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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    My Weird Food

    They had really awesome guacomole and chips in the bar too ... probably could have made my entire meal on those alone!
  2. That and the fact that the restroom was close to your office ... right? That is why I stayed home an extra day -- was afraid I might not make it in time at the office.:001_tt2:
  3. Malaika

    New to this site

    I truly hope mine doesn't fall out -- I haven't noticed any more hair in my brush than before the surgery. My hair, as I get older, has gotten curlier ... the last time I got it styled, my gal said "Where is all this curl coming from?" I like a bit of curl as my hair is very straight and very thick. She has to texturize it everytime she cuts it so I don't look like I stuck my finger in a light socket. I would take advantage of the curl -- just put a bit of moose in your hair, scrunch it with your fingers and let it air dry ... later if you want, you can pic it out a bit. I HATE messing with my hair so for me, the easier the better. The style I have now is pretty much wash and wear which suits me to a T!
  4. Malaika

    Come in and chat with me!

    Yes, I remember you said he was going to be there, so figured you were spending time with him. It appeared I missed Steve. Oh well, there's always tonight. Although I don't know when I'll be online - my daughter-in-law and grandson are coming over for dinner.
  5. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    I wondered the same thing when I was ready all the posts before my surgery. I wouldn't say that I really crave it, it is more a matter of it tasting so good -- actual flavor you know. I didn't know about the ricotta or cottage cheese - I have some cottage cheese, so maybe I'll try that ... of course, I have to buy more soup now ...thanks for the head's up! Do you add it before you heat the soup or afterwards?
  6. Malaika

    Dealing with Anxiety

    LOL ... too funny. I do really large projects and love it - got away from it when I started having trouble seeing ... now I have glasses and will actually be able to see the squares, I'd like to get back to it. In all the years I have done CCS I've never kept anything for myself - it's always been gifts. I'd say after 20 years, you may never finish it ... just a guess!
  7. Malaika

    Vitamin D

    I think I will order this kit for me and for my DF -- he craves (and eats) sweets like crazy ... I told him I recently heard he may have a Vitamin D deficiency. He's considering have the sleeve -- does Dr. Aceves blood tests include a rating on Vitamin D? Any idea of that Wasa?
  8. Thanks for this tip -- I am sitting here drinking my coffee with my Atkins shake in it (not all of it mind you) and it's just the right "sweet" Dang, Daisy, just the thought of adding stevia to my Protein Drink wants to make me gag! Do you use the entire package or the suggested serving size of 1/2 package? I like stevia better than splenda or sweet-n-low, but 1/2 pkg is definitely enought for me.
  9. Those are great idea! I know she lived on SF Popsicles at least her first 5 days home ... that was the only thing she could get down. I want everything to be super cold too and before surgery didn't care - if it was wet, I'd drink it. Now, the colder the better. Only problem is, I'm so tight in the morning, that I can't get anything cold down -- have to stick with hot until about 10 am.
  10. Malaika

    New and Excited

    Questions? You'll have questions? Ask away -- everyone here has questions and if you can't get an answer here, I don't know where else you possible could.
  11. Malaika

    UK Sleevers

    Dang girl you've really been through the wringer ... I hope and pray things are only positive for you from here on out.
  12. I'll give it a try -- I know I am not getting in anywhere near the protein ... I can't stand anything that is even the least bit sweet -- fruit seems to be okay -- well at least the watermelon - it hasn't been too sweet the tiny bit I have had.
  13. Well, hadn't thought of that -- how much do you use cause it doesn't take much to be over sweet for me.
  14. Malaika

    totally confused

    You need to have a GI and bloodwork done in 3 months -- you can go back to Dr. Aceves, or you can have your PCP take care of it. I may go back; however my PCP has agreed to any follow-up that might be needed.
  15. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    LOL ... I love watermelon ... I used a potato masher to sort of get mine into small pieces ... I'm too full now and it's too late so I'll try and remember to eat it tomorrow at lunch.
  16. Malaika

    Come in and chat with me!

    Where is everyone -- I'm in the chat room and no one is there!!!
  17. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    Well today I actually felt real hunger for the first time since surgery -- does that mean my sleeve is healing? I'm still having a very difficult time getting in all my protein; however, am not doing too bad on my fluids. Last night I made low sodium tomato Soup with the Hemp milk I got at Whole Foods. It was okay but sure didn't taste like the tomato soup I was hoping for. So tonight at Sam's I picked up some fat free milk and made another can ... and yuuummmmmy ... it tastes SO GOOD! I know there's not much Protein there, but it was still good nonetheless. I think that once I get to mushies, I'll do better with the protein ... at least then I can have eggs and cheese ... RIGHT?
  18. Malaika

    Tape and incisions

    WOO HOO -- all the tape is off and the incisions look pretty good -- bit of bruising around some of them but that's not unusual for me -- I bruise easily because I'm so fair skinned. Now once my tummy clears up from where the bandaid I had over my drain incision -- I'm allergic to the adhesive, I may not look so much like I got in a knife fight! Once the scabs are gone, I'm going to get some of that prefer-on and see if it helps the scars like so many claim.
  19. How long are you supposed to leave the tape over your incisions. I know some take them off soon after surgery; however, I haven't removed any of them. One this morning was hanging by a thread so I did remove it; however the others seem fairly secure and in no danger of coming off anytime soon. Am I suppose to leave them on and let them come of as they are ready or take them off at a certain time. I know Nina's mom (WHAT THE HECK IS HER NAME, I CAN'T RECALL) said to keep the incision where the drain was covered for 15 days. Wondering if that is the same for the others. I put a bandaid over the one that came off this morning- wondering if that is necessary.
  20. Finally, something that tastes good and went down easily -- tomato Soup made with milk ( low sodium variety). I tried an Atkins shake this morning and between 8 and 11:30 I was able to get down about 1/3 of it ... then just looking at it made me want to puke. Tried to take my pills tonight (I forgot this morning) and mixed the powder in with some SF pudding ...about 3 bites was all I could tolerate -- to sweet. Maybe this surgery has cured me of my desire for sweets - just like OregonDaisy's craving of ice cream. That would be okie dokie for me. How are you doing Eyfura???
  21. Malaika

    I'm home!!!!!!!!

    Too funny -- I thought that was the pic you were saying was a good pic because it gave people an idea of what the unit looked like ... HA I think the ones Size7 or DebKing posted REALLY give you a good look at the room and the unit. Glad you finally figured out why he looked so familiar! :shocked4:
  22. Malaika

    Rate your liquids

    I've heard that Prefer-on, which you can get at Walgreens, works as well if not better than Mederma I LOVE LOVE LOVE bareminerals. Did you know you can order it from Ulta.com too? It's the same price as QVC and a lot of times they offer free shipping. Our USPS isn't much better -- Bob had a change of adress in when we separated -- he put in another one just last week -- his mail is going from my the sender to (our) address to his (old) address and then back to our address again ... he finally went to the PO -- the problem was the first change of address was still in effect and the second one didn't cancel out the first one ... duh!
  23. Malaika

    I'm a tick

    Did you email Gaby and ask her? Lemon in the Water does work btw - at least for me -- plus gives it a little bit of flavor and change from plain water.
  24. I know it would DEFINITELY be a concern for me.
  25. Malaika

    Jell-O Shooters a HIT!!

    Okay - I finally found something to make Isopuke taste better -- I made Jell-O shooters. I had purchased the Raspberry Ice (or something like that) -- it was NASTY NASTY NASTY! So, when I was at the grocery today, I purchased some sugar free Jell-O. One of the flavors I bought was Raspberry. I boiled water, used 1-1/2 C of water (instead of the 2 C called for) mixed it with the Jell-O, then added the bottle of Isopuke. Mixed it up and poured it into little quiche size pans with cupcake liners and put in fridge to set-up. THEY ARE WONDERFUL!! I bought the pans (foil) at Albertsons and they came with the liners - I think it was right around $4. I'll have to buy more liners, but the pans are reusable. So the Jello-O is 0 carbs, 0 sugar and 1g protein. 80 calories for the entire box (10 cals for 1/8 of box). The Isopuke has 40 gms of protein. It made 36 of the 'quiches' with about 1 C left over. Now, I'm not quite sure how to figure out what each 'quiche' would be but I do know that they go down easy and taste good and I can see myself eating several throughout the day so I will at least be getting in more protein than I have been. Something is better than nothing at this point in my recovery, right?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
