this morning if you had to get stuck at an airport for longer than anticipated - Las Vegas is the airport to get stuck in -- you can eat, gamble and shop and never leave the terminal.
  17. Malaika

    My date is set!

    WELCOME and good for you -- it will be easier, too, for you to get through the clear and full liquids if you're not working and having to worry about what to take to eat that day. You'll love Dr. Aceves. I'm sure if WASa invited you she's already filled your ears full with how wonderful Dr. Aceves and his staff are -- I can attest to that fact too!
  18. My surgery was on June 12th, a Friday, and I went back to work the following Friday. I sit most of the day, too, so you should tolerate it well. This is the first majory surgery I've ever had, so I can't compare it to anything else. However, truly the only place I hurt was where the drain bag was - other than that, nothing hurt. Welcome to the site and hope you get answers to your questions.
  19. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    So I took the advice of the majority and avoided the scale this morning ... although it was there, in the kitchen, calling my name :tongue_smilie: I resisted the urge. It will only be an issue in the morning, as I have never had a desire to weigh in the afternoon/evening. So now I will need to quiet those voices in my head saying "weigh, weigh. You know you want to..."
  20. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves :-)

    WOW ... the more and more I read, the more and more thankful I am that I did NOT go with the band.
  21. WHAT??? You were in Las Vegas and didn't let me know? I'm so hurt ... :tongue_smilie: I know exactly how you feel expressing all that hits you at the LV airport ... We drove home and a few of the places we stopped had donuts - my weakness (pastries) and I had a few of the same thoughts as to "what have I done?" Also, I wouldn't worry too much about having a ton of Protein, as you'll be limited to sipping about 2 oz. every 15 minutes and you may not even feel like that. Our trip home was about 6 hours and I truly didn't feel all that wonderful. Granted, I didn't prepare very well - and didn't have any protein with me. We ended up stopping at a Big Boy in Baker and I got some vegetable Soup (mostly broth) and nursed that the rest of the way home. I think if you have a couple SpecialK packets and have acess to Water, you'll be fine on the trip home. Hard to imagine now, I am sure, that you aren't going to be able to drink a couple of bottles of water; my guess, you'll be lucky to get through even one bottle. As for Dr. Aceves -- I agree with Size7
  22. What exactly is a DS? I know what it stands for, I just don't know what type of surgery it is.:tongue_smilie:
  23. Malaika


    Tiffykins can sure attest to that statement - can't you?
  24. Well that sucks ... maybe I'll have mine at lunch tomorrow ...
  25. Malaika

    Jell-O Shooters a HIT!!

    I would LOVE to find SF Rootbeer and banana popsicles - those are my abosute favorite. Wonder if I could buy SF Rootbeer, let it set until it goes flat and then make my own? .... Now, how would I get banana? Sure ... for a little while, not too long, I'm really sleepy tonight. Meet you there in a few minutes?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
